{meta} Agenda for Climate Action and Urban Resilience SPC on Wednesday 29th September, 2021, 4.00 pm


Venue: BY REMOTE VIDEO CONFERENCE. View directions


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 26th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 484 KB

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Matters Arising

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Correspondence pdf icon PDF 793 KB

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Chairpersons Business

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Re-Municipalisation of Waste Collection Service Subcommittee Update - Councillor Daithí Doolan

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Minutes of the Re- Municipalisation of Waste Collection Service Subcommittee held on 17th June 2021 pdf icon PDF 578 KB

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Climate Action Subcommittee Minutes held on 26th January 2021, 15th March 2021 & 10th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 543 KB

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Minutes Air Quality Subcommittee held on 14th July 2021 pdf icon PDF 519 KB

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Air Quality Plan for the Dublin Metropolitan Region - Public Consultation (Martin Fitzpatrick Principal Environmental Health Officer / Owen McManus, Senior Engineer) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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Electric Vehicle Charging Point Strategy Update - Liam Bergin Executive Manager pdf icon PDF 431 KB

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Climate Actions Update - Sabrina Dekker, Climate Change Coordinator. pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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Flood Resilience Climate Actions - Gerry O'Connell, Senior Engineer pdf icon PDF 695 KB

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Motion in the name of Councillor Claire Byrne

“'That this Strategic Policy Committee calls on Dublin City Council to remain a signatory of the Convenant of Mayors and to sign up to the new commitments that have been set out by the CoM in line with Green New Deal ambitions to ensure that Dublin City to remains a leader in its efforts to make Dublin a climate resilient City.”


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Motions referred from Special Council Meeting - 22-24 June 2021 re Pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan

Motion 218 Cllr Sophie Nicoullaud `


Following up on the city shared domestic waste bins located on the public street trial scheme by DCC that this Development Plan agrees to expend this scheme and to invest the possibility to make it a permanent waste infrastructure in DCC.

Planning Reason

To tackle city challenge on dumping and waste. For all the reasons listed on the Dublin Beta website including: A cleaner visual environment, freeing up pavement. It is necessity to create the 15 minutes city. Land needs to be designated in advance and therefore needs to be added to this plan.


Chief Executive’s Response

manage the storage and presentation of domestic waste are supported by specific ‘Management of Domestic and Commercial Waste’ Objectives under the newly adopted 2020-2022 DCC Litter Management Plan. A specific Objective will be included in the Draft Plan to support the implementation of this Litter Management Plan.

Chief Executive’s Recommendation

To include a policy to support the implement the Dublin City Council Litter Management Plan 2020-2022.


Council Meeting Decision

The report and recommendation of the Chief Executive was AGREED and MOTION to be referred to the Climate Action, Environment & Energy SPC.


Motion 1001 Cllr Cieran Perry

That the Development Plan acknowledges the motion passed at the Dublin City Council July 2019 meeting committing the city council to taking the domestic waste collection service back in to council ownership.

Planning Reason

To assist in the formulation of waste management policy.


Cllr Nial Ring, Cllr Damian O'Farrell, Cllr Christy Burke, Cllr Anthony Flynn, Cllr Pat Dunne


Chief Executive’s Response

The regulation and enforcement of waste collections are the responsibility of the relevant local authority under section 33, 34 and 35 of the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended). In 2011, the Waste Management (Amendment) Act 2011, provided a legal mechanism by which the first Regional Waste Management Plans could be made.

The Eastern Midlands Regional Waste Management Plan 2021 will build on the integrated approach to waste management established in the previous plans. Priority will be assigned in accordance with the waste management hierarchy with a strong emphasis on waste prevention, reuse and recycling. The future regional policy in the plans will take cognisance of all relevant and pending regulations, provide a framework for the management of priority waste streams and promote sustainable waste practices at local, business and industrial level.

This is not a matter for the Development Plan.

Chief Executive’s Recommendation

Not agreed. Outside scope of the Development Plan.


Council Meeting Decision

The report and recommendation of the Chief Executive was AGREED and that the Motion be referred to the Climate Action, Environment & Energy SPC.


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