{meta} Agenda for North Central Area Committee on Monday 20th November, 2023, 2.00 pm

Agenda and minutes



No. Item


Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting dated 16th October, 2023. pdf icon PDF 478 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.


Director of Services Replies to Questions pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 31st October, 2023 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Attached herewith.  Gerard McEntagart/Catalin Rosca/Adam Kelly

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Gully report for noting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Leases & Licences - Proposed grant of a 3 year licence for Café Unit, Bull Wall North, Clontarf, Dublin 3 to Container Café Limited pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Report & map attached herewith – Cathy Cassidy

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council - Subject to the insertion of the following in the licence:  “the provider will encourage and promote the use of Vitale “keep cups”.


Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 20 Carleton Road

Report & map attached herewith – Cathy Cassidy

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 100 Grattan Lodge, Grange, Dublin 13.

Report & map attached herewith.  Cathy Cassidy

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Naming & numbering - proposal for a development at Clonshaugh House, Clonshaugh Road. pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Report and map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


Naming & numbering - proposal for a development at 9 and 9a Richmond Avenue. pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Report and map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


Update briefing from Dublin Port

Powerpoint update - Lar Joye (Port Heritage Director) & Jim Kelleher (Head of Special Projects) Dublin Port

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Update on the Castle Court flooding pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report attached herewith- James Nolan

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted. James Nolan to organise the following: 1) A meeting for Clontarf Ward Councillors and any other NCAC members who wish to attend when both the external and internal reports are available & 2) a meeting for both residents & councillors together.




Update on the Discretionary Fund 2023 pdf icon PDF 382 KB

Report attached herewith-  Derek Farrell/Mick Carroll

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Manager's Reports pdf icon PDF 725 KB

Attached herewith. Mick Carroll/Derek Farrell


Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Housing Supply Report for noting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Housing Allocations Report for noting pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Sports & Wellbeing Report for noting pdf icon PDF 587 KB

Attached herewith. 

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Motion in the name of Councillor Tom Brabazon


That this North Central Area Committee calls upon the Chief Executive, to assist businesses on Main Street, Belmayne in every way (not limited to compensation) for the disastrous down turn in business caused by the prolonged construction works on the bus gate at that location and further calls on him to arrange that the Main Street is opened without further delay and that parking is made available to residents.


Additional documents:




That this North Central Area Committee calls upon the Chief Executive, to assist businesses on Main Street, Belmayne in every way (not limited to compensation) for the disastrous down turn in business caused by the prolonged construction works on the bus gate at that location and further calls on him to arrange that the Main Street is opened without further delay and that parking is made available to residents.




The section of Belmayne Main Street from Belmayne Avenue to Churchwell Crescent, adjacent to the commercial units, will be opened to vehicular traffic subject to ESB Networks completing the necessary accommodation works on site.

The eastbound section of Belmayne Main Street from the junction with Belmayne Avenue to the New Priory development, which has remained closed in the interest of public safety, is expected to be opened to vehicular traffic prior to Christmas.


Contact:         Joe Kelly, Senior Engineer

Road Design and Construction Division

Tel:                  086 3860696

Email:             joseph.kelly@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri.


Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this area committee believes that the proposed location for the new playground in Kilmore West is inappropriate and therefore calls on the council to engage with the community and interested local public representatives in agreeing a new, more suitable location.


Additional documents:



The location is not considered inappropriate for a new playground as it is located in the centre of Kilmore on the residential side of the Oscar Traynor Road, well overlooked from the same busy road, is well served by crossing points and is in close proximity to other community focussed facilities and activities including the Recreation Centre, the youth club and pigeon club, nearby school and the community garden.  These facilities and activities on this open space ensures a good level of footfall and passive supervision which would not be the case in other nearby open spaces.


The procurement process for the playground includes an iterative process of amendments and redesign of the initial submission to find the best fit with the location and the needs of the community.  The Parks Service is more than happy to discuss the perceived issues with this location and to revert to the designers with feedback and explore if there is a better location within this open space perhaps to the west closer to the community garden.  This redesign could then be circulated within the community for comment.


Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


Recognising that the proposal from Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency to residentially develop the underpass site at Northside is ill-conceived and likely to have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the future residents of the development as well as the community, this area committee calls for the plans to be scrapped and community consultation to be initiated to establish alternative proposals for the future uses of this site that could benefit and enhance the quality of life for the entire community.


Additional documents:



Recognising that the proposal from Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency to residentially develop the underpass site at Northside is ill-conceived and likely to have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the future residents of the development as well as the community, this area committee calls for the plans to be scrapped and community consultation to be initiated to establish alternative proposals for the future uses of this site that could benefit and enhance the quality of life for the entire community.




The proposed development has been assessed by the DCC Planning Department and is deemed to be in compliance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2022–2028. Under the current Development Plan, the subject site is zoned as ‘Z4 – Key Urban Villages / Urban Villages’ and is within the designated Northside Shopping Centre ‘Key Urban Village’. Under the previous Development Plan 2016-2022, the site was zoned as ‘Z4 – District Centres (incorporating Key District Centres)’ and within the Northside Shopping Centre ‘Key District Centre’, demonstrating that the site has long been intended for development. ‘Residential’, ‘community facility’ and ‘cultural/recreational building and uses’ are listed as ‘permissible’ on Z4-zoned lands and will support its objective: “To provide for and improve mixed-services facilities.”

Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency have been engaging with the local community and counsellors since February 2023. Following this consultation, feedback was taken into account and the scheme design was revised. On the 26th May, there was a public consultation event held with Local Councillors to present the revised scheme. On the 2nd September a public information morning took place in the Kilmore Recreation Centre. Representatives were present from DCC Housing Department, Local Area office and the LDA who were available to answer queries in relation to the proposed development. The event was attended by the local residents and the wider community.

The development meets the criteria of s.179a of the Planning and Development Act (as amended). It is therefore mandatory under section 179 of the Act that the housing development is brought forward by this route as the proposed housing development is classed as exempted development.

The proposed development will develop an underutilised, vacant, DCC site and bring it into residential and community use. It will deliver 146 new homes and 379 sq. m of designated cultural arts and community space on the ground floor. In addition to this, there will be 441 sqm of external public plaza and 706 sqm of green space provided for local community use. This will benefit the local community by providing internal space for community activities. The development will offer a mixture of residential tenures on the site, comprised of 13 no. social homes and 133 no. cost rental homes, providing additional homes for the existing and future generations of residents in the area.

The proposal is comprised of a shared podium level landscaped courtyard and 3 no. residential blocks, with an internal ‘podium’ level communal courtyard. The orientation has been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5c


Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Flanagan


That this North Central Area Committee affirms its support for the residents of the Electoral Divisions of Clontarf East A, Clontarf East E, Clontarf West A, Harmonstown A and Harmonstown B, who have concerns regarding the current proposals for the Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme and calls for Jacobs, who are providing engineering services for the scheme and Dublin City Council to directly engage, face to face, with members of the public prior to finalisation of the detailed design stage.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee affirms its support for the residents of the Electoral Divisions of Clontarf East A, Clontarf East E, Clontarf West A, Harmonstown A and Harmonstown B, who have concerns regarding the current proposals for the Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme and calls for Jacobs, who are providing engineering services for the scheme and Dublin City Council to directly engage, face to face, with members of the public prior to finalisation of the detailed design stage.




The Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme was published on the Dublin City Council Public Consultation Hub in June 2023 for four weeks between Tuesday, 6th June 2023 and Tuesday, 4th July 2023. There was a further one week extension of the consultation period from the 24th to the 31st of July, to accommodate the Public Information Event on the 25th of July. The Public Information Event had over 80 attendees.

Over 452 information leaflets were distributed in the area, primarily to residents with access directly onto the scheme. All the drawings were available to view in hard copy format in Raheny Library, during the consultation period.

