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No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2024 and matters arising. PDF 159 KB Minutes: Order: Minutes agreed |
Receptions of the Lord Mayor and Engagements of the Deputy Lord Mayor PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Receptions and Engagements noted and approved. It was also agreed to review the role of the Deputy Lord Mayor. |
Legal Opinion on Dublin City Council's Obligations regarding the UNCRPD PDF 102 KB Minutes: Order: Noted |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Mannix Flynn: PDF 84 KB That Dublin City council immediately set out to develop a policy guideline and protocol regarding how the council respond to the highly sensitive issue of commemorating and remembering sites of residential institutions and places of detention where children and women were detained within the Dublin city Council administrative area these places of detention and imprisonment are well described in the Ryan report, the Murphy report and many such other reports. A clear policy outlining the procedures for any plaques or other such acknowledgements needs to be clearly set out by Dublin city Council bearing in mind the same local authority was responsible for placing many of the individuals in institutions under the non-attendance at school act that was administrated by the then Dublin corporation school inspector section in the meantime all commemorative plaques regarding such institutions should be put on hold until we come up with a robust sensitive fit for purpose policy.
Minutes: That Dublin City council immediately set out to develop a policy guideline and protocol regarding how the council respond to the highly sensitive issue of commemorating and remembering sites of residential institutions and places of detention where children and women were detained within the Dublin city Council administrative area these places of detention and imprisonment are well described in the Ryan report, the Murphy report and many such other reports. A clear policy outlining the procedures for any plaques or other such acknowledgements needs to be clearly set out by Dublin city Council bearing in mind the same local authority was responsible for placing many of the individuals in institutions under the non-attendance at school act that was administrated by the then Dublin corporation school inspector section in the meantime all commemorative plaques regarding such institutions should be put on hold until we come up with a robust sensitive fit for purpose policy.
Order: Motion agreed. The motion to be forwarded to the Commemorations and Naming Committee for implementation once it is re-established under the Community, Gaeilge, Sport, Arts & Culture SPC
It was also requested that the motion be brought to the attention of the Area Managers for their information when dealing with commemorative requests. |
Establishment of City Hall Sub-Committee PDF 44 KB Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr. McAdam and seconded by Cllr. Flynn that Cllr. Dermot Lacey be chair the sub-committee.
Order: It was agreed to appoint Cllr. Lacey as the Chair of the sub-committee and Councillors Cunningham, O’Driscoll and Flynn as the other members. The first meeting to take place in early December to agree the terms of reference. |
Approval of Councillor attendance at the Environmental Protection Agency's National Air Event 2024 Conference on 6th November 2024 in Kilkenny. Further information is available here https://www.epa.ie/who-we-are/conference--events/events/national-air-event-2024.php Minutes: Order: Conference attendance approved. It was agreed that going forward Councillors could attend conferences organised by National Organisational Bodies without prior approval of the Protocol Committee. |
Request from the Irish Deaf Society to fly the National Deaf Flag on City Hall in support of National Sign Language Day on 14th December 2024 Minutes: Order: Agreed |
Request from Cllr. John Lyons for the Council Chamber to be made available for a talk by Professor Mazin Quimsiyeh to Councillors on ethical procurement and human rights Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Protocol for considering City Hall Lighting Requests Minutes: Order: It was agreed to relist for the December meeting. |
Introduction of new payment scheme for the Local Representative Allowance (Vouched Expenses) Minutes: The Members were briefed on the proposed change in the payment of the Local Representative Allowance (vouched expenses allowance). Where previously the allowance was paid on a monthly basis in advance, from January 2025 it would be paid in arrears once the expense was submitted. The system was already in place for newly elected councillors and was working well. It would ensure the prompt payment of expenses once they are incurred and would remove the prospect of Members being overpaid and having to refund the allowance at the end of the year.
A presentation on the new processes and expenses in general would also be given to the Councillors before the introduction of the changes.
Order: Noted and agreed. |
Managers Report Minutes: · A briefing document on Conferences and Training was circulated to Group Leaders. Any additional queries could be raised at the expenses workshop. The Manager agreed to re-circulate the document after the meeting. Order: Noted
· The provision of digital access to payslips for Councillors was being investigated by the CORE Project Board. Order: Noted
· The Councillor Portal is currently nearing completion. It will provide a platform to manage Council Questions, motions and representations. The first phase of the implementation will focus on questions and motions to the Area Committees. The Central Area will pilot the portal in November & December with a general roll out in January 2025. The representations phase is earmarked for quarter 3 of 2025. The Members were cautiously supportive of the new application provided it improves the service to Members. It was agreed that the Protocol Committee would be consulted before it is rolled out in full and that adequate training be provided to all Councillors. Order: Noted
· The Manager confirmed that the selection of the Sectoral SPC Membership was in process. The Chairs have been notified of the nominations and it was a matter for the Committees to decide on their appointments. A report would be brought to the November City Council meeting. The Members expressed their dissatisfaction with the nomination process including the lack of Trade Union representation. The Manager acknowledged the comments and advised that CPG would be the appropriate forum to discuss the issue. Order: Noted. |
A.O.B. Minutes: · Cllr. O’Muiri reported issues with receiving email notifications from Mod Gov when meeting documentation was published. Order: The Manager agreed to investigate the issue and report back to the Member.
· Cllr. Flynn expressed concern at the lack of acknowledgment of Dublin City Council at events and exhibitions organised by the Hugh Lane Gallery. The City Council provide vital support to the Gallery and its role should be properly recognised. Order: Noted.
· Members raised the issue of informal consultation carried out by Dublin City Council and expressed concern at the lack of consistency in approach across the organisation. There is a need for an agreed protocol to improve the coherence of approach. Order: The Manager agreed to bring the matter to CPG. |
Proposed date of next meeting: 9.30am on 21st November 2024 Minutes: Order: Agreed. |