Venue: Remote Video Conference
Contact: Martina Halpin - Email: martina.halpin@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of Traffic and Transport SPC Meeting of 22nd January, 2020 PDF 161 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
Minutes of Special Traffic & Transport SPC Meeting of 11th March, 2020 PDF 77 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed.
Covid 19 Mobility Programme for Dublin PDF 5 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Noted.
Canal Cordon Report 2019 PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Noted.
Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws, 2020 - Report and Bye-Laws PDF 351 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: As agreed with the Chair Cllr Christy Burke, Brendan O’Brien took items 3 – 5 together updating the Cllrs in relation to each individual project and replied to the issues raised by the members.
With regard to the to the Draft Speed limit bye-laws it was agreed by members that they should go forward to the June City Council meeting for approval to go to the public consultation stage. If the draft bye-laws are agreed by the City Council, the Chair requested that the public and communities are made aware that the draft bye-laws are out to public consultation and that they can contact their public representatives and make submissions in relation to the draft bye- laws.
Update on Dodder Bridge This item is deferred to the next meeting of the Traffic and Transport SPC Additional documents: Minutes: Noted |
City Council Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Conroy re: Structure of Sub Committee as per City Council Motion February, 2020 “Motion No. 1 in the name of Councillor Deirdre Conroy and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That this Council agrees to establish a Transport Working Group to actively engage with NTA Bus Connects and Bus Corridor proposals which impact city and suburb residential roads, trees, protected structures, cycle routes and traffic systems. The Working Group should include DCC managers, engineers, conservation officers, councillors. This is not a Transport SPC issue as it covers housing and environment.” It was proposed by Councillor Michael Pidgeon and seconded by Councillor Mary Freehill that this motion be referred to the Traffic and Transport SPC. Agreed.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Members agreed that this item be dealt with under item 8. Structure of Sub-Committees. |
Update on Membership and terms of reference of sub-committees:- Councillor Christy Burke Additional documents: Minutes: Members discussed options regarding formation of sub-committees. It was agreed that members submit their recommendations in relation to the number of sub-committees, nominations and terms of reference by Friday 5th June 2020.