Venue: Remote Video Conference
Contact: Aileen Mac Dermott
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 25th February 2020 PDF 252 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
Cllr. Ray McAdam welcomed: Cllr. Declan Meenagh who was appointed filling the vacancy created on the resignation of Cllr. Jane Horgan -Jones. The Chair welcomed Ms. Marion Jammet and Mr. Pat Barry from The Irish Green Building Council and suggested that they give their presentation first.
1. Minutes of Meeting 25th February Minutes: Agreed
Matters arising Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Matters arising Agreed: Cllr. Dermot Lacey’s 2 items to be added to the Agenda for September meeting
Preparation of Development Plan PDF 608 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
3. Preparation of Development Plan The Dublin City Planner gave a presentation on “Introduction to the Review Process” · The review of the plan will commence mid. December, due to pandemic legislative changes allow for a slightly later commencement date. · The making of the Plan will include 4 key stages.
Stage1: Pre Draft Stage- Consultation, timeline 26 weeks Stage2:- Draft Plan- Content, timeline 32 weeks Stage 3:- Submissions, timeline 24 weeks. Stage 4: -Amendments, timeline 18 weeks. The whole process will take approximately 99 weeks. Discussion followed and the City Planner addressed questions raised by the members. Presentation Noted Agreed: To set up workshops with Members of the SPC before Draft of Development Plan.
Irish Green Building Council PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: 4. Irish Green Building Council Presentation given by Ms. Marion Jammet Business Development Manager and Mr. Pat Barry CEO Irish Green Building Council, which highlighted and explained: · Role of The Irish Green Building Council · Net Zero Carbon Commitment at City Scale · New buildings, commitment that all should operate to Net Zero Carbon standard by 2030 and existing must operate to that standard by 2050. This is in response to the Paris Agreement to restrict a global warming increase to below 1.5 degrees. · An explanation was given for embodied carbon and how it is associated with construction and accounts for 11% of Global emissions. The best way of avoiding emissions is to reuse an existing building rather than demolish it. · What are Green Homes and why it is important to go beyond energy efficiency? · Home Performance Index and what are the benefits for public housing and for green gain in planning. Dublin City Council is implementing as standard on all social housing tenders since 2019. · Recommendations were made for the Development Plan.
Discussion followed and some of the Members had been to Helsinki and Vienna and were very impressed with the commitment to Net Zero Carbon by 2035. Pat and Marion addressed questions raised by the members. Presentation Noted.
Capturing public gain from Land Zoning Measures PDF 122 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
5. Capturing public gain from Land Zoning Measures. The Dublin City Planner gave a presentation on “Capturing Public Value from Development Lands” which highlighted and explained. · Underlying Principles/ Assumptions · Previous Government Initiatives like the Kenny Report, Minority Report the 1982 Commission of Taxation and the NAMA Act 2009. · Tools Currently Available to Dublin City Council like: 1. Development Contributions, Section 48 2. Special Development Contributions, Section 49 3. Vacant Site Levy, 7% of site value. 4. Planning Requirements, Part V Housing @ 10%, Public Open Space @ 10% And Créche Provision. 5. SDZ Designation 6. Community Gain
· International Approaches examples given, Netherlands, Germany Austria and the UK. Discussion followed and the City Planner addressed questions raised by the members. Presentation Noted Agreed: The Chair will write to Chief Executive’s Office to set up Sub Committee. Cllr. Lacey has colleague who is doing a PhD. Based on the Kenny Report who may be willing to give a talk on how Kenny finding could be implemented today.
"Criteria for selecting Council owned sites for disposal" PDF 210 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
6. Draft “Criteria for selecting Council owned sites for disposal” Helen McNamara went through draft criteria document. Agreed: The Committee have 10 days to go over daft and come back with suggestions then to go before full Council.
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: 7. A.O.B. Agreed: PPN need to nominate a 2nd person to the Planning and Urban Form SPC. The position needs to be filled before the 24th November or will need to go to outside body. Noted: Robbie Sinnott and Cllr. Declan Meenagh both wanted Planning to be involved in any large discussions with the NTA regarding the Bus Network and moving of routes.
Date of next meeting 29th September 2020 Additional documents: Minutes:
8. Date of next meeting 29th September 2020