{meta} Agenda for Protocol Committee on Thursday 23rd February, 2023, 8.00 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: BY REMOTE VIDEO CONFERENCE. View directions

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 26th January and matters arising. pdf icon PDF 232 KB


Order: Minutes agreed.


Conference Reports: pdf icon PDF 763 KB

Cllr. Dermot Lacey: Association of Irish Regions (AIR), Regional Seminar and Training Event, "Regional Planning, Climate Change & Economic Development". 7th - 9th February 2023, Four Seasons Hotel & Leisure Club, Coolshannagh, County Monaghan.


Cllr. Dermot Lacey: Association of Irish Regions (AIR), Regional Seminar and Training Event, "Regional Planning, Climate Change & Economic Development". 7th - 9th February 2023, Four Seasons Hotel & Leisure Club, Coolshannagh, County Monaghan.


Order: Report Noted.


Health and Safety Procedures and Protocols for City Hall


Ruth Dowling informed Members that Health and Safety guidelines for the new Party  Rooms and meeting pods in City Hall would be circulated in advance of them coming into use. Panic buttons will be installed in the pods and emergency evacuation procedures will be put in place. Unfortunately, there will be a delay of at least 5 weeks before the rooms can be occupied due to a delay in the issue of the appropriate BCAR certificates for the completed works. Senior Architect Lenzie O’Sullivan agreed to circulate details of the certificates to the Members.


Order: Noted.


Update on Mansion House Accessibility Project pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Executive Architect Margret Glupker briefed the Members on the current status of the Accessibility Project at the Mansion House and the expected timeframe for the completion of the works. Full details of which can be found in the attached presentation.


Lenzie O’Sullivan confirmed that secondary glazing would be installed in the upstairs bedrooms in June-July 2023 which would significantly improve noise reduction and reduce the impact of the traffic from Dawson Street.


City Architects noted Cllr. Flynn’s remarks regarding improving the connection between the public footpath on Dawson Street  with the forecourt of the Mansion House. They will review and report back.


Order: Report Noted.


Update on the O'Connell Plinth at City Hall pdf icon PDF 216 KB


The Manager informed Members that the Ukrainian Ambassador had approached the Lord Mayor in relation to staging a photographic exhibition on the current war with Russia in the Rotunda of City Hall. Following consultation with the Chief Executive and Lord Mayor permission was given for the exhibition which is expected to take place over 4 days from 27th February. The Manager will circulate further information as it becomes available.


The Members discussed how best to utilise the O’Connell Plinth at City Hall to promote public art. The options of temporary installations over 12 months and longer term commissions were considered. The Members felt that further information was necessary before they could make an informed decision and that it would be beneficial if Ruairi Ó Cuív could attend the next meeting of Protocol.


The Members agreed to discuss with their party colleagues the proposal from the Ukrainian Embassy to symbolically ‘wrap’ the O’Connell Plinth with sandbags in recognition of the difficulties which Ukraine is facing at this time. The request would be listed on the March Protocol Committee agenda for decision.


It was also agreed that the existing public art installation on the O’Connell Plinth should remain in place until the end of March 2023 before being relocated to TU Dublin campus in Grangegorman.


Order: Report Noted.




Friendship Agreement between the cities of Dublin and Seoul, Republic of Korea pdf icon PDF 294 KB


Fanchea Gibson gave a brief overview of the proposal to enter into a Friendship Agreement with the City of Seoul, South Korea. She outlined a number of areas of mutual interest which would form the basis of the Agreement.


The Members thanked Fanchea for her presentation and welcomed the proposal.


Order: The Friendship Agreement between Dublin City and Seoul, South Korea was approved and recommended to Council.


Voting System at Council meetings


The Manager informed the Committee that the Executive was committed to the use of Voting App in Modern Gov for City Council meetings and were happy to engage with Councillors to ensure that it was used effectively.


The Members were in general, supportive of the reintroduction of the Voting App. It was felt that a demonstration prior to the Council meeting would be beneficial.


Order: It was agreed that the Manager would recirculate the video tutorial on the use of the Mod Gov Voting App and that technical support would be provided to Councillors in advance of Council meetings.   


City Hall Lighting Request in support of Epilepsy Ireland's "Purple Day Awareness Campaign" on 26th March 2023.


Order: Agreed.


Manager's Report


The Manager informed Members that Standing Orders should be updated to reflect the introduction of the Local Government (Maternity Protection and Other Measures for Members of Local Authorities) Act 2022. In advance of such changes she requested that Members give approval to allow a Co-Opted Member to replace their predecessor’s Motion on Notice with their own motion without loss of position on the agenda.


Order: The Members agreed the Managers proposal on the substitution of motions for co-opted Members.


The Manager informed Members that the Samuel Beckett Bridge would be illuminated on 23rd February to mark the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The official date of the 24th February was not available due to a prior illumination commitment.


Order: Noted


The Manager reported that the new bike bunker at Palace Street was awaiting the delivery and installation of a maglock. She would notify the Members as soon as there is an update . She would also raise the request of additional bicycle parking at the Wood Quay Venue with the Brendan O’Brien and Darach O’Connor.


Order: Noted


The Manager informed the Committee that An Garda Siochána would provide a briefing on personal Health and Safety for Councillors on 6th March before the beginning of the Council meeting. A notification would be circulated to all Councillors.


Order: Noted




Cllr. Micheal MacDonncha expressed his displeasure at the discontinuation of the policy to provide printer cartridges to Members.


The Manager informed the Committee that following the introduction of the vouched expenses scheme Councillors could purchase cartridges themselves and the expenses could then be claimed back and therefore there was no requirement for the City Council to continue to provide cartridges.


Order: The Manager agreed to review the policy and would report back to the Members in due course.


Cllr. Mannix Flynn requested that the Law Agent provide clarification on the Members entitlement to be provided with copies of the legal documents in relation to the Judicial Review of the Development Plan concerning the zoning of lands located to the east of St Paul's College, Raheny, Dublin 5.


Order: The Chair requested the Law Agent to attend the next meeting of Protocol in relation to the matter. 


The Members requested clarification as to whether Section 153 permission would be sought to defend the challenge lodged by Hammerson’s in relation to the designation of buildings on Moore Street as protected structures. 


Order: The Manager agreed to raise the matter with the Law Agent and would revert back to the Members directly. 


Proposed date of next meeting: 23rd March 2023 at 8am.


Order: Agreed