Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January, 2024. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Replies from the Director of Services for the North Central Area Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 30th January, 2024, for noting Reports attached herewith. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Gully Report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2024 - Presentation Presentation attached herewith -Owen McManus, Senior Engineer, Technical Support Division Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Road Maintenance Service Works Programme 2024 Report attached herewith. Ronan Connolly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 16 Carleton Road, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report & map attached herewith. Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - Plot to rear of 33 Casino Road, Marino Report & map attached herewith – Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Leases & Licences -Grant of a lease of Tolka Park Stadium, Richmond Road, Dublin 9. Report & map attached herewith – Don Daly/Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Deferred pending a meeting with the Shelbourne Committee. |
Report & map attached herewith. Fiona Moore Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Report & map attached herewith. Lynda Drysdale Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
NORTH CENTRAL AREA MATTERS Additional documents: |
Discretionary Fund for formal agreement at meeting without discussion Report for noting to be circulated separately to members. Derek Farrell/Mick Carroll Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Cllr. Barron as chair requested the item to be relisted on the March agenda for final agreement. |
Area Managers reports Reports attached herewith. Derek Farrell/Mick Carroll Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Housing supply report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Parks Draft Works Programme Attached herewith. Please note: This is a discussion document and is not to be circulated outside of the membership of the NCAC. Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Arts Officers report Verbal report. Kelly Hickey Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports & wellbeing report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
MOTIONS Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Racheal Batten
That this North Central Area Committee votes in favour of the approved and recommended crossing at Kilmore Road/Ardmore being prioritised for funding, given the need and the dangerous nature of the crossing.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee votes in favour of the approved and recommended crossing at Kilmore Road/Ardmore being prioritised for funding, given the need and the dangerous nature of the crossing.
The TAG Group has previously recommended that additional pedestrian crossings at this junction be provided and it has already been included for consideration on a works programme for 2024.
The NTA confirmed the funding allocations for 2024 on the 7th of February 2024. Funding of €3,750,000 has been made available for installing pedestrian crossings across the Dublin Administrative Area.
The Traffic Department will now assess what can be achieved across all the administrative areas given the available funding.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Cllr. Racheal Batten
That this North Central Area Committee submit to the Minister of Transport the need for a light rail for North Central especial along the Oscar Traynor Road meeting the dart station. The Santry Green way is an expensive piece of work and we need to explore if a light rail can run alongside this route. The population in this area of the city has grown and is one of the largest in the country and we need to ensure that infrastructure is put in place to reduce C02 emission, which is delivered by light rail transport, as they are high density transport.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee submit to the Minister of Transport the need for a light rail for North Central, especially along the Oscar Traynor Road, meeting the dart station. The Santry Green way is an expensive piece of work and we need to explore if a light rail can run alongside this route. The population in this area of the city has grown and is one of the largest in the country and we need to ensure that infrastructure is put in place to reduce C02 emission, which is delivered by light rail transport, as they are high density transport.
The public transport strategy for Dublin is set out in the National Transport Authority’s (NTA) Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2022-2042. Other than Luas to Finglas, there is no proposal for light rail to serve other parts of north Dublin, although Metrolink and Bus Connects will do. Any additional public transport proposals would be a matter for the NTA and would require an amendment to the NTA Transport Strategy.
Contact: Edel Kelly, Senior Transportation Officer, Transportation Planning Division. Tel: 222 2132. Email: edel.kelly@dublincity.ie
A letter was sent to the Minister of Transport, Mr. Eamon Ryan T.D., on 18th January, 2024, encapsulating the essence of the above motion, as a consequence of the discussion held in this regard, under Item 4d on the January NCAC agenda (a naming and numbering proposal for a new development on lands at Clongriffin).
Contact: Fiona Moore, Staff Officer Tel: 087 4111350 Email: fiona.moore@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Racheal Batten
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that an review is done on the new cycle lanes that have been put in place and the use of them, on assessing if there is any increase of cycle use on those routes.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that an review is done on the new cycle lanes that have been put in place and the use of them, on assessing if there is any increase of cycle use on those routes.
Dublin City Council will be installing a number of cycle counters on completion segments of the Active Travel Network, such as the Clontarf to City Centre and Royal Canal Greenway, in collaboration with the National Transport Authority.
