Note: To be held Remotely via Video Conference
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2020 and matters arising PDF 240 KB Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Receptions of the Lord Mayor and Engagements of the Deputy Lord Mayor PDF 310 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed and Recommend to Council
Conferences |
Conferences Attended: · Cllrs. Christy Burke, Dermot Lacey, Mary Freehill, Colm O’Rourke & Marie Sherlock. AILG Annual Training Conference, “Climate Action – Solving Global Challenges through Local Leadership.” Longford Arms Hotel, County Longford. 4th – 5th March 2020.
· Cllr. Danny Byrne. OPR & AILG Training Seminar, ““The Role of the Elected Member in making City and County Development Plans.” Kilmore Hotel, County Cavan. 13th February 2020.
· Cllr. Donna Cooney. BYCS Bicycle Mayors European Summit, “Cycling, Public Domains, Place Makers, Liveable Cities”. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 5th-8th February 2020. Minutes: · Cllrs. Christy Burke, Dermot Lacey, Mary Freehill, Colm O’Rourke & Marie Sherlock. AILG Annual Training Conference, “Climate Action – Solving Global Challenges through Local Leadership.” Longford Arms Hotel, County Longford. 4th – 5th March 2020.
· Cllr. Danny Byrne. OPR & AILG Training Seminar, ““The Role of the Elected Member in making City and County Development Plans.” Kilmore Hotel, County Cavan. 13th February 2020.
· Cllr. Donna Cooney. BYCS Bicycle Mayors European Summit, “Cycling, Public Domains, Place Makers, Liveable Cities”. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 5th-8th February 2020.
Order: Agreed and recommend to Council
Conference Reports received: PDF 447 KB · Cllrs. Christy Burke, Dermot Lacey, Mary Freehill, Colm O’Rourke & Marie Sherlock. AILG Annual Training Conference, “Climate Action – Solving Global Challenges through Local Leadership.” 4th – 5th March 2020.
· Cllr. Danny Byrne. OPR & AILG Training Seminar, ““The Role of the Elected Member in making City and County Development Plans.” 13th February 2020.
· Cllr. Donna Cooney. BYCS Bicycle Mayors European Summit, “Cycling, Public Domains, Place Makers, Liveable Cities”.. 5th-8th February 2020.
Additional documents:
Minutes: · Cllrs. Christy Burke, Dermot Lacey, Mary Freehill, Colm O’Rourke & Marie Sherlock. AILG Annual Training Conference, “Climate Action – Solving Global Challenges through Local Leadership.” 4th – 5th March 2020.
· Cllr. Danny Byrne. OPR & AILG Training Seminar, ““The Role of the Elected Member in making City and County Development Plans.” 13th February 2020.
· Cllr. Donna Cooney. BYCS Bicycle Mayors European Summit, “Cycling, Public Domains, Place Makers, Liveable Cities”. 5th-8th February 2020.
Order: Noted
Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Standards in Public Office Correspondence - Meetings & Proceedings of Local Authorities PDF 545 KB Minutes: Order: Noted |
Minutes: Members acknowledged and commended all the emergency services and employees of Dublin City Council who worked on the frontline during the Covid-19 Pandemic. They were fully supportive of any initiative to recognise the contribution of frontline workers.
Order: Members agreed the Lord Mayors proposal to present plaques to Dublin Fire Brigade. |
Europe Day Declaration of Renew Europe Mayors and Regional Ministers PDF 161 KB Minutes: Order: Members reaffirmed their previous position that the Lord Mayor was entitled to sign the document on his own behalf but that this Committee could not unanimously endorse the declaration or recommend it to Council. |
Motion in the Name of Councillor Anne Feeney: "To Develop an online Councillor resource hub for ease of access to SPC Reports; Area Committee Presentations; Council updates; Motions; Events" Minutes: Members were supportive of the need to develop a CRM system to manage Councillors submissions and requests. They also acknowledged the requirement to have an accessible document management and archive facility which would provide access to historical material such as LAP’s and Part 8 applications.
The Manager confirmed that substantial progress had been made in procuring a CRM development tender and that upgrades to the Modern.gov system could improve the current document management facility.
Order: Anne Feeney to join the Protocol IT Sub-Group to assist in the development of such systems. Motion agreed. |
Media attendance at remote Area Committee and SPC meetings Minutes: The Members agreed that in the interests of democracy and transparency the media should be allowed to view live remote video conferenced Area and SPC meetings. Two options were suggested on how to facilitate this. Firstly, a live stream or webcast of the remote meetings which would be accessible to both the media and public. The second option was that the media could be invited into the remote meeting provided they agreed not to participate in or interrupt proceedings.
Order: It was agreed in principle to provide the media with access to live remote meetings. The Manager will consult with the IS Department to determine how best to facilitate this request giving due consideration to the security and integrity of meetings.
Standing Orders Review PDF 575 KB Minutes: Members thanked the sub-committee for their hard work over the past several months and acknowledged the difficulty in achieving unanimity with such a document.
It was agreed that if members had suggestions for amendments that they forward them directly to the members of the sub-committee and the Manager within the next two weeks for consideration. A final draft would then be presented at the next meeting of the Protocol Committee with a view to having the new standing orders agreed at the July Council meeting.
Order: In the interim the following motions to amend to Standing Orders were agreed and recommended to Council:
Hour and extension of Meeting
The hour of the Monthly Meeting of the Council shall be at 6.15 p.m. unless otherwise fixed by Statute or by Resolution of the Council or an Order of the Lord Mayor. In the event of an emergency or formal civic event coinciding with a Council Meeting, the Lord Mayor following consultation with Group Leaders may change the time, date and venue of the meeting. The Council shall rise not later than 9.30 p.m.
It is Council policy to webcast, Monthly, SPC and Area Committee and Remote meetings where possible. Committees should adhere to the Dublin City Council Webcasting Protocol that was agreed by Council on 2nd December 2019. Members of Committees should be reminded of their obligations in this matter.
Remote Meetings:
I. Committees of the Council may host remote meetings through video conferencing provided they do not make legally binding or statutory decisions. Committees should adhere to the “Remote Meetings Guidelines” as approved by the Protocol Committee on 7th May 2020, when conducting such meetings.
II. The agenda and minutes of remote meetings should be produced and published to the same extent as physical meetings.
III. Meetings held remotely should be recorded and published subsequent to the meeting.
IV. Every reference to quorum contained within the standing orders shall be construed as permitting councillors participating remotely to count towards a quorum when Committees of the Council are hosting remote meetings.
Design options for Councillor Letterheads PDF 950 KB Minutes: Order: Members agreed that option two was the preferred choice. However, the Irish language text should be given equal prominence with its English translation. |
Internal Dublin City Councillor Group Email Minutes: Order: This item was deferred to the next meeting of the Protocol Committee. |
Managers Report Minutes: The Manager reported that measures were being put in place to facilitate a social distanced full City Council meeting in the Round Room of the Mansion House on 8th June 2020. Following advice and risk assessments from the Health & Safety Section and the meeting of the Crisis Management Team, Councillors will be briefed and guidelines for the meeting will be issued.
Members were advised that each party should ensure that they have one speaker selected for each item on the agenda. |
A.O.B. Minutes: There were no further items raised. |
Proposed Date of next meeting 25th June 2020 Minutes: Order: Agreed |