No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 27th January, 2021 Additional documents: |
Matters Arising Additional documents: |
Correspondence Additional documents: |
Chairperson's Business Additional documents: |
Resource Management Climate Actions - Sabrina Dekker, Climate Change Coordinator Additional documents: |
District Heating - James Nolan, Senior Executive Officer Report to follow Additional documents: |
Election Posters - Eithne Gibbons, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: |
General Poster Protocol - Bernie Lillis, Litter Prevention Officer Additional documents: |
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Motion in the name of Councillor Claire Byrne "That this SPC agrees to establish a working group to specifically examine the issue of dog waste in the City. This working group would be established for a six month period, with the aim of setting out recommendations for operational and policy change at Dublin City Council level, and national recommendations for government. The working group could begin with a kickstart brainstorming/ thought showering event to generate some workable ideas. The group would report back to the Climate Action, Environment and Energy SPC at each meeting."
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Question tabled at the March meeting of the City Council for consideration Additional documents: |
AOB Additional documents: |