No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 27th January 2020 |
South Central Matters 1) Update on Building Community Resilience-Peter Dorman 2) Community representation on JPC 3) Halloween 4) The increased use of fireworks in the area 5) Grand Canal Public Safety Issues
Garda reports from: - 1) DMR South Central Division for Kevin Street and Kilmainham Stations 2) DMR West Division for Ballyfermot Garda Station 3) DMR South Division, for Crumlin District & Terenure Sub-District
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Anti-social Behaviour PDF 113 KB Dublin City Council Estate Management Reports from: - 1) Ballyfermot Area Office 2) South West Inner City Area Office
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A.O.B. 1) The date of the next JPC meeting to be agreed 2) Correspondence