DCC has set up the Active Travel Programme Office (AcTPrO) to deliver the Active Travel Network, through a portfolio of projects funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA). Once complete, 95% of residents will be within five minutes’ walk (400 meters) of the network. This will mean easier access to schools, workplaces and amenities for those walking and cycling. This has the capacity to revolutionise the way we travel and interact with the cityscape.
In addition to installation of counters, the measuring the usage and success of a large infrastructure provisions such as the Active Travel Network is a long-term process. It will involve selecting a number of indicators to measure, the means to do so, collecting the data, analysing it and comparing results over time.
AcTPrO and the Smart City team in DCC are collaborating with Partnership for Healthy Cities, Technical University Dublin and Trinity College Dublin to develop appropriate indicators and to improve data collection using advanced technology, to account for all forms of active travel.
It is anticipated that preliminary results will be available in Q1 2025.
Contact: Christopher K. Manzira, Deputy Director, Active Travel Programme Office Email: ActiveTravelOffice@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee welcomes the plans to regenerate the Cromcastle Court flat complex and develop the Old Coalyard site; believes that early and regular consultation with the community, both residents of the flat complex and their neighbours in the area, will be crucial; and calls on the City Council to produce and present to the community and local councillors at the earliest possible date, a masterplan for the entire site at Cromcastle Court/Old Coalyard site.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee welcomes the plans to regenerate the Cromcastle Court flat complex and develop the Old Coalyard site; believes that early and regular consultation with the community, both residents of the flat complex and their neighbours in the area, will be crucial; and calls on the city council to produce and present to the community and local councillors at the earliest possible date a masterplan for the entire site at Cromcastle Court/Old Coalyard site.
The Masterplan for Cromcastle Court is for the redevelopment of the housing scheme at Cromcastle Court and the development of the Old Coalyard site. It outlines a potential capacity for approximately 350 homes on the entire site.
Phase 1 is for the redevelopment of three housing blocks which have been de-tenanted at the south of the existing scheme to provide for 115 new homes, it also includes for the development of the Old Coalyard site which will provide 34 older person homes. Altogether Phase 1 will deliver 149 new social housing homes.
Phase 1 of the Masterplan is currently at design development stage and has received Stage 2 project and funding approval from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Once design has been completed, the next step is to achieve planning permission for the proposals which will be through the Part 8 process.
As advised at the January Area Committee, further consultation is being arranged through the Local Housing Manager and her office, with the residents, local community and elected members. A project newsletter is due to be issued in March 2024 and will be followed up with a consultation evening shortly after. A presentation will also be made in the coming months at the Area Committee meeting on the regeneration plans.
The remaining homes will be delivered in subsequent phases subject to the City Development Plan, Building Regulations, Infrastructure capacity and other requirements. While no formal decisions have been made about the tenure or phasing, the opportunity to provide mixed tenure will be explored. The Masterplan for the subsequent phases of housing delivery is at outline stage, which will be shown as part of the consultation on Phase 1.
Contact: Collette Egan, Administrative Officer Tel: 087 4080766 Email: collette.egan@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. Barron.
Motion in the name of Cllr. Micheal MacDonncha Withdrawn by Councillor. Additional documents: Minutes: Motion withdrawn by Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland
That this North Central Area Committee recognises the increased difficulties in safe traffic management at the Kilmore Road/Ardmore Drive junction since the removal of the sensor on the traffic lights on Ardmore Drive. It has been agreed that a fully signalised junction is required to upgrade the traffic management system but no timeline has been provided. However, given the increase in traffic incidents at this junction and the concerns that serious injury will occur, the North Central Area Committee agrees that works on the full signalisation of this junction be prioritised.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee recognises the increased difficulties in safe traffic management at the Kilmore Road/Ardmore Drive junction since the removal of the sensor on the traffic lights on Ardmore Drive. It has been agreed that a fully signalised junction is required to upgrade the traffic management system no timeline has been provided. However, given the increase in traffic incidents at this junction and the concerns that serious injury will occur the North Central Area Committee agrees that works on the full signalisation of this junction be prioritised
The TAG Group has previously recommended that additional pedestrian crossings at this junction be provided and it has already been included for consideration on a works programme for 2024.
The NTA confirmed the funding allocations for 2024 on the 7th of February 2024. Funding of €3,750,000 has been made available for installing pedestrian crossings across the Dublin Administrative Area.
