Contact: Aileen Mac Dermott
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Minutes of Meeting 27th September PDF 451 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
1. Minutes of Meeting 27th September 2022 Minutes: Agreed Cllr. Ray McAdam welcomed Tony Flynn Executive Manager (standing in for Richard Shakespeare) and Bronagh Corry, Senior Executive Manager to the meeting. Cllr. Dearbháil Butler has resigned this will go before full Council in January, Chief Executives Department has been informed.
Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes: 2. Matters arising · Inchicore Retail Strategy Letters sent in May Copy of letters and reply sent to Members
· Analysis on the use of the Derelict Sites Act 1990 PowerPoint presentation was sent to Members. Nial Dully will report back on Working Group recommendations when he receives them.
· Robbie Sinnott made the point at the last meeting that all plans whether for Traffic /Housing should be in an accessible format to include word documents and description of images. Chair brought this before the CPG in November and is waiting to hear back from Chief Executives Office.
· Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere Discovery Centre. Report to be done on why Robbie was not involved in consultation as a Member of SPC and representing PPN and Voice of Vision Impairment.
O'Connell Street Additional documents: Minutes: 3. O’Connell Street Odran Reid is still collating information, this needs to ties in with other Working Groups, so no duplication.
A pre-public consultation presentation of the Draft Strategic Heritage Plan 2022-2028 PDF 3 MB Additional documents: Minutes: 4. A pre-public consultation presentation of the Draft Strategic Heritage Plan 2022- 2028 Presentation circulated prior to meeting, Charles Duggan, Heritage Officer answered questions raised by the Members. Key points: The 6 Strategic Goals of the draft Strategic Heritage Plan: 1. Community-led and Locally-focused 2. Making Room for diverse voices 3. Creating Knowledge 4. Access to Heritage 5. Heritage Management 6. Communicating Heritage Next Steps • Appropriate Assessment screening (Dec 2022) • Public consultation on Draft Strategic Heritage Plan (January 23) • Update final draft Strategic Heritage plan (February 2023) • Strategic Heritage Plan to be brought to Council (To be confirmed) • Establish Heritage Forum (Q1 2023) • Launch of Plan (Q2 2023) Agreed. Draft Plan to be circulated to the Members. Presentation Noted.
Reviewing Dublin City Council's Role in Supporting Childcare Provision in Dublin City PDF 373 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 5. Reviewing DCC's Role in Supporting Childcare Provision in Dublin City Report circulated prior to meeting. Deirdre Scully, Deputy Planning Officer gave a brief presentation and answered questions raised by the Members. Report Noted. Agreed: Sub group of SPC to be set up Cllr. Declan Meenagh and Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud were willing to join group. The group would engage with other bodies who would not be members of the sub group. The Planning Department to look at the Report and extract a number of recommendations that are relevant to this SPC by mid-January. Draft proposal to go to CPG at the end of January. Recommendations to be adopted by SPC Members at June meeting and then to go to full Council for July meeting.
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: 6. A.O.B.
Section 48 Scheme New updated scheme was circulated to Members on the 14th December.
Tram Café, Princes Street Update was sent to Members after the meeting
Date of the next meeting Tuesday 28th February @ 2pm Hybrid Additional documents: Minutes: 7. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 28th February @ 2pm *Hybrid/ City Hall but will be dependent on government guidelines and social distancing requirements at time. We will keep members advised in advance of meeting on physical / remote venue