{meta} Agenda for Mobility and Public Realm SPC on Tuesday 25th May, 2021, 3.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remotely via Microsoft TEAMS


No. Item


Minutes of Traffic & Transport SPC Meeting held on 3rd February, 2021 pdf icon PDF 237 KB

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Minutes of the Public Transport Sub-Committee Meeting held on 26th January, 2021 pdf icon PDF 392 KB

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Minutes of the Walking & Cycling Sub-Committee Meeting held on 25th January, 2021 pdf icon PDF 394 KB

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Dublin City Council EU Programme Participation Strategy 2021 - 2027. presentation by Ciara O hAodha, Senior Economic Development Officer and Mary MacSweeney, Senior Executive Officer. pdf icon PDF 412 KB

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Ciara O’hAodha and Mary MacSweeney gave a presentation on Dublin City Councils EU Programme Participation Strategy 2021 – 227 and addressed questions raised by Members.  Colm Ryder Dublin Cycling Campaign requested the report be circulated to all members and the Report is available on the Dublin City Council website.


Report Noted.



Dublin City Council Speed Limit Review - Brendan O'Brien, A/Executive Management Traffic pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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Brendan O’Brien Acting Executive Manager Traffic Department reported to members on Dublin City Council Speed Limit review and noted that the Speed limit Review was a non-statutory public consultation not a Bye-Law public consultation process.  The making of bye-laws is a reserved function of the City Council. 



Question from Members were answered by Brendan O’Brien in relation to the Report.  While there was a lot of support for the 30KPM with regard to the safety aspect, there  were concerns raised in relation to the consultation process being biased in favour of a 30KPM speed limit and the promotion of the love 30 campaign during the consultation period, there was no information on arguments against 30KPH.


Some members recommended to go to the Statutory consultation stage, 30KPH zones beneficial for residential areas and safer for vulnerable road users.  Requests from some members that infrastructural changes will also be required for 30KPH to be successful, i.e. narrowing traffic lanes, chicanes,  surfaces changes ramps etc.,  Request also for plain English to be used in all reports to communicate clearly to the public and SPC members of  proposals. 



Report Noted.  Members request report goes back to City Council for decision.





Presentation on Shared Mobility - Dr. Brian Caulfield, Associate Professor, Centre for Transport Research, Trinity College Dublin

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Dr. Brian Caulfield gave a presentation on shared mobility and answered questions from members.  Dr. Caulfied noted no disability inclusion in report presented will be included.  DCC committed to delivering on shared mobility, new section being set up a key element being to improve car and bike sharing schemes. Copy of presentation to be forwarded to all SPC members..



Report Noted.


E-Scooters Update - Clive Ahern, Administrative Officer, Sustainable Mobility & Projects pdf icon PDF 7 KB

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Clive Ahern gave an presentation on Draft Prior Information Notice for future proposed City Council E-Scooter shared schemes. 


Members raised concerns regarding safety issues around dockless scooters, littering footpaths, creating trip hazards, geographic spread, training hi-viz etc..


Clive Ahern advised this process is to inform the City Council on all these isues raised by members by engaging with Operators to gain information that will inform Dublin City Council on all matters in relation to management of this type of shared scheme.  Nothing can happen until Government introduce legislation on E-Scooters. Dublin City Council then propose to introduce Bye-Laws for the operation and management of E-Scooters. 



Members were advised that they can submit any queries by 31st May 2021 to martina.halpin@dublincity.ie in relation to the PIN Notice.  Currently awaiting Legislation for E scooters from Government


Brendan O’Brien wished Clive Ahern well on his promotion and in his new role in Housing and thanked him for his work in the Traffic Department. Members also thanked Clive and wished him well in his new role.


Report Noted.


Report on Parking Enforcement Policy with regard to Footpath Parking - Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer pdf icon PDF 349 KB

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Following Dermot Stevenson report on proposed policy regarding footpath parking, member agreed to go with Option 2 with a request from members for a report in the future to review its progress.


Report Noted.


Update on College Green - Brendan O'Brien, A/Executive Manager Traffic

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Noted.  Brendan O’Brien gave a verbal update regarding College Green Plaza.  Further discussions taking place with businesses in the area.  Propose to bring report to next SPC with more detailed timetable for project. 


Motion in the name of Councillor Jane Horgan Jones

For an assessment of the advantages and the disadvantages of running bus routes against the flow of traffic on the quays in the city centre to be undertaken by Dublin City Council, with a view to the findings being presented to Dublin Bus and the NTA.


For example, buses heading to Heuston Station would no longer  run on the south-side of the river, they would run on the north side, on the river-side of the road, adjacent to the boardwalk.  The potential advantages of this are as follows:


·                     Make better use of footpaths on the riverside.

·                     Increased use of riverside footpaths can reduce antisocial behaviour on the boardwalks.

·                     Reduce conflict between bus passengers and cyclists at bus stops on the business/shop side of the road and so allow the bike lane to revert to the left side of the road, from the current riverside bike lane. This is a more suitable side of the road for cyclists.

·                     Reduce bus passengers clogging up footpaths on the building-side of the quays.

·                     Makes it easier for restaurants and cafés to open out on to the footpaths, as there would no longer be bus stops. This would be more beneficial to the sunnier north-side of the quays.

·                     If cyclists could use the contraflow bus routes, it would allow cyclists cycle in either direction on both sides of the river. This could potentially reduce the amount of space needed for the bike lane.

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Members agreed to request short report from DCC to outline the issues in relation to the proposal. 


Motion in the name of Councillor Tina MacVeigh (Mot. 85, agreed at South Central Area Committee to refer to Traffic and Transport SPC)

Given the extent of development ongoing and planned in the South West Inner City, this Area Committee agrees that area wide Construction Traffic Management Protocols be put in place as a matter of urgency so as to attempt some level of coordination that might mitigate the impact on our residential communities and our roads. Further, this Area Committee agrees that these protocols should be developed with a view to expanding them across the city.


This matter to be referred to the Transport SPC.

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Members agreed to take Cllr. Tina McVeighs Motion early.  


Members supportive of the Motion. Brendan O’Brien advised the issue would require discussions with Planning and An Bord Pleana and a further report would issue back to the SPC on this issue.


Motion in the name of Councillor Caroline Conroy

To ask the Manager to add Secondary Schools into the Schools Zone project.  There are many secondary schools in great need of safer zones around the entrance for young people coming to school by bike or walking on their own.  This and the roll out of segregated bike lanes will also encourage more parents to allow their young adults come to school on their own.

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Agreed – Members agreed the motion indicating they are supportive of secondary schools being incorporated into the safe school zones bearing in mind the current staff constraints and priority currently being given to primary schools.


Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muirí and Councillor Damian O'Farrell (Motion 6 agreed at North Central Area Committee to refer to Traffic and Transport SPC) pdf icon PDF 283 KB

That this Area committee proposes that a voluntary 30kph maximum speed limit  trial takes place on two consecutive days (one weekday / one weekend day, i.e. Friday / Saturday or Sunday / Monday) within the Dublin City Council functional area.


The purpose of the voluntary 2-day 30kph trial would be to raise the public’s  awareness of Dublin City Council’s ongoing Special Speed Bye-Laws procedure and allow them make an informed submission.


The voluntary 30kph trial would only take place if approval is given by Dublin City Council that the impending DCC Special Speed Bye-Laws are sent for statutory public consultation”

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Motion was debated and a vote was taken by members.  The motion was passed result as follows:-


5 Members for the Motion

4 Members against the Motion.

1 Abstained.