{meta} Agenda for South Central Area JPC on Monday 30th April, 2018, 2.30 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Cathriona Woulfe, Email: caitriona.wulfe@dublincity.ie Tel No 222 5189 

No. Item


Minutes of Meeting held on 26th February 2018 pdf icon PDF 259 KB


Order: Agreed


Street Crime/Issues - Parks Security/Bye- Laws pdf icon PDF 125 KB

            (i).        Minutes of 17th April 2018 South Central Parks Health & Safety Meeting

           (ii).        Request for a member of the Garda Síochána from the Crumlin Division to attend future meetings.



                    (i).        Minutes of 17th April 2018 South Central Parks Health & Safety Meeting

                   (ii).        Request for a member of the Garda Síochána from the Crumlin Division to attend future meetings.

      Order:  (i) Noted.

                  (ii) Chief Superintendent Gralton agreed to provide a                                             representative subject to Garda availability.



Community Safety - Report on Restorative Justice pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Update Report on Restorative Practice April 2017



Update Report on Restorative Practice April 2017

            Order: Report noted.



Dublin South Central Joint Policing Work Plan pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Order: Report noted. The members noted that there was no Garda Representation at the South Inner City Drugs & Alcohol Task Force Meetings for the last year and requested consideration is given to their attendance at future meetings, subject to Garda availability.




Garda Matters pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Garda reports from: -

   (i).        DMR South Division, for Crumlin District & Terenure Sub-District

  (ii).        DMR South Central Division for Kevin Street and Kilmainham Stations

 (iii).        DMR West Division for Ballyfermot Garda Station


Additional documents:


Garda reports from: -

                   (i).        DMR South Division for Crumlin District & Terenure Sub-District

                  (ii).        DMR South Central Division for Kevin Street and Kilmainham Stations

                 (iii).        DMR West Division for Ballyfermot Garda Station

            Order:  Reports noted. The following issues were raised and a            response was given by members of An Garda Síochána present at the meeting: -

·         Lack of visibility of Gardaí on the ground particularly the Community Gardaí.

·         The issues around providing a Drugs Squad at the new Kevin Street Garda Station.

·         The upcoming concerts in the Kilmainham area.

·         The increase of 214% in “Robbery from the Establishment” in the Kevin Street and Kilmainham Garda District.

·         Use of benzodiazepines and it’s effect on anti social behaviour.

·         The issue of the “lack of response” from the community/public on reporting serious issues in the Ballyfermot area.



Anti-social Behaviour pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Dublin City Council Estate Management Reports from:-

   (i).        Ballyfermot Area Office

  (ii).        Crumlin Area Office

 (iii).        South West Inner City Area Office


Additional documents:


Dublin City Council Estate Management Reports from:-

                  (i).        Ballyfermot Area Office

                 (ii).        Crumlin Area Office

                (iii).        South West Inner City Area Office

            Order:  Reports noted. There was a discussion on the use of CCTV and                     the issues that might arise as a result of the GDPR (General Data 

                        Protection Regulation).



Actions agreed at February 2018 Meeting pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Letters to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Justice & Equality in connection with the serious concerns of the members with regard to the proposed opening of the medically supervised centre at Merchant’s Quay and how the Gardaí are to implement the legislation to deal with the possible antisocial measures around this issue.  Also included is a request to the Minister for Justice & Equality to fill all existing vacancies in the Garda Síochána as a matter of urgency. (See attached copy of acknowledgement letters from both Ministers dated the 13th and 12th of March 2018 respectively).


Additional documents:


            Letters to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Justice & Equality in connection with the serious concerns of the members with regard to the             proposed opening of the medically supervised centre at Merchant’s Quay        and      how the Gardaí are to implement the legislation to deal with the possible     antisocial measures around this issue.  Also included is a request        to the   Minister for Justice  & Equality to fill all existing vacancies in the Garda           Síochána as a matter of urgency. (See attached copy of acknowledgement             letter from the Minister dated 12th of March 2018).


Order: Noted. The Area Manager reported that the applicant will have to apply for a change of use and there will be an opportunity at that stage for any member to make a submission on the proposed change of use of the Merchant’s Quay Centre as a Medically Supervised Injection Centre. He also reported that the Legal Framework will have to be updated over the coming months. The members requested that follow up letters be sent to the Minister for Health, the Minister for Justice & Equality, the Chief Executive of Merchant’s Quay Ireland and the National Director of Community Operations in the Health Service seeking a response to a previous request for a meeting with them on the above issue.                                                                                                                                                 



A.O.B. pdf icon PDF 322 KB

(i).        At the March South Central Area Committee meeting the members requested the following items be included on the Agenda: -

·         Issues at Weaver Park

·         Issues at Herberton

·         Response times to calls made to Garda Stations

·         The filling of vacancies especially at Sergeant level

·         Lack of Community Gardaí in the area.


(ii).        See attached letter from the Acting Garda Commissioner with regard to correspondence that he received as a result of the March Area Committee Meeting whereby the Committee Members requested that the Acting Garda Commissioner clarify two specific issues: -

·         The filling of vacancies, especially at sergeant level

·         Lack of Community Gardaí in the South Central area.


(iii).        The date for the next JPC Meeting is scheduled for Monday the 30th of July at 2.30pm.

Additional documents:


                    (i).               At the March South Central Area Committee meeting the Members requested the following items be included on the Agenda: -

(1)  Issues at Weaver Park.

(2)  Issues at Herberton.

(3)  Response times to calls made to Garda Stations.

(4)  The filling of vacancies especially at Sergeant level

(5)  Lack of Community Gardaí in the area.


 (ii)        See attached letter from the Acting Commissioner with regard to                             correspondence that he received as a result of the March                                  Area Committee Meeting whereby the Committee members                                   requested that the Acting Commissioner clarifies two specific                                          issues: -

·         The filling of vacancies, especially at sergeant level and

·         lack of Community Gardaí in the South Central area. 


            (iii)           Date of next meeting.

                            The date of next JPC meeting is Monday 30th July 2018 @ 2.30pm


             (iv)          The Members welcomed Eddie Darcy, new Community                                                      Representative to The south Central JPC Meeting.


             (v)           The Chairperson, Councillor Vincent Jackson vacated the chair at                          15.06pm  and the Vice Chairperson, Councillor Paul Hand took the                              chair in his place.

            Order:   (i)    Noted

                          (ii)   Noted

                          (iii)  Agreed

                          (iv)  Noted

                           (v)  Noted