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Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item |
Welcome to the new North Central Area Committee Additional documents: |
Election of chairperson and vice chairperson for the North Central Area Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Cllr. Daryl Barron was re-elected as chairperson (proposed by Cllr. Heney & seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri) & Cllr. Declan Flanagan was elected as vice chair (proposed by Cllr. O’Muiri & seconded by Cllr. Heney).
Nominations (3) from the Artane Whitehall LEA for membership of the Darndale Implementation Oversight Group (IOG) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Cllrs. Lyons, Moran, & Silke. |
Nominations (4) from the Artane Whitehall LEA for membership of the Oscar Traynor Forum Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Cllrs. Lyons, Moran, Henry & Flanagan. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May, 2024. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Replies from the Director of Services for the North Central Area Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Environment and Transportation Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 25th June, 2024 for noting only Attached herewith. Will Mangan, Maire NicReamoinn, Catalin Rosca. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Gully Reports (May & June) for noting only Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Planning and Property Matters Additional documents: |
Report & map attached herewith. Nicky Finegan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Deferred to the September meeting pending further information on the zoning from Nicky Finegan. |
Disposals -proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 57 Primrose Grove, Darndale, Dublin 17 Report and map attached herewith. Nicky Finegan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 77 Shelmartin Avenue, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Nicky Finegan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Culture, Recreation and Economic Matters Additional documents: |
Arts Officer's Report Report attached herewith. Ray Yeates Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Sports & Wellbeing Officer's Report for noting only. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
North Central Area Matters Additional documents: |
Attached herewith. Derek Farrell, Mick Carroll. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Supply Report for noting Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Motions Additional documents: |
(1) Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Field
That this committee agrees to request the manager to examine if the installation of Columbarium Walls in the Donnybrook cemetery can be replicated in the very old graveyard on Killester Avenue, Killester.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this committee agrees to request the Manager to examine if the installation of Columbarium Walls in the Donnybrook cemetery can be replicated in the very old graveyard on Killester Avenue, Killester.
The delivery of Columbarium walls at suitable sites is an objective of the Burial Places Strategy however their construction within historic burial places is a complex and exacting process. These projects require a feasibility study, a conservation management plan for the site, Part 8 planning and ministerial consent for such developments within the curtilage of protected sites and structures. It is also an objective of the Burial Places Strategy that the delivery of pilot columbarium wall project in Donnybrook cemetery would inform future potential projects. Feasibility studies have previously been carried out on 4 historic burial sites; Donnybrook, Clontarf, Bluebell and Merrion. The next phase in the delivery of such columbarium walls is begin the process for Clontarf and Bluebell cemeteries. After which further historic sites such as Killester can be considered but will require a full feasibility study and conservation masterplan.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(2) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and acknowledges the longstanding and ongoing concerns and fears of residents in the Ardmore and Montrose areas of Artane regarding the difficulties and dangers they encounter as they try to enter and exit their estate at the junction of Ardmore Drive and Kilmore Road and calls on Dublin City Council to outline its plans and timelines regarding proposed works to enhance the safety of everyone - pedestrians, cyclists, motorists - at this junction and to convene a meeting with the residents association, local public representatives and all relevant council staff as soon as possible.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and acknowledges the longstanding and ongoing concerns and fears of residents in the Ardmore and Montrose areas of Artane regarding the difficulties and dangers they encounter as they try to enter and exit their estate at the junction of Ardmore Drive and Kilmore Road and calls on Dublin City Council to outline its plans and timelines regarding proposed works to enhance the safety of everyone - pedestrians, cyclists, motorists - at this junction and to convene a meeting with the residents association, local public representatives and all relevant council staff as soon as possible.
Designs are currently being developed for the full signalisation of this junction with a view to installing later this year as part of the 2024 Pedestrian Crossing Programme.
Contact: Alec Dundon. Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. Flanagan. |
(3) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and acknowledges the longstanding and ongoing concerns and fears of residents in Kilmore West regarding the persistent and increasingly dangerous problem of over-parking in the community and calls on Dublin City Council to convene a meeting with all relevant city council staff, representatives from Beaumont Hospital, local residents and public representatives to work toward a solution.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and acknowledges the longstanding and ongoing concerns and fears of residents in Kilmore West regarding the persistent and increasingly dangerous problem of over-parking in the community and calls on Dublin City Council to convene a meeting with all relevant city council staff, representatives from Beaumont Hospital, local residents and public representatives to work toward a solution.
All public roads in Ireland are ‘owned’ by the people of Ireland and maintained by the City and County Councils. “Residents’ Parking only” does not exist on a public road and parking arrangements on a road are usually based on common courtesy between neighbours.
