Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Email: ciaran.mcgoldrick@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held 1st May 2019 Additional documents: |
Matters arising Additional documents: |
Correspondence - Various emails from Cities for a nuclear free Europe Additional documents: |
Strategic Policy Committee Governance Additional documents: |
Overview Presentation - Ciaran McGoldrick Additional documents: |
Revised SPC Scheme (for noting) Additional documents: |
Standing Orders 2018 Version 1 (for noting) Additional documents: |
Corporate Plan update (for noting) Additional documents: |
Chairperson's Business · The Chair would like members to set out priorities they may have for their work on the Committee in order to assist in the formulation of a Work Programme for the Committee. Additional documents: |
SUDS & Flood Resilience - Adrian Conway Executive Manager (Engineering) Additional documents: |
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Dublin Metropolitan Climate Action Regional Office - David Dodd, Regional Coordinator Additional documents: |
Litter Management Plan 2020 -2022 - Simon Brock, Administrative Officer Additional documents: |
Posters Protocol - Bernie Lillis, Litter Prevention Officer Additional documents: |
Motion referred from the South East Area Committee South East Area in the name of Councillor Mary Freehill “In the interest of minimising dumping, that DSE LAC consider some method of providing a regular collection point to dispose of small to medium size household equipment.”
During the debate councillors agreed that the motion should be conveyed to the Environment and Transportation SPC and also asked if the proposal could have input from the Waste Sub-committee. Cllr. Flynn asked if it would be possible to send out a tender for firms to collect small items for transport to bring centres.
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A.O.B. Additional documents: |