Contact: Mary MacSweeney
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Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting which took place on 23rd June 2020 were agreed by Evanne Kilmurray and seconded by Cllr. Ring.
Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes: No matters arising from minutes.
Presentation: Smart Cities-Connectivity and 5G PDF 3 MB Jamie Cudden, Smart Cities Additional documents: Minutes: Jamie Cudden, Smart Cities and David Fenton, Senior Scientist, EPA provided a presentation on the developments of 5G and Connectivity. It was noted an Executive Summary circulated in advance in Agenda pack. The presentation included 5G in Ireland, Role of Local Authorities, Deployment Architectures, Deployment Models, Health & 5G and Recommendations; and the EPAs role pin non lionising radiation, electromagnetic fields and 5G.
Comments, Feedback & questions: Cllr Ring questioned the range of masts – do they have to be 30km range especially for Docklands area; whether DCC should have directional signs for all & should we have an inventory of those under DCC control & would they be suitable? Cllr Ring queried the ICMIRP guidelines and the gigahertz frequency which frequency level starts to impact on health and what the current ICMIRP guidelines are. Aidan Sweeney commented on great opportunities for 5G roll out; which will be key for the recovery and future growth of the city and asked what other roles will local authorities have in rapid 5G development and what other tools are available for Dublin to take advantage of 5G. Cllr Freehill commented on the need to focus on the economic life of Dublin City together with its citizen’s public health. Clllr Cooney thanked the presenters and commented on the health implications. There is a need for medical advice / medical reassurance around this in order to gain public support for the development of 5G. Cllr Deacy commented on areas she had worked in and families living under numbers of masts and the risk to medical health. Cllr Deacy supported Cllr Cooney in the need for medical information and reassurance and that there was a role for DCC to play in creating a very clear campaign informing the public. Cllr Roe requested that the EPA 5G tailor information brochure be circulated to the members.
Clarifications: Jamie Cudden thanked the members for their questions and commented on the need for a national coordinated level in order to bring the right public and private players together. The economic opportunity is clear, deploying these networks on poles is not easy and requires the co-ordination of many agencies and he commented on the need for a Strategic Asset Manager to streamline. Jamie Cudden to seek more information from EPA on frequency and spectrum. Medical advice requires international co-ordination and global advice and guidance in conjunction with local and national efforts
Events: Summit Series 2020 -Build Back Better Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney, Deputy Head of Enterprise, provided an update on the Dublin City Summit Series 2020.
The Summit Series 2020 will take place on Thursday 26th November in Mansion House, subject to government guidelines at the time. The Summit will focus on Build Back Better and will examine opportunities for the future for the City. The Lord Mayor has been invited to open the Summit with the SPC Chair hosting the Event. Programme and speakers is currently being finalised with invites to issue in weeks ahead. Dependent on the reopening programme, it is envisaged to hold a physical event with a potential streaming element but will be in line with government guidelines at that time. This will be reviewed regularly in response to the reopening HAS guidelines.
SPC Working Group Progress Reports: Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney provided an update on both SPC Working Groups with progress reports issuing in advance of the meeting.
Tourism, City Markets including Night Time Economy PDF 149 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Tourism and City Markets including Night Time Economy Working Group attended the Night Time Economy Forum meeting on 26th June; at which a presentation was provided by the Manchester Night Time Manager, Sacha Lord. The Corporate Policy Committee approved the establishment of the Working Groups on 26th June. The Working Group met on 8th July and 17th August. At the meetings on 8th July and 17th August, the Group received presentations on Dublin Place Branding Reopening Campaigns - #InThisTogether, #ShopLocal and #MakeaDayofIt Campaigns and also the Events Section Words of our Time Campaign to amplify the City. Further discussion on the proposed work programme took place. Additional nominations for this group have been received from Cllr Danny Byrne, SPC member; and Cllr Claire Byrne & Sunil Sharpe, members of the Arts & Culture SPC. Approval of new members to join the group to be agreed by SPC members, which is already endorsed by the Chair. If approved, this will progress to Corporate Policy Group on 25th September. A letter has issued on behalf of the Working Group to the National Task Force on Night Time Economy.
International Relations & EU Affairs PDF 390 KB Additional documents: Minutes: At the 29th July meeting, the members received presentations from the Eastern Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to further guide work programme developments. The members contributed and finalised the Council’s submission on the European Structural Investment Funds dissemination which was submitted on 7th September to the Regional Assemblies. Agreement required to proceed for approval of full Council briefing to be put forward to Corporate Policy Group on 25th September.
Comments & Feedback: Cllr Freehill recommended Kevin Donoghue to join the Night Time Economy SPC Working Group; requested that EMRA & EIB presentations be circulated to all SPC members; and recommended additional working group to be established for Dublin Belfast project collaboration. Cllr Cooney noted the significant impact on Dublin City with new Covid 19 restrictions and questioned was there any contingency plan DCC could put in place. Can we look at more innovative ways to get people into the City and spend under current restrictions? Can we do anything to make people feel safer and go into the City and how can the City be kept vibrant under current conditions? It was agreed by the members that both Working Groups amendments (New Members & Full Council Briefing) will now be considered by Corporate Policy Group (CPG) on 25th September.