Dublin City Council acknowledges that residents may have problems parking their vehicles on Kilmore West, as there is a general higher demand for parking spaces than the number of spaces available.
Therefore, the appropriate measure to help reduce a higher demand for parking spaces is the introduction of a Pay & Display and Permit Parking Scheme. This is because Pay & Display and Permit Parking Schemes dissuade commuter, business and non-residential parking.
To proceed with the introduction of a “Pay and Display and Permit Parking Scheme”, it will be necessary for Dublin City Council to receive, from the residents of Kilmore West, supporting evidence in the form of written requests, or a signed petition, giving names and addresses and indicating clear support in favour of a scheme i.e. 35% or greater of households need to be in favour.
With respect to the request for a meeting on-site with residents; meetings on-site are arranged through and by the Area Office with an invitation sent to all the North Central Area Councillors. It should be noted that the solution outlined in this reply should be implemented first, before a meeting on-site would be considered.
Contact: Máire Nic Réamoinn – North City Executive Engineer Email: maire.nicreamoinn@dublincity.ie
The Area Manager will write to the CEO of Beaumont Hospital requesting a meeting re the parking issues in Kilmore West.
Contact: Derek Farrell-Area Manager Artane/Whitehall LEA Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. A letter to be sent to the chair person of the board/CEO of Beaumont Hospital on behalf of the NCAC chair person, inviting them to attend the September meeting of the NCAC.
(4) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and calls for an upgrade of the existing 9 hole pitch and putt course in Belcamp Park, Dublin 17.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and calls for an upgrade of the existing 9 hole pitch and putt course in Belcamp Park, Dublin 17.
The small pitch and putt facility at Belcamp Park is managed, maintained and operated by the Dean Swift Sports Club a community employment scheme established in 1999. Pitch and putt courses are very demanding in terms of resources requiring daily maintenance to keep these facilities fit for purpose. As the Parks Service does not have such resources available and the Dean Swift Sports Club appears to be struggling to provide the levels of maintenance required it is proposed to meet with the Sports Club in the coming weeks to discuss the future of the facility here and perhaps identify a more sustainable community use for the site.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(5) Motion in the name of Cllr. Jesslyn Henry
That this North Central Area Committee supports no change to the zoning in relation to the St. Luke’s Church lands in Kilmore West. At present the land is used as a social club for residents, community playgroup and after school facility. There has been talk in the community and the priest has contacted these groups to advise that their contracts may be terminated due to possible building on the land. This would mean rezoning of the land and I ask this committee to support keeping the existing zoning for community and recreational use.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee supports no change to the zoning in relation to St Luke’s Church lands in Kilmore West. At present the land is used as a social club for residents, community playgroup and after school facility. There has been talk in the community and the priest has contacted these groups to advise that their contracts may be terminated due to possible building on the land. This would mean rezoning of the land and I ask this committee to support keeping the existing zoning for community and recreational use.
St Luke the Evangelist Church lands in Kilmore West are zoned Z1 ‘Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods’ in the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028. The Z1 zoning objective is ‘To protect, provide and improve residential amenities’. A range of uses including residential, childcare facilities and community facilities are permissible under this zoning objective.
The making, reviewing and varying of the development plan is a function reserved for the elected members of the planning authority.
Contact: Bryan Ward / Senior Planner Tel: 222 6169 Email: bryan.ward@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(6) Motion in the names of Cllrs. Donna Cooney, Naoise O'Muiri, Catherine Stocker, Deirdre Heney, Barry Heneghan & Alison Field
That this North Central Area Committee with the support of all the Clontarf Area Councillors request that there is no further delay in providing public toilets and the ones agreed for the Clontarf promenade at the site of the pump station and at the back of Happy Out cafe on Bull Island and St Anne’s Park including accessible toilets and changing places are provided within the next three months.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee with the support of all the Clontarf Area councillors request that there is no further delay in providing public toilets and the ones agreed for the Clontarf promenade at the site of the pump station and at the back of Happy Out cafe on Bull Island and St Anne’s Park including accessible toilets and changing places are provided within the next three months.
The toilets on Clontarf Promenade was proposed under the Covid recovery initiative but never proceeded.
The toilet at the Happy Out café is managed by the Environment Department.
An architect has been engaged and is working on the specification for the tender documentation for the proposed toilet block for St. Anne’s to include the changing places facility. The services survey has been recently completed to include in this tender package. It is anticipated that we should be in a position to publish same in the coming weeks.
