Venue: Remote Video Conference
Contact: Email: martina.halpin@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Traffic and Transport SPC, 3rd June 2020 PDF 160 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes Agreed
Luas Finglas - Presentation on the Extension of the Luas Green Line - Transport Infrastructure Ireland Additional documents: Minutes: Transport Infrastructure Ireland gave a presentation on the extension of the Luas Green Line to Finglas and addressed questions raised by Councillors in relation to the proposal. |
Update on COVID Mobility Measures - Brendan O'Brien, Acting Executive Manager (Traffic) Additional documents: Minutes: Brendan O’Brien A/Executive Manager gave an update on Covid Mobility Measures and addressed questions raised by Councillors. Councillors could email any additional questions that were not answered on the day and Brendan O’Brien will get back to them in relation to their queries. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Brendan O’Brien gave a report on the public consultation that took place as part of the review of the Special 30Km Speed Limit bye-laws. Brendan O’Brien answered questions raised by Councillors. Members felt it was important that the public were on board with the proposals. Members agreed to allow the report and draft Special 30Km Speed Bye-Laws 2020 to go to the full City Council meeting on 7th September 2020 for their consideration. |
Mobility Education Presentation - Helen Smirnova, Senior Executive Engineer Additional documents: Minutes: Helen Smirnova Sen. Executive Engineer gave a presentation on Mobility Education An initiative that DCC would like to commence which will be inclusive for all children to participate in. This initiative was welcomed by all Councillors. |
Traffic and Transport SPC Sub-Committees - Next steps · Walking and Cycling Sub-Committee · Public Transport Sub-Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors requested they be emailed with proposed dates in September for both Sub-committees. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Jane Horgan-Jones The Traffic and Transport SPC request an assessment of the advantages and the disadvantages of running bus routes against the flow of traffic on the quays in the City Centre to be undertaken by Dublin City Council, with a view to the findings being presented to Dublin Bus and the NTA. For example, buses heading to Heuston station would no longer run on the south side of the river, they would run on the north side on the river side of the road, adjacent to the boardwalk. The potential advantages of this are as follows: · Make better use of footpaths on the riverside · Increased use of riverside footpaths can reduce antisocial behaviour on the boardwalks · Reduce conflict between bus passengers and cyclists at bus stops on the business/shop side of the road and so allow the bike lane to revert to the left side of the road, from the current riverside bike lane. This is a more suitable side of the road for cyclists. · Reduce bus passengers clogging up footpaths on the building-side of the quays.
Additional documents: Minutes: This motions was deferred to the next meeting at the request of Cllr Jane Horgan Jones. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner "That the Traffic and Transport SPC call the appropriate representatives from An Garda Síochána and Dublin City Council Parking Enforcement services to the next SPC to discuss improvement to policing of illegal and irresponsible parking in the Dublin City Council area with a view to improved safety for vulnerable road users." Additional documents: Minutes: Motion Agreed for discussion at a future SPC meeting. |