{meta} Agenda for Central Area Committee on Tuesday 11th October, 2022, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2 and or by Remote Video Conferencing Via Zoom

Contact: Grainne O'Grady 


No. Item


With reference to the minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2022. pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Agreed.



With reference to the questions to the Area Managers. pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Noted.



Licences and Leases pdf icon PDF 128 KB

(a)  With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of  the Café Area,  Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, Green Street/North King Street, Dublin 7.


(b)  With reference to the proposed grant of a licence of  Units T02-T07,  Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, Green Street/North King St, D7.


(c)   With reference to the proposed grant of a licence of a premises in Mountjoy Square Park, Dublin 1, to St. Brigid’s Day Nursery Limited.


(d)  With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of part of The Toy Gregory Community, Youth & Sports Centre, Ballybough Road, Dublin 1 to Crosscare


Additional documents:


(a)  With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of  the Café Area,  Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, Green Street/North King Street, Dublin 7.


      ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


(b)  With reference to the proposed grant of a licence of  Units T02-T07,  Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, Green Street/North King Street


ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


(c)   With reference to the proposed grant of a licence of a premises in Mountjoy Square Park, Dublin 1, to St. Brigid’s Day Nursery Limited.


ORDER:  Agreed. Recommend to City Council.

(d)  With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of part of The Toy Gregory Community, Youth & Sports Centre, Ballybough Road, Dublin 1 to Crosscare


ORDER:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council. 



With reference to proposal for installation of telecommunications infrastructure on roof of Ballybough Sports and Community Centre.

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to Report under Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Proposed refurbishment of 1 - 8 Tyrrell Place, Mountjoy, Dublin 1. pdf icon PDF 620 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to a proposal to initiate the procedure for the Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over the lane at the rear of the East side of Goldsmith Street and of O'Connell Avenue, Dublin 7 - laneway to the rear of houses numbered 5-14 Sarsfield Street, 1-12 O'Connell Avenue and 12 -16 Berkeley Road. pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Agreed to initiate the procedure.



With reference to the Stoneybatter Greening Strategy.

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted. 



With reference to a report on Martin Savage Park. pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.  Further report to November meeting.



With reference to report on Halloween 2022 preparations. pdf icon PDF 486 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to the Traffic Advisory Group minutes. pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference Office of City Recovery Public Domain Report. pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to the North Inner City Area Reports. pdf icon PDF 859 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to the Cabra Glasnevin Area Reports. pdf icon PDF 1013 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to Public Domain Environmental Services Report. pdf icon PDF 712 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to Sports in the Central Area. pdf icon PDF 551 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to the North East Inner City Initiative. pdf icon PDF 543 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER:  Report noted.



With reference to Motions to the Area Managers. pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Additional documents:


The following emergency motions to the Area Manager were tabled:


Emergency motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner


This area committee calls for an immediate suspension of the planting of new trees along the median strip of Dorset Street, pending a meeting between the NTA, Dublin City Council Management, District 7 Alliance and other residents of the area to consider the feasibility of removing the median strip entirely. Residents, business representatives and road safety campaigners have all advocated for the removal of the median strip to support traffic calming, accessibility and improve the liveability of the area. This project should not progress until all stakeholders have met and a strategy agreed with road safety, air quality and accessibility as central considerations. 


ORDER:  Agreed.  Area office to arrange meeting with all stakeholders. 

Emergency Motion in the name of Councillor Eimer McCormack

With the deadline for submissions to the Bus Connects and Metrolink North applications rapidly approaching I would like to request the Traffic Department of DCC appear before the members and provide a report on the expected traffic impact on the Central Area, as these routes converge through the area. Bus Connects will include the routes from Swords, Blanchardstown, Ballymun and Finglas, all traversing the Central Area on route to the city centre and I feel councillors need to be made aware, in advance of submissions, of the potential for any and all eventualities for our area. Similarly, when the construction of the Metrolink begins, what traffic management plans are foreseen by DCC as being necessary and what actions will they take to alleviate congestion on our already busy streets.

ORDER:  Agreed

Emergency Motion in the names of Cllr. Joe Costello and Cllr. Declan Meenagh

That the Area Manager request that the deadline for planning submissions for the Metrolink Project be extended by two weeks as sought by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents’ Association.



ORDER:  Agreed.


The following Motions to the Area Managers were tabled.



Item 1 

Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Central Area Committee requests an up to date report to the future of the Bring Centre at Shamrock Place, Dublin 1.

ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 2

Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Central Area Committee calls on Irish Rail to address the issue of the screeching noise which train wheels make on the metal track as it passes over the bridge on Ballybough Road, (as the rail tracks curve over that section from North Strand Road to Croke Park).  Greasing machines have been installed by Irish Rail but there has been little improvement.  Residents feel the noise levels are still too high and their quality of life is suffering as a result.


ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 3

Motion in the names of Councillor Colm O’Rourke and Ray McAdam


That this Central Area Committee


·         Thanks the National Transport Authority (NTA) for agreeing to our motion to use the unutilised lands north of Mount Bernard Park and for transferring the land to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.