{meta} Agenda for Planning and Urban Regeneration SPC on Tuesday 28th February, 2023, 2.00 pm

Agenda and minutes


Contact: Aileen Mac Dermott 


No. Item


Minutes of Meeting 7th December pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Additional documents:


      Cllr. Ray McAdam welcomed:

      Cllr. Janet Horner, new member to replace Cllr. Dearbháil Butler who resigned.

      Cllr. Dermot Lacey, to replace Cllr. Alison Gilliland who resigned.

      The Chair also wished John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer all the best for his forthcoming retirement and thanked him for his contribution to the City and the Council.


1.      Minutes of Meeting 7th December 2022

Minutes: Agreed



Matters Arising

Additional documents:


2.    Matters arising

Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere Discovery Centre.

Report from Leslie Moore Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services Culture. Recreation and Economic Services Department.

This is in relation to concerns raised by Robbie Sinnott regarding consultation on Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere Discovery Centre.

    (Report circulated prior to meeting; Robbie to contact Chair after meeting)


UN Sustainable Development Goals

Cllr. Costello contacted the City Planning Officer in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they can be implemented through the City Development Plan.  The City Planning Officer agreed to organise a brief report for a future Planning and Urban Form SPC.



Cllr. Anthony Connaghan requested that rsvp for SPC Meeting be put into calendar.


Report No. 6/2023 Development Contributions

It was agreed at the Finance SPC that this report should be communicated to        the Planning and Urban Form SPC

 Agreed: When report is adapted by Council will be sent to all members of this SPC.








Reviewing Dublin City Council's Role in Supporting Childcare Provision in Dublin City pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Additional documents:



3.    Reviewing DCC's Role in Supporting Childcare Provision in Dublin City

Report circulated prior to meeting.  John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer, gave a brief presentation outlining the 8 recommendations in the Consultant’s report and proposed terms of reference for the establishment of Sub-Group of SPC.

The members were in agreement with the terms of reference.  Cllr. Nicoullaud not in agreement with terms of reference point III) on grounds that cost is not clear, size of service questionable and that we should seek smaller units where children are known to thrive.

Cllr. Declan Meenagh, Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud, Cllr. Patricia Roe & Ray McAdam to steer. Executive to come back with nominations from Housing, Community and Planning.

Chair indicated that the work of the Sub-Group finish in June and that findings are brought to meeting in September. 



Briefing on the Draft Planning and Development Bill 2022 pdf icon PDF 278 KB

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4.    Briefing on the Draft Planning and Development Bill 2022

Report circulated prior to meeting.  John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer gave a brief presentation outlining the main points of the Bill.

Working with the CCMA to make a joint submission to the Oireachtas Committee on behalf of Local Authorities.

Robbie Sinnott made the point that there should be an acknowledgement of disability in the Bill. Planning Authority must take into account accessibility and disability proofing, should be human rights based. He made reference to the Public Sector Duty Act 2014 and the National Disability Authority, Disability Impact Statement template produced in 2013,


Agreed: Once CCMA have lodged submission that submission be shared with SPC Members



Update on Historic Structures Fund/ Built Heritage Investment Scheme pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:




5.    Update on Historic Structures Fund/ Built Heritage Investment Scheme

Aislinn Collins and Mary- Liz McCarthy, Architectural Conservation Officers give presentation.

(Report + presentation circulated prior to meeting)

 Paraic Fallon, Senior Planner answered questions raised by the Members

        Agreed: Paraic Fallon to get back to Cllr. Lacey with an update on George   Bernard Shaw House  



Update on Z6 Industrial Land Review pdf icon PDF 404 KB

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6.    Update on Z6 Industrial Land Review

Deirdre Scully, Deputy City Planning Officer, gave a summary of the final     Report. 

(Report circulated prior to meeting)

Next steps:

Dublin Industrial Estate, Tolka Area; working towards preparing Statutory Plan, should have Report in Q2 for Area Committee.

Z7 Dublin Port, Dublin Port Company have 2040 Masterplan.

Poolbeg West, SDZ agreed process, key sites being brought forward for development.


             Agreed: For June meeting to get an update regarding objectives, policy inDevelopment Plan regarding the 3 Statutory LAP’s, nature of work and timeline.




Additional documents:


7.    A.O.B.

O’Connell Street, Chair to discuss with Odran Reid before next meeting



Date of next meeting

27th April @ 2pm City Hall /Hybrid 2023


Additional documents:


  8.       Date of next meeting:

      April 27th @ 2pm




Councillor Ray McAdam


Tuesday 28th February 2023










Ray McAdam (Chairperson)

John Lyons

Jonny McKenna

Dermot Lacey



Declan Meenagh

Robbie Sinnott

Patricia Roe

Janet Horner


Odran Reid

Prof. Diarmuid Hegarty

Sophie Nicoullaud

Anthony Connaghan




Richard Shakespeare

John O’Hara

Deirdre Scully                                                                   

Máire Igoe

Paraic Fallon





Helen McNamara

Bronagh Corry

Sheila Hennessy

Aislinn Collins

Mary-Liz McCarthy



Aileen Mac Dermott

Jonathan Fallon

Kathy McHugh




Daithí De Róiste

Tom Brabazon