1. Presentation on Strategic Housing Development Application No. SHD0026/21 - Lands at Concorde Industrial Estate, Naas Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12.
2. Presentation on Strategic Housing Development Application No. SHD0029/21 - Park West Avenue and Park West Road, Park West, Dublin 12.
3. Part 8 Planning Report Carman’s Hall.
4. Naming proposal for new development at 229-235 Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
5. Naming proposal for a development – Planning ref: 3798/18, located at 70/72 Park West, Dublin 12.
6. Director of Services Report.
1. Presentation on Strategic Housing Development Application No. SHD0026/21 - Lands at Concorde Industrial Estate, Naas Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12.
2. Presentation on Strategic Housing Development Application No. SHD0029/21 - Park West Avenue and Park West Road, Park West, Dublin 12.
3. Part 8 Planning Report Carman’s Hall.
4. Naming proposal for new development at 229-235 Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
5. Naming proposal for a development – Planning ref: 3798/18, located at 70/72 Park West, Dublin 12.
6. Director of Services Report.
Order: 1. Presentation given by Kiaran Sweeney, Planner.
Presentation noted.
2 Presentation given by Kiaran Sweeney, Planner.
Presentation noted
3 Noted. Recommend to Council.
4. Agreed.
5. Agreed.
6. Report Noted.
Supporting documents: