No. | Item |
Minutes of Traffic & Transport SPC 01st December 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed. |
Update on the development plan 2022 -2028. Deirdre Scully Deputy City Planner. Additional documents: Minutes: Deidre Scully Deputy City Planner gave an update on the Development Plan 2022-2028 focusing in on the Traffic & Transport Element. Pre Draft consultation went well great depth of engagement. The document is now out on public display, currently 1,000 submissions. Deidre answered questions from members on the presentation. Closing date for receipt of submission is 14th February 2022
Noted. |
Update on formation of sub committee on Zebra crossings and 30 kph. Chair Cllr. Christy Burke Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. Burke gave an update on formation of the two working groups two more Cllrs are required for the 30KPH working group and one Cllr is needed for the Zebra Crossing working group. MH to send a further reminder to Councillors to fill these positions before the working groups can commence.
Noted. |
Presentation on "Rate my Signals " a public engagement tool. Jo Martin ITS Additional documents: Minutes: Jo Martin ITS Officer Project Manager for “Rate my Signals” gave an update on new “Rate my Signals” app due to be launched in the to allow the public submit feedback on traffic signals in the city. Part of the Be Good Project, first initiative as the HGV Permit Checker App. It gives DCC an opportunity to interact with the public in relation to traffic signals and to use the information to provide a better experience for all road users. “The Rate my Signals” App is not a fault logging system. JM answered members questions in relation to the app.
Fixed Penalty Notice Report - Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: Dermot Stevenson Parking Enforcement Officer updated Members on the Fixed Penalty Notice Report and answered Members questions. Further discussions required with DSS to expand the scheme. Technology around illegal parking would be welcome but outside scope of this report. List of streets will be distributed to members. Delivery strategy being worked on currently to provide a workable solution for deliveries in the city.
Noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Dermot Stephenson went through proposed changes to parking Enforcement Policy regarding residential Pay & Display Ballots and answered members questions. Two proposals given, second considered more favourable than the first.
Residents would approach City Council with petition of 35%. Once petition is verified DCC in advance of ballot will write to residents of the road advising that petition has been accepted, scheme will be designed and ballot residents then takes place. Condition of ballot - residents must be on the register of elector to partake residents will be notified on how people can make themselves eligible to vote. Two ballots per house.
Questions fear of penalising renters – sufficient time for people to get themselves on register. Residents will be provided with as much information as possible in relation to how to get on the register of electors.
Noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Brendan O’Brien A/Executive Manager Traffic gave an update and answered questions from members on the new Active Travel Unit which will be headed up by Andy Walsh Executive Manager starting 14th February 2022. 15 staff will transfer to this division, additional engineers will be recruited including Senior Engineer to lead some of the bigger projects. All major cycling projects will transfer over to the Active Travel Unit, including a range of projects in planning and design will transfer over also. Active Travel programme goes across a number of Traffic Divisions. Walking and Cycling Action plan due to be presented at next SPC. Quarterly briefings by Active Travel Unit will be given at Area Committees Priority should be given to walkability issues, work taking place on Walking and Cycling Action plan. With regard to the Cycle network the intention is for it to be safe and accessible to all.
Noted. |
Greater Dorset Street Together Project - Tom McKeon Additional documents: Minutes: Speaker Tom McKeon not in attendance. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Deferred to the next SPC Cllr. McVeigh unable to attend. |
AOB Additional documents: Minutes: N/A |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Christy Burke That this traffic SPC seek a report from the traffic CEO as to the update position on traffic wardens for the Dublin City, as the Minster Eamonn Ryan fully supports this measure in order to help prevent illegal parking on our footpaths and other areas.
Additional documents: Minutes: Brendan O’Brien advised, as in the previous report by Dermot Stevenson DCC are committed to providing the on-street enforcement via the DSPS which allows for it be reviewed and to see how affective it is. This is the approach being taken at the moment. If members feel there is a need for a directly employed warden enforcement service members would have to make a case to the Chief Executive.
Agreed motion to go to Chief Executive for report. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Carolyn Moore, Cllr. Caroline Conroy and Cllr. Michael Pidgeon This committee calls on Dublin City Council to provide at least two traffic or community wardens on a defined trial basis and within a defined area, North and South of the Liffey, to assess the role of wardens in:
· Helping to enforce ongoing illegal and dangerous parking in the city; · Issuing FCPNs to support safer walking and cycling in the city; · Issuing on the spot fines for littering and dog fouling. Having a visible presence in our communities tackling these issues would help to curb and address anti-social behaviour and provide for safer, cleaner communities.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Agreed – Members agreed to pass both motions to Chief Executive for report to future SPC. |
Motion in the Name of Martin Hoey and Gary Kearney - Adopt the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons of Disabilities (UNCRPD) Dublin city council has agreed to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons of Disabilities (UNCRPD) which Dáil Eíreann adopted in 2006 and ratified in 2018. We ask that the DCC Traffic & Transport Section and its’ Strategic Policy Committee implement the articles of the UNCRPD, in all its dealings and actions. That moving forward the UNCRPD is the basis, on which the transport sections plan and designs all of its work from concept. link to UNCRPD
Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed. |
Motion in the Name of Cllr. Janet Horner on behalf of Walking & Cycling Sub-Committee This committee requests the traffic and transport division to investigate and bring forward a proposal on how to receive, prioritise, coordinate, implement and respond to data submitted by community groups and individuals using walking and cycling auditing tools in an efficient and effective manner. Several of these tools have been developed by partner organisations of DCC e.g. the NTA, Green Schools, Dublin Cycling Campaign and Disability Federation of Ireland and it is important that the data is gathered and effectively responded to. The system provided by DCC should set a protocol for how responsibilities will be assigned within the traffic and transport section and how the section will coordinate with other relevant sections within DCC or relevant external bodies.
Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed. A proposal from management to be brought back for a future SPC |