The Traffic Department will now assess what can be achieved across all the administrative areas given the available funding.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland
That this North Central Area Committee notes the exceptional success of the DCC installed cafes and toilets in Albert College Park and in Griffith Park, both of which have allowed use of facilities and footfall in both parks to grow. The North Central Area Committee recognises the significant use of Ellenfield Park not only those playing sports there but also parents and young children and seniors getting out for their daily walk and talk. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee agrees to install a cafe and toilet facility in Ellenfield Park and to immediately prioritise the tendering process for same so local residents can begin to enjoy this facility by the summer season of use.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee notes the exceptional success of the DCC installed cafes and toilets in Albert College Park and in Griffith Park, both of which have allowed use of facilities and footfall in both parks to grow. The North Central Area Committee recognises the significant use of Ellenfield Park not only those playing sports there but also parents and young children and seniors getting out for their daily walk and talk. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee agrees to install a cafe and toilet facility in Ellenfield Park and to immediately prioritise the tendering process for same so local residents can begin to enjoy this facility by the summer season of use.
The Parks Service has programmed the publishing of a tender to assess market interest in providing a café/toilet unit at this location in Q1 2024.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this area committee requests an update on the funding allocated to Rockfield tennis pavilion in the recent capital budget, plans on how to proceed and details of any engagement to date with the club.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee requests an update on the funding allocated to Rockfield tennis pavilion in the recent capital budget, plans on how to proceed and details of any engagement to date with the club.
Provision has been made in the 3 year capital programme to upgrade the pavilion, courts and lighting at the facility. The Parks Service will be meeting with the club in the coming weeks to discuss and agree priorities and sequencing of the development.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Cllr. O’Muiri requested a report to be provided to the March meeting.
Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
This area committee requests a comprehensive update on the situation with the trees in Marino including a written report on
a) Whether the fruit tree replacement is still happening and if the parks service believes it should? b) If so, how many trees remain to be removed and what is the timeframe for doing so? c) What challenges the parks service has encountered in terms of this project? d) What is the situation with regard to replacing the trees as there are empty tree pits (no stumps, just pits) across Marino? How many trees are outstanding to be replaced and can we have a breakdown of the reasons for delay in replacing them (i.e. – proportion where roots are not yet degraded, decision taken not to replace etc.) e) If the parks department has had any recent engagement with Marino residents or the residents association regarding this.
Additional documents: Minutes:
This area committee requests a comprehensive update on the situation with the trees in Marino including a written report on
a) Whether the fruit tree replacement is still happening and if the parks service believes it should? b) If so, how many trees remain to be removed and what is the timeframe for doing so? c) What challenges the parks service has encountered in terms of this project? d) What is the situation with regard to replacing the trees as there are empty tree pits (no stumps, just pits) across Marino? How many trees are outstanding to be replaced and can we have a breakdown of the reasons for delay in replacing them (i.e. – proportion where roots are not yet degraded, decision taken not to replace etc.) e) If the parks department has had any recent engagement with Marino residents or the residents association regarding this.
The multi-annual phased replacement plan agreed with residents association is focussed on the replacement of the problematic pear trees with more appropriate specimens in Marino. However it has proved challenging to meet the replacement targets in the agreed plan as the stumps and major roots of removed trees have not degraded in a timely manner to allow for new planting. The Parks Service remains committed to achieving the objectives of the agreed plan. Many of the planting pits that look empty still contain the root plates and major scaffolding roots of the previous occupants just below ground level. The Parks Service inspects these pits annually and any that are suitable for planting will be planted during the planting season Nov – Mar. Such and inspection will be carried out in the coming week to 10 days.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Cllr. Stocker requested a more detailed response in writing. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this area committee requests a full presentation of the data and outcomes from the recent Marino traffic survey and, furthermore, a meeting with the area office and traffic engineer to discuss a plan of action for a holistic approach to tackling traffic issues in the Marino estate.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee requests a full presentation of the data and outcomes from the recent Marino traffic survey and, furthermore, a meeting with the area office and traffic engineer to discuss a plan of action for a holistic approach to tackling traffic issues in the Marino estate.
Traffic Surveys
The North Central Area Office requested traffic surveys to be carried out in the wider Marino area using the 2023 North Central Area Discretionary Budget. Traffic surveys were carried out in mid-January 2024 over a 48 hour period during normal working/school days. On 14th February 2024, the survey results were forwarded to the Area Office.
