{meta} Agenda item - North Central Area Managers' Report

Agenda item


Order:  Noted.  Cllr. Lyons/Gilliland requested that a report be circulated to the members prior to the September NCAC on follow on actions by Waste Management in relation to the 20 tonnes of illegally dumped waste removed from the Newtown/Malahide Road Industrial Estate.  The report to include full details of the illegal dumping, any preventative measures (CCTV etc.,) put in place to ensure this doesn’t happen again and any fines issued or prosecutions pending.  Derek Farrell stated that he will relay this request to Waste Management, however, there are issues here in retaining a turning circle for the businesses and dumping here is an ongoing issue.  Cllr. O’Toole thanked Derek Farrell for the quick response in removing dumping from Darndale Park.


Cllr. Lyons also commended the community team, Martina McHugh & Sheila Duffy for their reports and great work in the area & the ongoing work of Dympna McCann with the IOG.


Cllr. Cooney welcomed the work that Bernie Roe & Sheila Duffy have done on progressing the installation of the donated sensory garden for the CRC.  However, in relation to the provision of new planters, she is concerned that the social enterprise element of supporting PACE will be lost, if we procure planters elsewhere and is keen to retain the services of PACE in this regard.  Derek Farrell stated that we will be procuring planters from a variety of suppliers and there isn’t a policy formalised as yet.  Cllr. Gilliland requested clarification on whether or not the social enterprise element is considered as part of the procurement process.


Both Cllrs. Cooney & Heney thanked Ms. Joanne O’Sullivan for her work in progressing the installation of the new style triple capacity recycling bins on the promenade which Cllr. Heney had requested under the NCA Discretionary Fund.  Cllr. Heney also commended the work of Sheila Duffy and noted the “team spirit” evident in all of the staff of the North Central Area Office.  She also thanked the Parks Department & all NCA staff involved with the tremendous success that was the St. Anne’s Rose Festival.  Cllr. O’Toole echoed this and thanked the Irish Office for their very positive promotion of the Irish language throughout the festival.  Cllr. Gilliland requested that Fergus O’Carroll send an email to all his team, thanking them on behalf of the North Central Area Committee, for this wonderful event.


Cllr. MacDonncha commended NCA staff on the swift response to the issue of illegal dumping at Kilbarrack Dart Station that he raised at the last meeting.  He requested that the new design submitted for the Killester Memorial Garden be circulated to the members.


Cllr. O’Muirí raised the issue of grass verges once again as they continue to be problematic for the area and requested a realistic update on same. Cllr. Gilliland stated that we need to prioritise main roads in relation to the verges.  Fergus O’Carroll stated that this is an ongoing mapping exercise and if councillors have any specific areas in mind, to email them to parks@dublincity.ie and they will be relayed to the contractors.


Cllr. Gilliland also asked for the policy on the locating of big belly bins in the area.  Richard Cleary stated that these are placed mainly along areas of large footfall and main thoroughfares.  Cllr. Cooney is keen that there is consultation with schools in relation to the placement of these bins, which can obscure young children crossing the road and therefore can be dangerous.  Derek Farrell stated that if Cllr. Cooney can email him with the specific details of schools that may have had this issue, he will organise to have the offending bins moved.


Cllr. Lyons requested that the total number of voids in the area at any one time be included in the reports, so that we would have a better sense of how we are doing in this regard.


Cllr. Heney welcomed the work that is being done on St. Brigid’s Court.  Pat Smith confirmed that we are working on the refurbishment of all of the senior citizen complexes in his area and that we are still using PACE for wheelchair accessible picnic tables, for these complexes.




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