Motion1 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
That Dublin City Council and the South East Area Office will ensure that the Parks Department and Irishtown Stadium work together to increase the playing and training capacity for young people and adults seeking to engage in sporting activities locally.
Further, that the Parks Department and the stadium will outline to the Area Committee in detail the plans they currently have for addressing the acute capacity shortage and expanding capacity in advance of the high density development of the Glass Bottle Site which will heap more pressure on capacity in Ringsend, which also serves much of the inner city.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
Recognizing the related impact of the urgent requirements for flood protection measures along Sandymount and Merrion Strand – incorporating an extended promenade to Irishtown Nature Park, the desire for the a cycleway route along same and the need to tackle the ongoing and unacceptable pollution of the beach along this area and the need for an integrated approach to all of these issues, this Committee requests the Chief Executive to initiate the establishment of a task force that would enable an integrated plan and work programme to be implemented and involving all statutory bodies that have a role in these matters.
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That the Roads Department engage with the SEAC to discuss the standard of maintenance of footpaths necessary, to maintain a safe standard for pedestrians especially older and disabled people who may be unsteady on their feet.
Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
That a full repair of Leahy’s Terrace, Sandymount road surface be included in a future works programme. It is full of potholes.
Motion 5 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
That this area committee, in line with the ongoing documentation of the history and heritage of Dublin City through bronze footpath plaques such as those in place across the city including the South East Area (South Anne Street, South King St, Kildare St, Grafton St, Molesworth St, Donor Ave, O Connell Street, Sackville St, Moore St, Westmoreland St, Dame St, to name a few) agrees that DCC southside roads should facilitate the Cabra Historical Society in the placing of a plaque outside the birth place of Irish National Invincible Tim Kelly at 12 Redmond's Hill.
Motion 6 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
This Committee seeks a report on the works at the Beach Road/Sean Moore Road junction and why this has commenced prior to the current Strand Road Court case being finalised; further, this Committee requests the data which underpins the assumption by the City Council that the closure of the left slip lane at this location will not contribute to congestion and a time series analysis which demonstrates the impact, or supposed lack of impact, of the closure of the left slip lane off Sean Moore road towards Strand Road, to be presented at the September meeting.--
Motion 7 from Councillor Claire O’Connor
This Committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue Lower in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents due not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas like there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished.
Motion 8 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That double yellow lines be installed on Grosvenor Lane at the entrance to Cathal Brugha GAA pitch. The level of parking is so heavy that it is dangerous for young footballers trying to access the gates of the pitch.
Motion 9 from Councillor Mary Freehill
In recognition of the active HX Age Friendly group that we agree to establish a pilot area around the Harold’s Cross area to provide public seating suitable for older people taking account of height and need for arm rests and seeking best practice in relation to this seating.
Motion 10 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That the Parks Department examine public seating in Tranquilla Park on Upper Rathmines Road. I have had complaints from people who have had hip replacements that the height of the seats are too low and it is extremely difficult to stand up from the seat.
Motion 11 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That this LAC seek to set up a working group with HSE in relation to the development of their site on Terenure Road North for a Primary Care Centre. This is a great opportunity to review local health services, the activities of the senior citizens’ centre and community venues in general.
Motion 12 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to provide an update on the motion below agreed in March 2022. Can he outline the progress of discussions with Brown Thomas / Grafton Street Car Park to facilitate the pedestrianisation of South William Street?
14th March 2022
Motion 12 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee reiterates its support for the full pedestrianisation of South William Street and agrees to write to the new owners of Brown Thomas to formally request that they reverse the traffic flow from the exit of their car park towards Wicklow Street / Clarendon Street to facilitate the full pedestrianisation of South William Street.
Dublin City Council Traffic Department fully support the proposal
to write to the owners of the carpark and will engage in
discussions with the owner to try and increase the area of
pedestrianisation of South William Street. Note this carpark is now
called the “Grafton Carpark” and is not owned by the
same owners as the Brown Thomas store.
Motion 13 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to install a Bike Bunker on Cambridge Road. The following location has been proposed by local residents off the road beside Cambridge Works (https://goo.gl/maps/3QtMVFphdzbJi4im9. This would provide safe secure bike parking for the local residents who live in the terraced houses here.
Motion 14 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager can he please provide a full list of and a response to following:
o Outstanding unfinished road and pathway resurfacing projects that are due to be fixed by utility companies in the South East Inner City
o What is the status of each of these projects?
o What are the barriers to completion?
o What is being done to speed these process up to improve road and footpath surfaces in the area?
Motion 15 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to significantly ramp up street cleaning in the South East Inner City. The city is very dirty with litter and urine all over the streets.
Motion 16 from Councillor Paddy McCartan
That the area committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents do not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas line there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished.
Motion 17 from Councillor James Geoghegan
This Committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue Lower in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents due not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas like there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished
Motion 18 from Councillor James Geoghegan
That the South East Area committee agrees to introduce a clock for speaking time for councillors at our area committee meeting limited to a time period specified by the Chair for each item on the agenda and that the speaking time is rigidly enforced by the chair; that indicatively the time for speaking for each Cllr for most or all items could be limited to 90 seconds with a maximum of 2 minutes allocated for the proposer of a motion.
Motion1 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
That Dublin City Council and the South East Area Office will ensure that the Parks Department and Irishtown Stadium work together to increase the playing and training capacity for young people and adults seeking to engage in sporting activities locally.