Count Surveys
Traffic counts were carried out for all exits/entries into the Marino estate. This included the following 10 locations:
1. Croydon Terrace (from/to Grace Park Terrace) 2. Morrogh Terrace (from Philipsburgh Ave) 3. Turlough Parade (from/to Griffith Avenue) 4. Brian Road (from/to Philipsburgh Ave) 5. Windsor Avenue (to Fairview Strand) 6. Fairview Avenue Lower (from Fairview) 7. Marglann Marino (from Marino Mart) 8. St Aidan’s Park Road (from/to Malahide Road) 9. Brian Road (from/to Malahide Road) 10. St Declan’s Terrace (to Griffith Avenue)
The results show the total traffic volume passing a point of a road in each direction during the survey time period. The highest volume of traffic was on the westbound lane on Brian Road (between Shelmartin Avenue and Marino Park) with an average am peak (07.00-10.00) volume of 391 vehicles, and an average pm peak (16.00-19.00) volume of 334 vehicles. The level of cut-through traffic is unknown, however the Marino area links the Malahide Road and Griffith Avenue to the City Centre (and vice-versa) and as such provides an alternative route for vehicles seeking to avoid the temporary roadworks as a result of the Clontarf to City Centre (C2CC) scheme. The C2CC scheme is due to be substantially complete in Q2 of 2024, after which, it is expected that traffic patterns will adapt to the opening of the road and that traffic volumes will decrease in the Marino area.
Speed Surveys Speed surveys were carried out on all roads within Marino that have sufficient road length (i.e. over 200 meters in length) for excessive speeding to occur. This included the following 7 locations:
Locations: 1. Croydon Park Avenue (between Marino Park and Casino Road) 2. Brian Road (between Marino Park and Brian Avenue) 3. Brian Road (between Shelmartin Avenue and Marino Park) 4. Shelmartin Avenue (between Croydon Gardens and Casino Road) 5. Brian Avenue (between Croydon Gardens and Casino Road) 6. Saint Declan’s Road (between Croydon Gardens and Saint Declan’s Terrace) 7. Carleton Road (between Brian Road and St Aidan’s Park Road)
The results show the speed of vehicles passing a point of a road in each direction during the survey time period. The 85th percentile results indicate that vehicles in the Marino area are travelling close to the posted 30 km/h speed limit with the highest speed i.e. 37 km/h recorded on the eastbound lane on Brian Road ... view the full minutes text for item 7j |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Jane Horgan Jones
That this North Central Area Committeeprovide funding support for two schools (De La Salle, Kilbarrack and Manor House, Raheny) in the North Central area, to participate in the Yellow Flag programme in line with council policies on inclusion and diversity.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee provide funding support for two schools (De La Salle, Kilbarrack and Manor House, Raheny) in the North Central area, to participate in the Yellow Flag programme in line with council policies on inclusion and diversity.
For discussion at meeting. https://yellowflag.ie/get-involved/
Order: Deferred to the March meeting. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney
That this North Central Area Committee asks the manager to please provide, as agreed, the required letter for residents of homes in Castle Court and Auburn to provide to insurance companies in order that residents can get continue to obtain flood insurance.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee asks the manager to please provide, as agreed, the required letter for residents of homes in Castle Court and Auburn to provide to insurance companies in order that residents can get continue to obtain flood insurance.
Each building in Castle Court and Auburn Apartments has a different level of flood protection due to a number of local factors. This level of protection will increase when flood alleviation works under the Howth Road and at the Wad river outfall under Clontarf Promenade are completed. These works are programmed for construction later this year.
If any house owner requires a letter estimating the current flood protection level of their building, please email floodinsurance@dublincity.ie. It normally takes two working days to process any such request.
Tel: Gerard O'Connell, Senior Engineer, The Flood Defence Projects Office, Dublin City Council. Email: gerry.oconnell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney
That this North Central Area Committeecalls on the Manger to arrange to repair/replace the seating/picnic tables on Bull Island as they have become damaged as is visible from picture attached.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committeecalls on the Manger to arrange to repair/replace the seating/picnic tables on Bull Island as they have become damaged as is visible from picture attached.
