{meta} Agenda for Mobility and Public Realm SPC on Wednesday 8th June, 2022, 3.00 pm

Agenda and minutes



No. Item


Minutes of last Traffic & Transport SPC Meeting held on 09th February 2022 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

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Minutes of Public Transport Sub-Committee Meeting held on 14th October 2021 pdf icon PDF 484 KB

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Minutes of Walking and Cycling Sub-Committee held on 22nd November 2021 pdf icon PDF 561 KB

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Update on process for residential Pay & Display and Permit Parking Ballots - Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer. pdf icon PDF 465 KB

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Dermot Stevenson updated and answered members questions in relation to proposed changes in conducting ballots for Pay & Display & Permit Parking Schemes due to GDPR issues with using the Resistor of Electors.   One Ballot paper will be issued per property on the road/street for which the scheme is proposed. One House one vote. This eliminates the need for pro rata in the count and improves the decision time on ballots.



Agreed.  Members to be issued with report from Law Department on GDPR issues.


Presentation on Public Lighting Upgrade Project. Martin Maycock, Senior Engineer Public Lighting and Electrical Services

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Martin Maycock, Senior Engineer Public Lighting and Electrical Services, gave a presentation on the Public Lighting Upgrade Project with Nicola O’Shea delivering the update on construction stage.  MM and NOS addressed questions on the project raised by Members.


Members requested that they receive a copy of the presentation.




Walking and Cycling Plan - Connecting Communities - Antonia Martin, Sustainable Mobility Communication & Promotion Officer. pdf icon PDF 356 KB

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Antonia Martin gave an update on Connecting Communities Strategy to increase accessibility in communities and so reduce car use and answered members questions on the report.


Members noted importance of working with communities, engaging with all stakeholders, neighbourhood approval, local Gardai, etc., importance of effective enforcement to change driver behaviour. Ensure inclusiveness for all.  Request for Organigram for new Active Travel Section, structure works, dates and timelines.





Update on 30 KPH Speed Limit and Zebra Crossing Working Groups - Cllr. Christy Burke

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Chair Cllr. Christy Burke gave an update advising that the 30KPH speed limit bye-laws and Zebra Crossing Working Groups have been set up and both groups have held their first meeting.  Propose to have a maximum of four meetings.  Both groups will report back to the SPC with their final recommendations.




Report on Motion from Cllr. Tina McVeigh on construction traffic management - Brendan O'Brien A/Executive Manager Traffic pdf icon PDF 508 KB

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Members agreed to move the motion.




Motion 162 referred from Special Council Meeting 8-10 November 2021 Draft Dublin City Development plan 2022-2028 - Submitted by Green Party Comhaontas Glas

Refers to: Chapter 8 - Sustainable Movement and Transport

Motion 162


Chapter:8, Section: Page: 225 after SMT32 to include a new policy: The Council will examine mechanisms to reduce the presence of oversized and emissions intensive vehicles, particularly in the city centre 

Planning Reason

To support sustainable transport and reduce the number of private cars in the city.

Chief Executive's Response


The delivery of goods and services in the city is an essential service carried out by many large scale trucks and vehicles and supports many jobs and businesses in the city.  However, the concern regarding the reducing in emissions is noted and Dublin City Council is committed to supporting and promoting the development of 'last mile' deliveries (Policy SMT14) which seek to reduce the presence of vehicles in the city. Policy SMTO28 also seeks to tackle the adverse environmental and road safety of traffic in the city through measures such as the ongoing monitoring of traffic noise and emissions and the evaluation of the air quality and traffic noise impacts of transport policy and traffic management measures being implemented by DCC.

The issue of mechanisms to change access for vehicles is an issue of City by-laws and is not a Development Plan matter; and this topic would be best addressed through examination of the wider issue through the Traffic and Transport SPC.

Chief Executive Recommendation

It is the recommendation of the CE that the motion is not agreed as it is outside of the scope of the Development Plan; and the Draft Plan contains policies seeking to reduce traffic noise and emissions. 


Council Meeting Decision


The motion was WITHDRAWN. To be referred to Traffic and Transportation SPC.


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Agreed.  A report will be brought to the September SPC on mechanisms to reduce the presence of oversized and emissions intensive vehicles particularly in the city centre, looking at what mechanisms are currently in place, what National Legislations needs to change and what is within our own powers to deal with this issue.


Motion 163 referred from Special Council Meeting 8-10 November 2021 Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 to Traffic & Transport SPC. Submitted by Cll. Cieran Perry

Refers to: Chapter 8 - Sustainable Movement and Transport


Motion 163

That the Development Plan should provide a commitment that Dublin City Council will accept responsibility for traffic cameras.


Planning Reason


The roll out of traffic cameras has paused due to a reluctance of either An Garda Síochána or Dublin City Council to take responsibility for operation and monitoring. The pause has delayed the opportunity to use traffic cameras for identifying breaches of traffic legislation such as red light running etc.


Chief Executive's Response


This is an operational matter and outside of the scope of the Development Plan.

Chief Executive Recommendation

It is the recommendation of the CE that the motion is not agreed as it is outside the scope of the Development Plan.


Council Meeting Decision

The motion was WITHDRAWN. To be referred to Traffic and Transportation SPC.


Additional documents:


Agreed.  A further report to be brought to September SPC on the roll out of traffic cameras across the city similar to red eye camera Blackhall Place.