Further, that the Parks Department and the stadium will outline to the Area Committee in detail the plans they currently have for addressing the acute capacity shortage and expanding capacity in advance of the high density development of the Glass Bottle Site which will heap more pressure on capacity in Ringsend, which also serves much of the inner city.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
Recognizing the related impact of the urgent requirements for flood protection measures along Sandymount and Merrion Strand – incorporating an extended promenade to Irishtown Nature Park, the desire for the a cycleway route along same and the need to tackle the ongoing and unacceptable pollution of the beach along this area and the need for an integrated approach to all of these issues, this Committee requests the Chief Executive to initiate the establishment of a task force that would enable an integrated plan and work programme to be implemented and involving all statutory bodies that have a role in these matters.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill taken with Motion 9
That the Roads Department engage with the SEAC to discuss the standard of maintenance of footpaths necessary, to maintain a safe standard for pedestrians especially older and disabled people who may be unsteady on their feet.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
That a full repair of Leahy’s Terrace, Sandymount road surface be included in a future works programme. It is full of potholes.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 5 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
That this area committee, in line with the ongoing documentation of the history and heritage of Dublin City through bronze footpath plaques such as those in place across the city including the South East Area (South Anne Street, South King St, Kildare St, Grafton St, Molesworth St, Donor Ave, O Connell Street, Sackville St, Moore St, Westmoreland St, Dame St, to name a few) agrees that DCC southside roads should facilitate the Cabra Historical Society in the placing of a plaque outside the birth place of Irish National Invincible Tim Kelly at 12 Redmond's Hill.
Order: Agreed and refer to Commemorations & Naming Committee.
Motion 6 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
This Committee seeks a report on the works at the Beach Road/Sean Moore Road junction and why this has commenced prior to the current Strand Road Court case being finalised; further, this Committee requests the data which underpins the assumption by the City Council that the closure of the left slip lane at this location will not contribute to congestion and a time series analysis which demonstrates the impact, or supposed lack of impact, of the closure of the left slip lane off Sean Moore road towards Strand Road, to be presented at the September meeting.--
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 7 from Councillor Claire O’Connor taken with Motions 16 and 17
This Committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue Lower in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents due not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas like there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 8 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That double yellow lines be installed on Grosvenor Lane at the entrance to Cathal Brugha GAA pitch. The level of parking is so heavy that it is dangerous for young footballers trying to access the gates of the pitch.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 9 from Councillor Mary Freehill taken with Motion 3.
In recognition of the active HX Age Friendly group that we agree to establish a pilot area around the Harold’s Cross area to provide public seating suitable for older people taking account of height and need for arm rests and seeking best practice in relation to this seating.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 10 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That the Parks Department examine public seating in Tranquilla Park on Upper Rathmines Road. I have had complaints from people who have had hip replacements that the height of the seats are too low and it is extremely difficult to stand up from the seat.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 11 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That this LAC seek to set up a working group with HSE in relation to the development of their site on Terenure Road North for a Primary Care Centre. This is a great opportunity to review local health services, the activities of the senior citizens’ centre and community venues in general.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 12 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to provide an update on the motion below agreed in March 2022. Can he outline the progress of discussions with Brown Thomas / Grafton Street Car Park to facilitate the pedestrianisation of South William Street?
14th March 2022
Motion 12 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee reiterates its support for the full pedestrianisation of South William Street and agrees to write to the new owners of Brown Thomas to formally request that they reverse the traffic flow from the exit of their car park towards Wicklow Street / Clarendon Street to facilitate the full pedestrianisation of South William Street.
Dublin City Council Traffic Department fully support the proposal
to write to the owners of the carpark and will engage in
discussions with the owner to try and increase the area of
pedestrianisation of South William Street. Note this carpark is now
called the “Grafton Carpark” and is not owned by the
same owners as the Brown Thomas store.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 13 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to install a Bike Bunker on Cambridge Road. The following location has been proposed by local residents off the road beside Cambridge Works (https://goo.gl/maps/3QtMVFphdzbJi4im9. This would provide safe secure bike parking for the local residents who live in the terraced houses here.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 14 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager can he please provide a full list of and a response to following:
o Outstanding unfinished road and pathway resurfacing projects that are due to be fixed by utility companies in the South East Inner City
o What is the status of each of these projects?
o What are the barriers to completion?
o What is being done to speed these process up to improve road and footpath surfaces in the area?
Order: Deferred to September 2022 meeting.
Motion 15 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to significantly ramp up street cleaning in the South East Inner City. The city is very dirty with litter and urine all over the streets.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 16 from Councillor Paddy McCartan taken with Motions 7 and 17.
That the area committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents do not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas line there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 17 from Councillor James Geoghegan taken with Motions 7 and 16.
This Committee resolves that Elmwood Avenue Lower in Ranelagh be selected as a location for the erection of a BikeBunker on a trial basis at a suitable location on the road during Phase 1 of the service noting that, although the road is not located "within the canals", there are a number of compelling reasons which makes Elmwood Avenue especially suitable for a BikeBunker, including:
(a) Multiple local residents have registered their interest in having a BikeBunker here;
(b) Owing to the demographics of the road, many residents due not have a car but do use bicycles, as is evident from the sheer number of bikes visible chained to railings outside houses and on the road; and
(c) Elmwood Avenue is an L-shaped road. On the strip of the road which runs parallel to the Luas like there is only one row of housing, but two rows of parking (i.e. both alongside the houses and alongside the Luas wall). Therefore, the ratio of car parking spaces to houses is higher than most other residential roads in Ranelagh, and therefore any concerns about a loss of car parking space are significantly diminished.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 18 from Councillor James Geoghegan
That the South East Area committee agrees to introduce a clock for speaking time for councillors at our area committee meeting limited to a time period specified by the Chair for each item on the agenda and that the speaking time is rigidly enforced by the chair; that indicatively the time for speaking for each Cllr for most or all items could be limited to 90 seconds with a maximum of 2 minutes allocated for the proposer of a motion.
Order: Agreed.