It appears that the picnic benches have become buried in sands shifted by the tides which is not an infrequent occurrence given the tidal influences extend to the toe of the dunes at the back of the beach. The benches will be uncovered and made available for use as local schedules and conditions allow.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this North Central Area Committeeasks the manager to provide a written statement on the issue of Marino Library and wheelchair accessibility and to engage with the DCC disability/accessibility officer and the libraries service on an urgent solution to ensure accessibility. At present the steps/rails and the heavy doors are barriers to independent accessibility for wheelchair users living locally.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committeeasks the manager to provide a written statement on the issue of Marino Library and wheelchair accessibility and to engage with the DCC disability/accessibility officer and the libraries service on an urgent solution to ensure accessibility. At present the steps/rails and the heavy doors are barriers to independent accessibility for wheelchair users living locally.
The issue of wheelchair access to Marino library was looked at in 2019. Library management will revisit the issue to see what is feasible.
Contact: Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian E-mail: brendan.teeling@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this North Central Area Committeeonce again calls for lighting (ideally solar based, motion activated) in Fairview Park. Many residents in Fairview and Eastwall cut through the park in the evenings to access public transport or as part of their route home or indeed to exercise in the Winter evenings and a lack of lighting in what is effectively an open public area is a safety risk. If the barrier is funding, can the parks office outline what the costs would likely be?
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committeeonce again calls for lighting (ideally solar based, motion activated) in Fairview Park. Many residents in Fairview and Eastwall cut through the park in the evenings to access public transport or as part of their route home or indeed to exercise in the Winter evenings and a lack of lighting in what is effectively an open public area is a safety risk. If the barrier is funding, can the parks office outline what the costs would likely be?
There are 2 proposed lit routes within the park currently under construction. The current Bus priority and cycle lane works includes a lit esplanade inside the boundary of the park. A new greenway along the Tolka River will also be lit. This should provide the connectivity sought and there are no proposals to install additional lighting.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Naoise O'Muiri
That this North Central Area Committee asks the Manager that the trees in the area between Beresford Green and Griffith Avenue are pruned within the current pruning window.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee asks the Manager that the trees in the area between Beresford Green and Griffith Avenue are pruned within the current pruning window.
The trees in this estate were surveyed late last year and the condition and recommendations were recorded to the digital inventory of street trees. Any tree works recommended by the consulting arborist will be scheduled according to the priority ratings assigned.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee is concerned for the lack of available playing fields in the Clontarf LEA and also facilities especially for women and girls, changing rooms, toilets and will do a study of needs and put a plan in place urgently with consultation of all sports clubs in the area and local reps.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee is concerned for the lack of available playing fields in the Clontarf LEA and also facilities especially for women and girls, changing rooms, toilets and will do a study of needs and put a plan in place urgently with consultation of all sports clubs in the area and local reps.
The Parks Service has consulted with football clubs with an allocation on the Clontarf side of St. Anne’s Park with a view to delivering a small toilet and changing facility on this side of the park to serve these pitches that are at some distance from existing facilities in the park. The tendering of this facility has been scheduled in the Parks Works programme for publishing in Q1 2024. If successful this model can be repeated in other suitable areas.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Damian O'Farrell
That this North Central Area Committee requests the area manager to organise the repair of a park wall which was clearly knocked over by a utility vehicle (bin) a couple of months ago. The wall is located at the smaller green in Griffith Court, Fairview D3 near the entrance to Fairview Community Unit. There is CCTV footage of a refuse vehicle clearly marked Panda obviously damaging the wall. The firm initially denied and had no report of the incident. I'm not sure what their position is now but the wall remains damaged. This Committee also instructs DCC to recover all costs from Panda Refuse. I have the footage available for further action.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee requests the area manager to organise the repair of a park wall which was clearly knocked over by a utility vehicle (bin) a couple of months ago. The wall is located at the smaller green in Griffith Court, Fairview D3 near the entrance to Fairview Community Unit. There is CCTV footage of a refuse vehicle clearly marked Panda obviously damaging the wall. The firm initially denied and had no report of the incident. I'm not sure what their position is now but the wall remains damaged. This Committee also instructs DCC to recover all costs from Panda Refuse. I have the footage available for further action.
If the date of the incident and the evidence is forwarded contact will be made with the company.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Deferred to the March meeting. |