The Parks Service is also currently pursuing the commitment to provide 2 number eco toilets on the access road from the interpretative centre to the beach near the lifeguards hut. An update of progress in this regard will be provided to the forum in the coming weeks.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(7) Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the DCC parking services to conduct a review of parking allocations at Annadale Avenue with a view to assigning parking for non-resident of the avenue elsewhere. Multiple residents have been in touch regarding this. Six permits have been issued to residents from nearby roads and it is extremely problematic as there is insufficient parking for the residents on the Avenue itself. DCC advise that there are 27 spaces on the street but residents have measured it in terms of DCC’s own minimum recommendations and assessed it as actually having 22. If six of 22 potential spaces are allocated to residents from elsewhere that constitutes a 25% allocation elsewhere when Annadale is adjacent to shops and a café and therefore has high levels of parking from these also.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the DCC parking services to conduct a review of parking allocations at Annadale That this North Central Area Committee calls on the DCC parking services to conduct a review of parking allocations at Annadale Avenue with a view to assigning parking for non-resident of the avenue elsewhere. Multiple residents have been in touch regarding this. Six permits have been issued to residents from nearby roads and it is extremely problematic as there is insufficient parking for the residents on the Avenue itself. DCC advise that there are 27 spaces on the street but residents have measured it in terms of DCC’s own minimum recommendations and assessed it as actually having 22. If six of 22 potential spaces are allocated to residents from elsewhere that constitutes a 25% allocation elsewhere when Annadale is adjacent to shops and a café and therefore has high levels of parking from these also.
The Parking Enforcement Inspector carried out an inspection on Annadale Avenue on 05/07/2024 and counted the number of spaces on the street. He has confirmed that there are 24 parking spaces.
Parking Enforcement will conduct a review of all permits issued for Annadale Avenue. However it should be noted that the Dublin City Council Parking Control Bye Laws 2024 govern the issue of residents’ parking permits and set out the limits, eligibility and entitlement to residents parking permits. Bye Law 16 (3) makes provision for the issuing of one permit to residents of an adjacent street where the parking of vehicles on the applicant’s road is significantly restricted by parking controls. The permits issued to non- residents of Annadale Avenue have been issued for a number of years.
Contact: Suzanne Lacey, Administrative Officer, Parking Enforcement Tel: 01 222 7075 Email: suzanne.lacey@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(8) Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the parks superintendent to arrange for the provision of additional baby/toddler swings at Fairview Park playground. There is only one swing in this playground for this age range and there is a consistent queue to use it leaving local parents extremely frustrated. There is an adjacent equipment item – small trampoline – which is consistently out of use and has been cordoned off for months and which should be removed to make space for additional swings.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the parks superintendent to arrange for the provision of additional baby/toddler swings at Fairview Park playground. There is only one swing in this playground for this age range and there is a consistent queue to use it leaving local parents extremely frustrated. There is an adjacent equipment item – small trampoline – which is consistently out of use and has been cordoned off for months and which should be removed to make space for additional swings.
The Parks Service will source an additional toddler swing seat and replace one of the standard seats as soon as is practicable.
The level of service we are currently receiving from the small number of playground repair companies that cover the area is a source of ongoing frustration for the Parks Service. Given that the trampoline seems to attract misuse after hours leading to it being consistently out of use due to such damage serious consideration will be given to its replacement with a more robust play item as part of next year’s upgrade programme.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(9) Motion in the name of Cllr. Aishling Silke
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to commit to producing and publishing a community infrastructure development plan.
Many community buildings require updating and expanding and some are no longer fit for purpose. There are community groups with no access to buildings, while meals and wheels services are closing. An audit of current community service provision is urgently required, along with a public consultation to ascertain the services required by the local community.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to commit to producing and publishing a community infrastructure development plan. Many community buildings require updating and expanding, and some are no longer fit for purpose. There are community groups with no access to buildings, while meals and wheels services are closing.
An audit of current community service provision is urgently required, along with a public consultation to ascertain the services required by the local community.
Dublin City Council recently published its first ever Sports Plan, ‘Dublin City: More Active, More Often’, recognising the central part played by sports and recreation in the lives of our citizens in relation health, wellbeing, community and inclusivity.
The Plan is based on 3 pillars: Infrastructure, Programming and Organisation.
We will:
· Provide high quality facilities and spaces to enable more people to be active more often · Deliver a portfolio of diverse programmes and initiatives that increase levels of activity across Dublin city · Develop a fit for purpose organisation structure and operating model to support sport and physical recreation activity in Dublin City
Some of the specific actions outlined in the sports plan include –
Following the completion of a city wide audit we will identify areas in the city that are under-serviced in terms of facilities and prioritise these for strategic investment.
