Venue: Online via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Email: christopher.carroll@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Chairpersons Business Additional documents: |
Waste Management Services Projects Update - Sid Daly, Public Domain Enforcement Officer Additional documents: |
District Heating - James Nolan, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: |
Terms of Reference for Waste Remunicipalisation Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Mannix Flynn That this Climate Action Environment and Energy SPC call on the CEO, Mr Owen Keegan, and DCC, to withdraw their application for the burning of another 90,000 tons at the Waste to Energy facility in Dublin Bay and instead to put all the energies of Dublin City Council into protecting the environment at Dublin Bay by ensuring better air and water quality and a better managed waste disposal program which includes a major emphasis and education programs on recycling. Every single DCC councillor was opposed to this Covanta facility over the long period it took. Communities campaigned for years against this environmental injustice. Not to mention the scandals of financial oversight and the huge financial resources that went into this, Dublin City Council executive pursued this madness and are now adding insult to injury by telling us that there will be no increase in pollutants, no increase in traffic, and that more or less the burning of thousands of tons of waste is good for us and sustainable. Everybody should read Professor Joe McCarthy’s independent report on this facility and indeed its threat to the environment and local communities. (Please see document attached). Additional documents: |
Question tabled at the March meeting of the City Council for consideration Additional documents: |
AOB Additional documents: |