In total, there were 802 responses to the public consultation, over the five week period and of these responses 710 were submitted via the consultation hub and 92 via email. The consultation results indicated that 60% of the respondents who made comments or observations (via the hub or email) had a positive sentiment towards the scheme. Whilst 35% were negative and 5% were neutral.

A public consultation report will be published which will summarise the results of the public consultation. The main concerns of residents, including concerns which are listed in the motion, will all be addressed in the public consultation report where there will be a detailed response to each.

DCC and the appointed consultants Jacobs have begun work on the detailed design. The design team are taking into account the feedback from the public consultation and where appropriate and feasible will amend the designs.

The Active Travel Programme Office will directly engage, face to face, with representatives of the local residents during the detailed design stage to seek to address concerns. This is expected to take place in early 2024.”



Contact:         Gerard Claffey Project Engineer

Grainne O’Brien Senior Engineer

Active Travel Office.

Email:             activetravel@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri


Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney


That this North Central area committee examine the possibility of installing a suitable form of public lighting/improved suitable public lighting along pathway(s) in Fairview Park, to enable commuters to continue to use the park on the way to and from work during winter months.


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee examine the possibility of installing a suitable form of public lighting/improved suitable public lighting along pathway(s) in Fairview Park, to enable commuters to continue to use the park on the way to and from work during winter months.




The new esplanade inside the first line of trees in the park is to be lit after dark.  There are no proposals to provide any additional lighting on other paths in the park.


Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillors Donna Cooney & Alison Gilliland


That this North Central area committee seek to find a temporary location as a replacement farmers market due to the closure of the Honest2Goodness Saturday market in the Glasnevin industrial estate in January, we need more direct selling of food from farmers for climate action and food security and EU field to fork implementation. 


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee seek to find a temporary location as a replacement farmers market due to the closure of the Honest2Goodness Saturday market in the Glasnevin industrial estate in January, we need more direct selling of food from farmers for climate action and food security and EU field to fork implementation. 



We have linked the draft food strategy – Edible Dublin - and our draft climate action plan – Climate Neutral Dublin 2030 – in recognition of the importance of a resilient food system, due to the interconnected issues of food security and climate change having direct impacts on citizens’ health and well-being.


Through the climate action plan and food strategy we will explore options to support farmers directly selling to consumers, to insure citizen’s health and well-being, while addressing farm to fork (and back) objectives at the EU and National levels, and creating opportunities for social enterprises in the food sector to emerge that contribute to making the sector circular, support biodiversity and reduce waste



Contact:        Sabrina Dekker, Climate Action Co-Ordinator. 

Tel:                 087 3912448. 

Email:            sabrina.dekker@dublincity.ie 


Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney


That this North Central area committee agrees to place bike stands close to the boat launch on Clontarf promenade, at the pitches St. Anne’s park and more generally in St. Anne’s park and on site at Carton Hall Marino.

Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee agrees to place bike stands close to the boat launch on Clontarf promenade, at the pitches St. Anne’s park and more generally in St. Anne’s park and on site at Carton Hall Marino.




The Clontarf promenade will be examined to see if an appropriate location in the vicinity of the boat launching area can be found.


There are currently 12no. cycle parking spaces provided in the public car park to facilitate the pitches at St Anne’s Park. The Environment & Transportation Department consider this an adequate amount based on the occupancy rates as follows;


St Anne’s Park Car Park Cycle Parking


No. of spaces


Survey Date

% Available


















Unfortunately, there is not a suitable location to install cycle parking in the immediate vicinity of Carleton Hall Marino. The carriageway is circa 5m wide and cannot accommodate cycle parking safely, vehicles are observed parked partially on footpaths.



The footpaths are also not wide enough to accommodate Sheffield Stands without adversely impacting pedestrians, vulnerable road users and do not meet the minimum space requirements.


The footpaths have been built out at the junction of Casino Road and Shelmartin Avenue, circa 50m from the Community Centre and stands can be accommodated here. Alternatively, the feasibility of installing bike stands within the curtilage of the Community Centre will be examined by the Area Office in conjunction with the E&T Department.


Contact:         Chris Adamson, Executive Engineer

Tel:                 222 3970

Email:             chris.adamson@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.





Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney


That this North Central area committee agrees that we are waiting too long for action on restoring the historic iconic shelters on Clontarf promenade. 


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee agrees that we are waiting too long for action on restoring the historic iconic shelters on Clontarf promenade. 




The North Central Area office  have requested a meeting with Fergal McNamara, Conservation Architect and Niamh Kiernan, SEACO/Conservation Officer, Dublin City Council to progress the preparation of the tender for the repair works to the linear shelter.  The Council is the registered freehold owner of the land on which the (long) shelter is located as per Land Registry Folio DN190932F.


The ownership of the bandstand has yet to be established and there are no records in the DCC Property Register regarding its ownership.

It is, however, understood that it was constructed as part of the promenade. 


Contact:           Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer

Phone:              222 8845

Email:               deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri


Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this North Central area committeereaffirms its commitment to the delivery of a new full-sized all weather football facility in the Coolock-Artane area, a commitment first given in October 2021 when we passed a motion calling for such a facility in the area, and calls on the city council to refocus and re-energise itself toward the delivery of this desperately needed, much deserved and long-overdue sporting facility for the community.

Additional documents:



That this North Central area committeereaffirms its commitment to the delivery of a new full-sized all weather football facility in the Coolock-Artane area, a commitment first given in October 2021 when we passed a motion calling for such a facility in the area, and calls on the city council to refocus and re-energise itself toward the delivery of this desperately needed, much deserved and long-overdue sporting facility for the community.




The North Central Area Office have been working on this proposal and with the local clubs for circa two years and the process is ongoing. The initial meetings with local clubs had requests that were gauged as short, medium and long term. The all-weather pitch was always longer term.


The Area Office met with the local clubs, the Parks Department and local Councillors early in the process. The City Parks Superintendent advised the four clubs present to advise Dublin City Council of areas of hard standing that we may be able to install 7-9 a-side training pitches on. It was agreed that the priority of the clubs was to provide winter training facilities for the children of the area under lights. The Area Office and the Parks Department investigated the suggestions provided.


The unused tennis courts in Belcamp Park were turned into a MUGA pitch for training and St John Vianney asked for use of the small MUGA in the Stardust Park for their very young players. Dublin City Council also sought agreement from the local schools in Kilmore (Scoil Ide & Scoil Fhursa) to build a nine-a-side pitch on their grounds for the use of the school and the community.


The local Area Office are organising an area wide consultation of estates around the Oscar Traynor Development Lands. The purpose of this consultation will be to ascertain the types of activity/ entertainment etc. that the residents and the children in these areas would like to see. Once this consultation has been carried out there will be a steering committee formed to work out how we will use the Community Gain funding being provided for Capital Projects by Glenveagh for the benefit of the Community.


The Parks Department and Biodiversity Officer are working on carrying out ecological studies this coming winter on the available green spaces in the area. The Parks Department have also included the enlargement and redevelopment of the small pitch in Stardust Park in their Sports Capital Grant Applications.


The Sports Section are developing a City Sports Plan at present and they also have hopes to add two MUGAs to the proposed Swimming Pool Development on Cromcastle Road.


The Area Office hope to invite all local Councillors, Deputy’s and the local clubs to a meeting over the coming weeks to discuss the ongoing actions that are being taken to further the proposal.’



Contact:         Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA

Tel:                 222 8546

Email:             derek.farrell@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. O’Toole & Cllr. Barron


Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker


That this North Central area committeerecognises the need for a crossing guard to serve the Killester Raheny Clontarf Educate Together National School on Collins Avenue East and asks that the manager review the decision not to provide this resource. The school’s Board of Management have been in touch to ask for this decision to be reversed. This is a growing school in a busy urban retail area and it goes against measures to encourage active travel to school not to provide a crossing guard. This specific location has been raised on numerous occasions at the North Central Area Committee due to traffic and parking safety issues and increased Garda and parking enforcement measures have been requested following these discussions but have not improved the situation.



Additional documents:



That this North Central area committeerecognises the need for a crossing guard to serve the Killester Raheny Clontarf Educate Together National School on Collins Avenue East and asks that the manager review the decision not to provide this resource. The school’s Board of Management have been in touch to ask for this decision to be reversed. This is a growing school in a busy urban retail area and it goes against measures to encourage active travel to school not to provide a crossing guard. This specific location has been raised on numerous occasions at the North Central Area Committee due to traffic and parking safety issues and increased Garda and parking enforcement measures have been requested following these discussions but have not improved the situation.




Dublin Street Parking Services regularly patrol this location and carry out enforcement action on illegally parked cars. Instruction will be given to continue to focus on this location.


Contact:         Linda McDonald, Acting Parking Enforcement Officer

Tel:                 222 2261

Email:             linda.mcdonald@dublincity.ie



Following site inspection and School Warden Coordinator assessment, a School Warden is not recommended on Collins Avenue near to the Killester Raheny Clontarf Educate Together National School. There are 2 No. sets of pedestrian crossings to help assist students crossing the road. The students attending at the moment are all accompanied and the numbers would not meet the warrant for a school warden.


A School Keep Clear road marking, 2 No. School Ahead Signs and 2 No.“SLOW” road markings were proposed on Collins Avenue near to Killester Raheny Clontarf Educate Together National School to warn of the likelihood of encountering children on the road and to increase the driver’s awareness.


However, any instances of illegal parking should be reported to the Gardaí or Dublin Street Parking Services (Tel no. 01 602-2500) or email info@dsps, for enforcement under the Regulations.


Contact:         Gerry McEntagart – North City Executive Engineer

Tel:                 222 6753

Email:             gerald.mcentagart@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllrs. O’Muiri, Heney & Cooney.





Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker


That this North Central area committeecommits to a full review of and management plan for traffic and parking issues on Mount Prospect Avenue, Dublin 3 across from the Red Stables, with input from traffic and transport, the Gardaí, the parks department of the council and Dublin Bus.  While residents appreciate their proximity to the park, nonetheless the situation regarding parking at busy times and traffic issues is unsustainable. At present the parking is managed through Garda intervention and physical obstacles (cones, rocks etc.) but nonetheless residents’ driveways are frequently blocked. The traffic issues are such that the 130 bus which is the only bus serving the area is frequently forced to divert leaving people waiting at bus stops. In addition to this, the combined parking and traffic issues are a hazard for accessibility of emergency vehicles.


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committeecommits to a full review of and management plan for traffic and parking issues on Mount Prospect Avenue, Dublin 3 across from the Red Stables, with input from traffic and transport, the Gardaí, the parks department of the council and Dublin Bus.  While residents appreciate their proximity to the park, nonetheless the situation regarding parking at busy times and traffic issues is unsustainable. At present the parking is managed through Garda intervention and physical obstacles (cones, rocks etc.) but nonetheless residents’ driveways are frequently blocked. The traffic issues are such that the 130 bus which is the only bus serving the area is frequently forced to divert leaving people waiting at bus stops. In addition to this, the combined parking and traffic issues are a hazard for accessibility of emergency vehicles.





This request (Enquiry Ref: 7036206) will be referred to the Area Engineer for assessment and report to the Transport Advisory Group for their consideration.

The Councillor will be informed of the final recommendations of the Transport Advisory Group in due course.


Contact:         Catalin Rosca – North Central Area Engineer, Transport Advisory


Email:             Catalin.Rosca@dublincity.ie



Dublin Street Parking Services should be contacted directly by the resident in situations where there are vehicles obstructing a driveway.  Appropriate action can then be taken by DSPS once the owner of the property authorises them to remove the vehicle causing the obstruction. 

Dublin Street Parking Services have been instructed to patrol the location and carry out enforcement action where required. 


Contact:         Elaine Norton, Acting Administrative Officer

Tel:                  222 6291

Email:             elaine.norton@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.



Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker


That this North Central area committeeasks the manager to examine the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Road as a matter of urgency and introduce measures to increase crossing safety including, in the short term, altering the light sequence to allow for time for pedestrians to cross and in the medium term providing an official zebra or pedestrian crossing. At present many residents have raised the issue to there being no means of crossing safely across the Howth Road intersection with Copeland Avenue as the lights are sequenced to allow cars at all times and traffic is significant. I have attached a photo indicating the location/issue.


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committeeasks the manager to examine the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Road as a matter of urgency and introduce measures to increase crossing safety including, in the short term, altering the light sequence to allow for time for pedestrians to cross and in the medium term providing an official zebra or pedestrian crossing. At present many residents have raised the issue to there being no means of crossing safely across the Howth Road intersection with Copeland Avenue as the lights are sequenced to allow cars at all times and traffic is significant. I have attached a photo indicating the location/issue.





The Active Travel Programme office is currently working on two active travel schemes that will cover the area in question, the Baldoyle to Fairview Active Travel Scheme and the Glasnevin to Clontarf Active Travel Scheme. These projects have not yet been assigned project design teams.

Once these schemes commence, any concerns regarding pedestrian crossings in the area will be passed on to the relevant project manager for consideration in developing safer facilities.


Contact:         Christopher K. Manzira, Senior Transportation Officer              

Email:             Activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie   




In regards to upgrading the Pedestrian Crossings at the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Rd there is a new procedure which is as follows.


(1)   It is anticipated that similar to 2023, there will be an annual works package of pedestrian crossings delivered by the City Centre Projects Team in 2024 and future years.


(2)   When a Service Request is raised for  a pedestrian crossing, the Area Engineer will assess the location based on an agreed criteria to determine that  the installation of a pedestrian crossing in the location is feasible and  also that there is a clear and  justifiable demand for installing the crossing in the location.


(3)   If the location meets the criteria, the Area Engineer will recommend that it is included on a  Works List. The current Works List for any of the 5 administrative areas can be made available to local area Councillor’s on request.


(4)   Prior to assembling the next works package, the City Centre Projects Team, will request that the Area Engineers provide the latest  work lists for each of the 5 administrative areas. The Area Engineers will be required to give each location a priority rating to assist the City Centre Project Team in deciding which locations are to be included in the next works package.


(5)   The City Centre Project Team will assemble the next works package based on the works lists forwarded for each area. The aim will be to construct a similar number of pedestrian crossings in each administrative area taking into consideration the priority lists provided by the area engineers, any essential upgrading works that may be required by the ITS section and the available funding from the NTA.


(6)   The list of locations to be included in the next Work Package will be made available in the Traffic Quarterly Reports.




Contact:         Will Mangan, Acting Senior Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5l


Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker


That this North Central Area Committeedirects the manager to undertake a monthly written leaflet update to the residents of Castlecourt and Auburn where recent flooding occurred. Residents currently feel communication from the council in insufficient and there is no consistent clear communication reliably disseminated to all residents.


Additional documents:



Regular updates are given to representatives in Castle Court and Auburn Apartments. If email addresses of residents not receiving these are given we can provide a monthly update. Currently very few residents are living in the flooded area so we feel that this would be a more effective method of communication than by a leaflet drop as it would provide the possibility of two-way communication.


Contact:         Gerard O’Connell, Senior Engineer, Environment & Transportation.

Email:             gerry.oconnell@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.



Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this North Central area committee supports the annual Sensory Garden Santa event which provides a fun and festive experience in Edenmore for children with various disabilities and additional needs and calls on the city council to support the wonderful event in every way that it can.


Additional documents:



The North Central Area Office has been, and continues to be, fully supportive of the annual Sensory Garden Santa Event.

The organisers have sought financial support towards the cost of the event and a contribution has now been approved. 


Contact:         Mick Carroll, Local Area Manager for Clontarf – Donaghmede LEA

Phone:            222 8846

Email:            mick.carroll@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland


That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens. 


Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association. 


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens. 


Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association. 



At present the North Central Area is leading the way in Dublin City with regard to leaf mould composting. Development of this scheme commenced back in 2020 during Covid when residents in Maywood/Bettyglen estate in Raheny expressed an interest in piloting it in NCA. Griffith Avenue & District Residents Association had previously trialled this initiative with mixed results.


Since 2020 the scheme has been expanded to 32 locations across the North Central Area. There is a total of 165 leaf baskets in residential areas in NCA at present resulting in approx. 5000 bags of leaves being diverted to composting as opposed to collection & disposal by DCC Waste Management Services. There are also some Community Gardens in the area that have set up their own leaf composting areas and they take bags of leaves from residential areas and assistance was provided to the Belmayne Allotments to set up a large scale leaf composting zone in 2021 and the allotments are provided with approx. 500 bags of leaves from a dedicated high leaf fall street in the North Central Area.


In 2022 the Environmental Liaison Officer worked closely with both GADRA & All Hallows Resident Associations on Griffith Avenue. Compostable leaf bags were made available to all residents and with the help of All Hallows Residents Association, four schools on Griffith Avenue agreed to assist with leaf gathering .A leaf gathering week was arranged with full support from Waste Management Services and with agreement from Parks the bags of leaves were transported to St. Anne’s Park to make leaf mould compost for use in the park. It is proposed to continue this operation annually as it is working extremely well so far.


In relation to leaf baskets on Griffith Avenue, assistance and support was provided to GADRA in 2022 when they expressed an interest in leaf composting again. A composting expert  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5o


Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney


In relation to cycle path at Griffith Avenue, this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to say what plans he has to address the problem of the large number of cyclists who continue to cycle on the footpath on a daily basis, (not using the cycle path) as residents complain about the large amount of money that has been paid to put cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue which “nobody uses” according to residents.


Additional documents:



In relation to cycle path at Griffith Avenue, this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to say what plans he has to address the problem of the large number of cyclists who continue to cycle on the footpath on a daily basis, (not using the cycle path) as residents complain about the large amount of money that has been paid to put cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue which “nobody uses” according to residents.




Dublin City Council installed a high quality cycle lane on Griffith Avenue to increase safety for cyclists. Cycle counter data shows that the numbers of people using the cycle lane on Griffith Avenue are continuously increasing, with over 12.500 people using the cycle lane in October 2023. While the Council does not have the authority to enforce the use of the cycle lane, the team will continue to promote its use among local residents, schools and on social media.


Name:             Deirdre Kelly, Acting Administrative Officer

Tel:                  087 4559494

Email:             deirdre.kelly@dublincity.ie



Order:  Deferred to December meeting.


Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri


That this North Central area committee seeks an update on the pilot road closure of Haverty Road and a timeline for decision on a permanent closure.


Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee seeks an update on the pilot road closure of Haverty Road and a timeline for decision on a permanent closure.




A report summarising the public consultation feedback and traffic surveys is being compiled and will be presented to councillors in early 2024. We will seek feedback from councillors on the report and councillors will be given the opportunity to advise whether to implement the trial on a permanent basis, amend it or have it removed.


A permanent scheme would likely involve the installation of permanent infrastructure such as traffic islands, planting and other traffic calming measures as required. We will be in a position to tender for the development of a detailed design in Q1 2024 if there is support from councillors for a permanent scheme.


Contact:         Andrew Geoghegan Neighbourhood Transport Engineer (North City)

Email:             andrew.geoghegan@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.