An ongoing programme of maintenance and enhancement of existing facilities is to be delivered under the current DCC Capital Programme. DCC will ensure all new capital investment and capital improvements to existing infrastructure will provide for opportunities for improved access for people of all abilities. The plan contains 84 specific actions to take place over the next 5 years, covering the period 2024-2029. The primary focus of the plan is to increase the levels of physical activity of Dublin city’s population, making it one of the most active cities in the world. The plan can be viewed at the following link –
While the plan deals specifically with sports and recreation facilities the implementation is dependent on DCC wide collaboration to ensure the highest quality of community facilities and programmes.
Contact: Donncha Ó Dúlaing Email: donncha.odulaing@dublincity.ie
All of the local community groups / committees who manage community buildings in the Artane-Whitehall LEA receive grant information for capital works and offer of support in submitting the applications.
If there is a community group that require use of a community hall for their activity they can contact the section directly and we can advise them of what is available in their locality.
Contact: Niamh Reilly, Area Community & Social Development Officer Tel: 2228841 / 0863880982 Email: niamhp.reilly@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(10) Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee agree that the area around the boat slip on Clontarf promenade be fixed up, I’ve had various motions on this from 2019 to present and had positive responses but to date the surface is very bad, no bike stands were supplied as requested, nor a small shelter for swimmers, even though this is not a destination bathing location it is used by swimmers traditionally for generations and facilities could be improved for the community that uses this area for a range of amenities.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agree that the area around the boat slip on Clontarf promenade be fixed up, I’ve had various motions on this from 2019 to present and had positive responses but to date the surface is very bad, no bike stands were supplied as requested, nor a small shelter for swimmers, even though this is not a destination bathing location it is used by swimmers traditionally for generations and facilities could be improved for the community that uses this area for a range of amenities.
As it currently stands there is no NTA funding allocation for on-street cycle parking delivery in 2024. DCC Traffic is currently trying to identify an alternative source of funding.
This location will be investigated and, if considered suitable, cycle parking will be installed subject to funding being available.
Contact: Chris Adamson Tel: 222 3970 Email: chris.adamson@dublincity.ie
The public slipway at Clontarf Promenade is provided for the launching and berthing of water craft and is primarily used by the Clontarf Yacht club during the summer months. The Parks Service is very much aware of the poor condition of the area leading to the slipway and has held discussions with the Yacht Club on this matter particularly in advance of their 100 year anniversary next year. While the Parks Service is more than amenable to addressing the condition of this area there is a major Irish Water infrastructure project the NCAM (North City Arterial Main) which is currently proposed to bring a 600mm water main within a 10m wayleave through the access route and carpark in 2025. As these works will undo any repairs to this site it is proposed to carry out superficial tidy up and to have a more substantive repairs and upgrade affected after the installation of the water main. It is understood that Irish Water have consulted with the Yacht Club and will endeavour to time works in this area to minimise conflict with the club’s programme of celebrations in 2025.
With regard to sea-swimming at this location it remains the position of the Parks Service that while the citizenry are free to swim where they choose, swimming here conflicts with the main activity of launching and berthing of watercraft here and poses a safety concern to those operating such craft. The Parks Service recommends that swimmers avail of the nearby designated bathing area that is covered by the beach lifeguard service during the bathing season on Bull Island. There are no proposals to provide facilities for bathing at the boating slipway.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. A letter to be sent to the NTA with regards to funding. |
(11) Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to putting in more zebra crossings as we have none and new recent changes in rules of the road traffic legislation better facilitates the implementation now, that one be put across Copeland Avenue, Clontarf at the Howth road end, which has been requested by residents for three decades now.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to putting in more zebra crossings as we have none and new recent changes in rules of the road traffic legislation better facilitates the implementation now, that one be put across Copeland avenue Clontarf at the Howth road end, which have been requested by residents for three decades now.
As agreed with the North Central Area councillors at a meeting on the 3rd of April 2024, it is proposed to install a zebra crossing on Greendale Road as part of the works programme for 2024. Consultants working on behalf of Dublin City Council are currently developing designs for this location
The Traffic Advisory Group has previously recommended the installation of a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Castle Avenue and the Howth Road and this location will be considered when developing the 2025 works programme, subject to funding being available.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(12) Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee welcomes the advertisement of three new biodiversity officer roles by Dublin City Council, one is to be assigned to the Dublin bay biosphere, one for planning and ecological assessment and one to implement the biodiversity action plan. We look forward to meeting them at the next North Bull Island Oversight forum.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee welcomes the advertisement of three new biodiversity officer roles by Dublin City Council, one is to be assigned to the Dublin bay biosphere, one for planning and ecological assessment and one to implement the biodiversity action plan. We look forward to meeting them at the next North Bull Island Oversight forum.
Three posts for Biodiversity Officer have been advertised by Dublin City Council for the roles outlined in the motion. There is no timeline as yet as to when personnel will be in place.
Stakeholders of the North Bull Island Oversight Forum will receive an update shortly by email and the next meeting will be in September.
Contact: Leslie Moore Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services Tel: 222 5049 Email: leslie.moor@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
(13) Motion in the name of Cllr. Barry Heneghan That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to implement a comprehensive tree pruning program for the entire North Area, prioritizing areas with significant overgrowth that pose safety risks and impede pedestrian pathways.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to implement a comprehensive tree pruning program for the entire North Area, prioritizing areas with significant overgrowth that pose safety risks and impede pedestrian pathways.
While the many benefits and value of trees in our city such as aesthetics, screening, noise abatement, biodiversity, pollution capture, and carbon sequestration are well understood and generally appreciated, the safety of our urban forest is of the utmost importance to Council and the Parks Service. To that end one of the primary objectives of the adopted tree policy was to transition from a reactive to a proactive programme of tree management. To meet this objective over the last few years the Parks Service has commenced a comprehensive programme of tree inspections; assessing and recording findings and prioritised work recommendations on our digital inventory of publicly owned trees. The Parks Services will be so recording and assessing over 7,000 trees this year as part of this annual tree assessment programme. A prioritized tree care programme is currently underway with almost 400 trees to be pruned in the North Central Area in the coming months. This tree maintenance programme is informed by the recommendations of our qualified arborist following these recorded inspections. Details of these works will be shared with the committee. This programme of planned inspections has prioritised areas of high traffic, commuter routes, school routes etc. with populations of significant mature trees.
Further to this planned annual inspection programme the Parks Service has recently appointed a small dedicated team of qualified staff to deal exclusively with tree enquiries and works requests received through Citizens’ Hub covering the north and south sides of the city. Once enquiries are received inspection are carried out and prioritised recommendations are recorded to the inventory. This team is currently carrying our approximately 300 recorded inspections a month.
Local Parks Management also deal with tree inquiries and works requests when residents report concerns regarding local trees either directly or by way of representation. All such requests will result in an inspection and either the tree will be found to be in an acceptable condition or works will be recommended and scheduled according to the priority assigned. Tree works recommendations are given a priority whether that is immediate or within 6 months or 1 year. Essential tree works required for safety such as crown lifting above the footpath to ensure adequate clearance for pedestrians will of course be expedited.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed |
(14) Motion in the name of Cllr. Barry Heneghan That this North Central Area Committee urges the Area Manager to ask Dublin City Council to employ a fulltime accessibility officer (like Fingal have) to oversee all development of housing and transportation throughout the city ensuring all DPRO's / DPOs are contacted and included in the future development discussions.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee urges the Area Manager to ask DCC to employ a fulltime accessibility officer (like Fingal have) to oversee all development of housing and transportation throughout the city ensuring all DPRO's / DPOs are contacted and included in the future development”
The City Council is reviewing the organisation’s requirements in relation to DPRO’s/DPO’s. This review will consider the role and responsibilities of an Access Officer on a full-time basis.
Contact: Dymphna Farrell, Executive Manager, Human Resources Dept. Tel: 222 2341 Email: dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(15) Motion in the name of Cllr. Naoise O'Muiri
As the works for the C2CC project start to near completion and as a practical way to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Marino Estate, this North Central Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to develop and implement a comprehensive Neighbourhood Traffic Management Scheme for Marino to finally deal with rat-running and improve the living environment for residents.
Additional documents: Minutes:
As the works for the C2CC project start to near completion and as a practical way to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Marino Estate, this North Central Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to develop and implement a comprehensive Neighbourhood Traffic Management Scheme for Marino to finally deal with rat-running and improve the living environment for residents.
The Clontarf to City Centre scheme is scheduled to be opened in Q4 of 2024. Given the scale of the scheme and the impact it has had on traffic over the past 2 years, it is likely that that it will take some time for traffic to return to normal patterns.
On this basis, it is recommended that DCC wait for traffic in the area to return to consistent and identifiable patterns before considering any future interventions in the area.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |