Venue: MS Teams
Contact: Marilyn Vickers
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting, which took place on 10th November 2020, were proposed by Cllr. Cooney and seconded by Cllr. MacDonncha.
Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes: None
Presentation: DCC EU Programme Participation Strategy-Wessel Badenhorst, Urban Mode Ltd PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Wessel Badenhorst, Urban Mode Ltd, presented to the Committee on the Dublin city Council EU Programmes Participation Strategy 2021 – 2027. The presentation overview consisted of details on the preparatory process for the development of the strategy document including collation of baseline data, information sharing sessions and the EU Policy co-operation environment in Dublin. Recommendations for the implementation of the strategy were also presented.
Comments, Feedback & Questions: The Chair thanked the presenter and welcomed in particular the EU projects impact assessment element function of the DCC EU Programme Office and welcomed that flexibility and ability to be able to adapt and develop new strategies in line with EU budgets. The Chair opened the floor for discussion.
Question / Comment: Cllr. Ring thanked the Chair and the Chair of the Sub Committee for producing such a worthy strategy document under such a short time frame and thanked Wessel Badenhorst, DCC Officials and others members of the Working Group. The setting up of a DCC EU Programme Office under this strategy document along with alignment axis element was a huge achievement in a short time frame and he commended the work of the Chair of the Sub-Committee in establishing this. The Chair echoed the sentiments of Cllr Ring and thanked Cllr Freehill and other members of the Working Group for their work in producing this strategy document. Cllr. Cooney echoed the sentiments of speakers and thanked the Members for their work in producing the strategy document. The European Commission is advising to focus funding on green and digital transition and it is opportune now in 2021 to invest in cycling and smart infrastructure and stressed the importance of following the criteria set out by EU re cycling and green funding and stressed the importance of action. Cllr. Freehill thanked the Members for kind words and thanked Wessel Badenhorst for his contribution and noted that it was a good spring board and beginning. Cllr Freehill asked what Wessel Badenhorst’s terms of reference were and secondly what is being done and by whom in relation to programmes being put together for the recovery fund. Evanne Kilmurray again echoed the sentiments of the Members and thanked the Group for producing the document strategy. She acknowledged the volume of paperwork and bureaucracy in EU Funding applications and the establishment of a DCC EU Programme Office will ease this and stressed importance of making stakeholders aware of the establishment of this office. Cllr. Cat O’Driscoll congratulated the Members and DCC Officials on a great piece of work and highlighted the importance of Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + Projects and how valuable partnership with other groups was and untapped partnerships and the need for the other DCC SPC’s to tap into this new office. Odran Reid thanked everyone for their contribution to producing the strategy document and echoed the sentiments of Cllr O’Driscoll in relation to Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + Projects and engaging with partners in European and importance of embedding ourselves with the EU ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Kieran Mahon, Smart DCU Projects Facilitator, presented to the Committee on Smart DCU District. (See presentation provided in ModGov pack for Jan SPC, circulated in advance of meeting) SMART Dublin is an initiative of the 4 Dublin Local Authorities to use new technologies to improve services and quality of life in the Dublin Region. The main topics presented on were SMART DCU, Insight DCU – data analytics, SMART DCU piloted Luna E-Scooter precise positioning; SMART DCU piloted Moby shared E-Bike intercampus travel; Solar Prospecting Research; Crowd Counting; Mould Sensoring – Ambisense IoT Sensors; IoT sensors on Hydrogen Bus; DCU Autism Friendly University; Bentley – funding a Digital Twin Centre of Excellence; SMART DCU – Building a Digital Twin; and SMART DCU 2021 Plans.
Comments, Feedback & Questions: The Chair thanked the presenter and opened the floor for discussion. Cllr. Ring thanked the presenter and commented on DCU innovation and importance of collaboration between DCC and DCU and gave praise around the DCU Autism Friendly University project and how important it is. Cllr. Cooney thanked the presenter and commented on how impressive SMART DCU achievements have been., mentioning in particular data collection on the transport modes of students coming to DCU and transport around the campus and how the cycleways provided by DCC link with DCU plans for students to use cycle as mode of part of their journey. She commended the work of researches and the DCU Autism Friendly University project. Cllr. MacDonncha thanked the presenter and asked if E-Scooters and Moby shared e-bike could be applied to the City and asked if the mould detector project data could be provided to Housing SPC. Aidan Sweeney noted in relation to the Insight Centre was there opportunity for other research centres to scale up projects in the future and were there any DCC initiatives that DCU could use to scale up these projects. In relation to E-scooters and to secure buy in, had the issue of tracking etc. been looked at in more depth by SMART DCU? Natalie McGuiness congratulated the presenter on work to date and commented on how the range of initiatives was incredible. She asked if there was any one initiative in particular that is currently being worked on which needs to be rolled out further or scaled up. Cllr. Deacy commented on research between SDCC and DCC on foot of European collective complaint on mould in social housing and how residents were being blamed for dampness. Community Action Network have done a lot of research on it and perhaps SMART DCU should link in with them. ACTION: Cllr. Deacy to provide contact details of Community Action Network to Kieran Mahon, SMART DCU
Response: Response to range of questions put to presenter: Digital Twin Project is the one project that stands out and is the most important. There is a role for E-Scooters but pedestrian and rider safety is key. Location and ability to auto detect hazards are key focus of SMART DCU currently. In relation to the DLRD ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Deirdre Scully, Deputy City Planner, presented to the Committee on the pre-draft Consultation of the City Development Plan. (See Presentation provided in ModGov pack for Jan SPC, circulated in advance of meeting) The presenter gave introduction on the City Development Plan review process under requirements for Development Plans, the process and timelines – the review process commenced 15/12/20, Headline issues including Economy & Retail. The public consultation process would continue until 22nd February 2021 and members were encouraged to share details with their networks.
Comments, Feedback & Questions: The Chair thanked the presenter and opened the floor for discussion. Cllr. MacDonncha expressed his dissatisfaction in regard to Local Authorities being held to timelines in midst of COVID crisis and that there can’t be any meaningful engagement with Councillors or the public under the current pandemic circumstances. He will be writing to the Minister calling for a pause in the process, referring also to a piece of legislation pushed through before Christmas in the Oireachtas further restricting public engagement, He acknowledged that Dublin City Council must work within the legislation and Ministerial Orders. Cllr. Cooney asked if the Urban Regeneration Funds for Dublin 1 area were in place and stressed importance of brining economic recovery to deprived areas, opportune time to bring back enterprise to inner city and plans should focus not just on commercial and tourism but on the creative sector and social enterprise sector. Evanne Kilmurray echoed the sentiments of Cllr. Cooney and spoke about innovative enterprise spaces and placement within inner city. The use of smart spaces becoming increasingly important to help rebuild economy in inner city areas and spoke about social enterprise. ICE will make submission to the Dublin City Development Plan. Aidan Sweeney stressed importance of quantifying what we want for the City, qualify of life and mixed use development important. He put questions to the presenter around benchmarking and use of data analysis, how does this economic data interact with the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan and DCC’s alignment with other stakeholders such as Greater Dublin Transport Authority and it’s issues paper which are being published shortly. Odran Reid advised that a submission would be made by TUDublin. Cllr. Deacy agreed with comments made by Cllr. MacDonncha, and asked if the Councillors on this SPC could draw up a formal objection and directed this to the Chair.
Response: The presenter responded to questions advising that DCC were contacting as many organisations as possible advising of the process and huge amount of outreach work was currently taking place. The presenter asked if the Councillors could in turn use their contacts to communicate the process with their constituents. Ministerial Directives was discussed further. Dublin 1 area was being looked at with renewed focus and the plan through rezoning will identify key regeneration areas. In relation to transport timelines, contact is made with the Transport Authority on a regular basis with the purpose of creating connectivity between DCC and NTA’s Development Plans and members were directed to an ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Policy: 2021 Work Programme PDF 844 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Greg Swift and Mary MacSweeney set out the context of the 2021 strategic work programme of the SPC and provided a short verbal presentation on same outlining Mission statement of Economic Development Section; 4 Pillars of Economic Development : Human Development, Placemaking & Clusters, Promotion & Investment, Climate & Innovation; SPC Work Programme 2021 including Summit Series, Your Dublin Your Voice, Enterprise Space, Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor, Dublin Region Enterprise Plan, Dublin Economic Monitor, Dublin Place Brand, DCC EU Programme Participation Strategy, Social Enterprise, MODOS, Smart Dublin Finally a discussion took place on role & resources available to support the SPC. Greg Swift welcomed any feedback from Members and advised that a final plan will be issued at April SPC. The Chair thanked presenters and advised Members to direct any comments to Greg Swift / /Mary MacSweeney.
SPC Working Group Progress Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney provided a verbal update on both SPC Working Groups as follows: |
Tourism, City Markets including Night Time Economy Additional documents: Minutes: The Tourism, City Markets & Night Time Economic Working Group met on the 17th December with presentations on economic statistics relating to the COVID 19 impact on the tourism, hospitality and night time economy sectors from Julie Passmore, Economist, DCC. Fáilte Ireland provided an overview of the depth and breadth of work completed by Fáilte Ireland for the Dublin Region tourism sector in response to COVID 19 impacts. The working group requested future meetings would extend to 1.5 hours with further presentations and discussions. The members were requested to submit work programme proposals in writing in preparation of their extension to end March 2021. Extension proposal will go to February CPG for consideration.
International Relations & EU Affairs PDF 671 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The International Relations & EU Affairs Working Group met on the 18th December to receive a presentation on work to date and the culmination of the EU Programme Participation Strategy which Wessel Badenhorst presented on under Agenda Item 3 above. The work programme of the group is now concluded. The group have requested an extension to their group to end March 2021. The Chair of the Working Group has been requested to submit work programme proposals in writing in advance of consideration to progress this request to CPG level. Awaiting written proposals for work programme from the Working Group
Question / Comment: Cllr. Freehill requested that the International Relations and EU Affairs Working Group meet shortly in order to draft proposals for extension of Working Group. The Chair advised Cllr. Freehill and it was a DCC procedure that a written proposal must be submitted and the manner in which that proposal was drawn up, was a matter for the Chair of the Working Group and its members. Cllr. Cooney suggested that the Tourism, City Markets & Night Time Economic Working Group make submission to the Dublin City Development Plan Review Process.
Economic Development & Enterprise Management Reports PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Copy of Management Reports were provided in ModGov pack for Jan SPC, circulated in advance of meeting The Chair advised that the reports were circulated in advance of the meeting and due to time constraints would not be presented but opened to the floor for any comments or questions. Members did not have any comments regarding management reports.
Any other Business Additional documents: |
Motions of Notice i. Urban Recovery, Regeneration, and Revitalisation of Dublin City Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: a. Motion of Notice i. Urban Recovery, Regeneration and Revitalisation of Dublin City Strategy The Chair, conscious of time, and the fact that this Motion had not been reached at the November 2020 SPC, made proposal to Aidan Sweeney, which was agreed, that DCC Management would provide Aidan Sweeny and other Members with a full management report on the Motion in collaboration with the Finance Department. The Chair advised the motion was not being tabled and that Aidan Sweeney had agreed to accept an extensive management report on the Motion. Discussion from Cllr. Freehill and Cllr. MacDonncha arose around adequate time being provided to Motions submitted from Members and how Motions should be dealt with in a timely manner. The Chair accepted this. Cllr. Freehill directed a query to the Chair in relation to particular wording in the Chair’s report to CPG to which the Chair advised Cllr. Freehill to direct further conversations directly to the Chair by email.
Additional documents: Minutes: 2021 – Meeting dates - Not reached
Next SPC Meeting: 20th April 2021 (3.30pm – 5.30pm)
Action items for Progression: