{meta} Agenda for Climate Action and Urban Resilience SPC on Wednesday 27th February, 2019, 2.30 pm


Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Email: Ciaran.mcgoldrick@dublincity.ie 


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held 28th November 2018 pdf icon PDF 553 KB

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Matters arising

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Waste Categorisation report - EPA

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Software queries - DWtE

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Emergency Services - June 2017 incident at the DWtE facility

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Queries on AWN reports to the EPA .

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EPA response to invitation pdf icon PDF 245 KB

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Correspondence from Joe McCarthy pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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Chairperson's Business

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Air Quality

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Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment Presentation - Paul McDonald, Principal Officer

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National Transportation Authority - Ann Graham, Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 3 MB

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Dublin Port Company - Laura Kearns, EHS Manager

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Dublin City Council - Martin Fitzpatrick, Principal Environmental Health Officer pdf icon PDF 788 KB

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Single Use Plastics and Cups - Fionnghuala Ryan, Executive Scientific Officer pdf icon PDF 510 KB

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Dublin Waste to Energy Update report - James Nolan, Senior Executive Officer pdf icon PDF 337 KB

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Incidents and non- compliances pdf icon PDF 280 KB

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Quarter 4 2018 Report issued to the EPA pdf icon PDF 18 MB

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Motion in the name of Councillor Mary Freehill

We call on the Manager to urgently recruit staff teams to clean our streets and roads.   Furthermore, apart from the normal work crews, we propose that the Council needs a Direct Labour emergency multi-tasking well trained rapid deployment crews to deal with seasonal emergencies i.e. leaf collection, snow etc. We know that these demands for services come every year and we should be prepared for them


We have continuously pointed out that the seriously diminished level of staffing in the cleansing, road maintenance and traffic divisions is having a deleterious impact on the safety of our citizens and delivery of services in the city.


As a City Council we have a responsibility to keep the city safe from flooding which means making sure that gullies are not clogged up with leaves.  Failure of the City Council to deliver these services amounts to a breakdown in services which makes life very difficult and dangerous for its citizens and especially for those who can no longer get flood insurance


These work teams can be organised on the basis of ‘Multi-tasking’ based on an analysis of the most commonly occurring emergency breakdowns with the teams undertaking multi-skilled training to carry out all these tasks within targeted completion times. The idea is that when dealing with emergencies they can always be planned for in advance of the breakdown with rapid work team deployment in a well-rehearsed response, executed in the most efficient effective and economic way. An agreed premium was agreed for all multi-tasking workers under local union agreements. House voids and re-let repairs can be handled in the same way. Gas and Electric work can be carried out from a panel of previously appointed contractors fully integrated with the Multi-Tasking teams and supervised by the local team Clerks of Works. This is needed because of the registered Certification required with Gas and Electrical work.  These teams work well in other Local Authorities”.


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Motion in the name of Councillor Patrick Costello an Councillor Claire Byrne

That this SPC agrees to take serious action in relation to dog fouling, and agrees to undertake the following measures

- to amend the bye laws to make it an offense to be in control of a dog without having the means to deal with dog waste while in a public park

- to write to the minister for the environment requesting a significant increase in the fines related to dog fouling

- to introduce a pilot scheme of DNA testing dog fouling, as has been successfully done in other countries, to overcome challenges in finding the owners responsible for not picking up waste.

- to provide free dog waste bags available to collect through local parks and waste depots, as well as through the local area offices as at present

- to provide increased numbers of dog waste only bins in problems areas.

- to agree to spend the complete allocation under the anti-litter grant scheme on dog fouling for one year.

- free dog waste bags when you renew your dog license


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