{meta} Agenda item - South Central Area Matters

Agenda item

1.    Naming & Numbering Proposal for a new residential development known as ‘Cherry Orchard Point’, Dublin 10.  Planning Ref: ABP-318607-23.

2.    Presentation on Dublin City Council’s new Local Economic & Community Plan.

3.    Part 8 - 2nd Notification – Donore Harriers Flood Lighting.

4.    Notification of Initiation of Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended).  Proposed development of new library on the site of the former Ardscoil Éanna, Crumlin Road.  For information purposes only.

5.    Proposal to initiate the procedure to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over the laneway adjacent to Thomas Street, Swan Alley, Dublin 8.

6.    Report on CCTV Cameras.

7.    Director of Services Report.



1.    Naming & Numbering Proposal for a new residential development known as ‘Cherry Orchard Point’, Dublin 10.  Planning Ref: ABP-318607-23.

2.    Presentation on Dublin City Council’s new Local Economic & Community Plan.

3.    Part 8 - 2nd Notification – Donore Harriers Flood Lighting.

4.    Notification of initiation of Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended).  Proposed development of new library on the site of the former Ardscoil Éanna, Crumlin Road.  For information purposes only.

5.    Proposal to initiate the procedure to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over the laneway adjacent to Thomas Street, Swan Alley, Dublin 8.

6.    Report on CCTV Cameras.

7.    Director of Services Report.

Order:  1.  Agreed.

             2.  Presentation Noted. 

             3.  Noted.  Recommend to Council.

             4.  Noted.

             5.  Noted.

             6.  Postponed.

             7.  Report Noted.


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