Contact: Aileen Mac Dermott
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Minutes of Meeting 28th February Additional documents: Minutes:
1. Minutes of Meeting 28th February Minutes: Agreed
Matters arising Additional documents: Minutes: 2. Matters arising Childcare Subgroup Cllr. McAdam got agreement from the CPG on the 31/03/23 for the establishment of the subgroup and agreed the Terms of Reference. Members of the SPC who will be on the subgroup are Cllr. Declan Meenagh, Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud, and Cllr. Patricia Roe & Cllr. Ray McAdam as chair. Máire Igoe and Deirdre Scully are the nominees from Planning and Development. Housing and Community will be represented by Dave Dinnigan and Michelle Robinson. First meeting will be on 8th May at 2pm. Draft Strategic Heritage Plan 2022-2028 Was sent to all Members.
Report No. 6/2023 Development Contributions It was agreed at the Finance SPC that this report should be communicated to the Planning and Urban Form SPC, report circulated to all Members
Briefing on the Draft Planning and Development Bill 2022 CCMA submission to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on the Planning and Development Bill (2022) was circulated to all SPC Members.
Draft Ballyboggan LAP Additional documents: Minutes: 3. Draft Ballyboggan LAP Michael Rossiter, Senior Executive Planner gave a brief presentation and answered questions raised by the Members. (Report + presentation circulated prior to meeting) Main Points: · Open for submissions from 28th April for 4 weeks · Q & A Sessions/ Drop in Sessions to be arranged, possible venue Educate Together School Cabra or Grangegorman Sports Centre. · Issues paper to circulate · Frequently asked questions to be available to alley local concerns. · Make sure disability proofing, meeting to be arranged with Robbie Sinnott and other D.P.O. groups to be involved. · Option for Prof. Diarmuid Hegarty to meet with Deirdre Scully to gain clarification on DCC i.e. SPC/LAP/Dev Plan. Prof Diarmuid to confirm.
Motions MOTIONS x 2
MOTION IN THE NAME OF COUNCILLOR DERMOT LACEY Recognizing the importance of good planning for the future of the City Acknowledging Irelands commitments under the terms of the Aarhus Convention, and thanking the many community, voluntary and civic minded bodies for their work in trying to ensure a better and more inclusive City. Dublin City Council rejects the terms of the Planning and Development Bill currently before the Oireachtas, which seriously threatens good planning, ignores the Arhaus Convention and significantly reduces the opportunities for Citizens and Councillors to actively engage in the planning process. The Council further calls on TDs and Senators to use their influence to reject the Bill as it currently stands and to defend the rights of Citizens and Councillors to proactively engage in good planning and to ensure that there is certainty for all – Communities and Developers - in agreed Development Plans.
As the largest Local Authority in the Country the Council further requests an opportunity to present a case to the Oireachtas Committee dealing with the Bill and requests the Planning SPC to prepare a submission for same.
“That as Dublin City Council policy in the Dublin city development plan favours the use of active transport in objectives for a healthy city, a sustainable city and for climate action, that we seek to find a way to facilitate through planning, more citywide secure bike parking, through exempted development in change of use of buildings for indoor bike parking and the use of design guided bike bunker/bike shelters in front gardens”
Additional documents: Minutes: 4. Motions: MOTION IN THE NAME OF COUNCILLOR DERMOT LACEY Recognizing the importance of good planning for the future of the City Acknowledging Irelands commitments under the terms of the Aarhus Convention, and thanking the many community, voluntary and civic minded bodies for their work in trying to ensure a better and more inclusive City. Dublin City Council rejects the terms of the Planning and Development Bill currently before the Oireachtas, which seriously threatens good planning, ignores the Arhaus Convention and significantly reduces the opportunities for Citizens and Councillors to actively engage in the planning process. The Council further calls on TDs and Senators to use their influence to reject the Bill as it currently stands and to defend the rights of Citizens and Councillors to proactively engage in good planning and to ensure that there is certainty for all – Communities and Developers - in agreed Development Plans.
As the largest Local Authority in the Country the Council further requests an opportunity to present a case to the Oireachtas Committee dealing with the Bill and requests the Planning SPC to prepare a submission for same.
The preparation and passing of legislation is a function of the elected representatives of the Houses of the Oireachtas. The consideration and amending of proposed Bills is public process and Bills are the subject of scrutiny by the Oireachtas Committee. It is open to all organisations and individuals to make representations on issues of concern in relation to proposed legislation. Agreed: Motion is Passed/Adapted Next Step: Cllr Dermot Lacey will bring paper to SPC and get submission ready to bring before the Oireachtas.
MOTION IN THE NAME OF COUNCILLOR DONNA COONEY That as Dublin City Council policy in the Dublin city development plan favours the use of active transport in objectives for a healthy city, a sustainable city and for climate action, that we seek to find a way to facilitate through planning, more citywide secure bike parking, through exempted development in change of use of buildings for indoor bike parking and the use of design guided bike bunker/bike shelters in front gardens
Class 3 of the exempted development regulations allow for the placing of sheds and stores etc within the grounds of a house, however, one of the relevant conditions is that they must not be located to the front of a house. Therefore, Class 3 does not apply to the provision of bike storage boxes to the front of a house.
A case could be made that a bike storage box to the front of a property is exempt development under Section 4(1) (h) of the Planning and Development Act ‘works which affect only the interior of the structure or which do not materially affect the external appearance of the structure so as to render the appearance inconsistent with the character of the structure or of neighbouring structures’. A section 5 declaration would be warranted in each case and there is a risk that the outcome of ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: 5. A.O.B. None
Date of the next meeting Date of the next meeting Tuesday 27th June @ 2pm Additional documents: Minutes: 6. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 27th June @ 2pm