{meta} Browse meetings - South East Area Committee

Browse meetings

This page lists the meetings for South East Area Committee.


Information about South East Area Committee

The South East Area is one of 5 administrative areas used by Dublin City Council to co-ordinate the delivery of services in the city. The Area stretches south from the River Liffey to Terenure and east along the Dodder over to the Merrion Gates on the coast. It is a very diverse district containing part of the medieval core of Dublin, the City’s premier shopping district, the cultural quarter of Temple Bar, Inner City commercial and residential districts and suburban villages such as Ringsend, Irishtown, Sandymount, Ranelagh, Rathmines, Terenure and Rathgar.  Pleasant canal walks, coastal facilities, parks and elegant squares and the many local sports clubs provide a host of recreational amenities.


Councillors elected to represent the South East Area of Dublin City meet on a monthly basis in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Dublin 2

The meetings take place at 3pm (subject to change) on the 2nd Monday of each month except August.


What happens at a Committee meeting?


The South East Area Committee discusses issues of relevance to the area and makes recommendations on these issues to the City Council.

A typical meeting will deal with topics such as:

  • Traffic
  • Housing
  • Parks
  • Planning


The meeting also usually includes detailed presentations requested by Councillors on current planning applications of particular significance to local people. In addition the meeting affords each Councillor the opportunity to ask questions on behalf of local residents to get the support of the Committee by way of a motion, for more significant local issues.

If a local issue is considered to have citywide significance the Committee can also refer a motion to the full City Council for consideration.


Can I attend a Committee meeting?


Anyone can attend a South East Area Committee Meeting but spaces are limited.  If you would like to attend a meeting, contact your local Councillor who can provide you with an invitation.


For more information


South East Area Office
Block 2 Floor 4
Civic Offices
Dublin 8.


Opening hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday


Tel: (01) 222 2243
Fax: (01) 222 2499

Email: southeast@dublincity.ie