Economic Development & Enterprise Management Reports PDF 1 MB Additional documents: |
International Relations Additional documents: Minutes: Grainne Kelly gave a brief update to the Committee. She stated that all trips/delegations had been cancelled due to the global pandemic.
Proposal: Cllr Freehill proposed that the Chair of SPC be nominated to sit on EuroCities, seconded by Cllr Ring.
Local Enterprise Office Additional documents: Minutes: Greg Swift updated on the LEO activity, with the significant increase in TOV and additional COVID supports for businesses during the emergency period.
Dublin.ie Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney advised on developments in Make a Day of it campaign
Economic Development Office Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney advised on the ongoing work and mentioned in particular the Enterprise Challenge and Green Waste Initiatives. |
Smart Dublin and Smart Cities Additional documents: Minutes: Jamie Cudden gave an update on Smart Dublin and Smart Cities ongoing work and multiple projects. A new Wi-Fi for EU project with Virgin Media with 44 locations WIFI sites across the city, Connect the Unconnected. A 250k project over few years & will launch officially in Oct. H2020 – Smart DUB €4 million project across EU kicking off next week with An Post & UCD partners. A Pilot new App, the Dublin Cycle Buddy, is in Beta which will encourage people to cycle & build online cycling community, which was a winner of VELO city last year. Comments, Feedback & questions: Cllr Freehill gave thanks for the reports and requested a more detailed report on Virgin Media & Digital Literacy. In relation to City Economy, Cllr Freehill commented that Richard Guiney had been previously active in various Groups but that his important voice had been lost and commented on the need to find creative ways of getting Richard Guiney involved once more. Cllr Freehill asked if there was a training agency offering customs clearance for LEO clients. Cllr Cooney complemented LEO on the work & payments to businesses and acknowledged the volume of applications. She thanked DCC for the gender breakdown work, 300 successful women out of 800, and commented on how the Cycle Buddy App was both a good idea and beneficial. Aidan Sweeney commended the LEO team for unprecedented work, and queried if there were backlogs on applications & pressures on processing and are LEO seeing a change in the demand from companies in different types of training as they reopen. Are there any other initiatives coming down the line to support? Evanne Kilmurray commended both Mary MacSweeney and Greg Swift on the volume of work done to date and commented on the work of Mentors and importance of mentoring to businesses. Cllr Batten put a question to Greg Swift on volume of applications and was there a trend for certain funding. Was there any collaboration on filling out applications correctly and what the turnaround time on acceptance / appeals was?
Clarifications: Greg Swift advised contact had been made with Richard Guiney previously and Greg advised that Richard should contact him to discuss his future availability to talk to the working groups. Customs Clearance Training was available free of charge, 30 places available to assist businesses prepare for Brexit and Skillnets have a more detailed programme available, which is being rolled out nationally on customer clearance. A further support for businesses was launched yesterday; a €1k grant for those outside other schemes, announced yesterday by Tánaiste. LEO will promote once more detail on this scheme is available. The demand for training had increased steadily, and LEO are monitoring closely the types of training required and adapting to that accordingly. There is support for LEO application through the mentor panel.
Policy: Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor-Appointment of Nominees Additional documents: Minutes: The Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor Steering Group meeting took place on 29th July, governance arrangement for the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor were discussed. In relation to political oversight, we have been requested to select 3 Councillors to represent Dublin City Council in a new advisory group that is being formed from Councillors from the eight local authorities involved in the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor (DBEC). In line with recommendations in the governance document, it will be proposed today that the Lord Mayor would be offered right of refusal for one of the role, that the Deputy Chair of the SPC Cllr Batten would be offered the second role and that we would seek nominations for the third role. We would ask that Cllrs who may wish to put their names forward, to highlight that now. A vote of the members of the SPC will be required if there are more nominees than positions. As the advisory committee would be representing DCC, only elected members can vote on this item.
Comments, Feedback & questions: Cllr Freehill nominated herself based on her experience to date. Cllr Ring nominated Cllr O Connor as chair of SPC and seconded Cllr Freehill nomination. Cllr. Ring commented on need to demonstrate importance of this new Advisory Group and it should go to Full Council meeting & not just Protocol Committee. Odran Reid commented on importance of this new Advisory Group and that the City Council should have their own small Group to work on this. Cllr Deacy seconded Cllr O Connor & Cllr Freehill nominations. Cllr Batten agreed with Cllr Ring that it needed to go to Full Council. The Chair noted and agreed that it should go to the Full Council meeting. Richard Shakespeare commented that it needed to be ratified by Full Council and that other Councillors might wish to be considered for election to this new Advisory Group. These nominations will now proceed to CPG on 25th Sept for consideration to progress to full council in October.
Research: Dublin Economic Monitor-Future Direction PDF 15 MB Juliet Passmore-Economist, Dublin City Council Andrew Webb, Chief Economist, Grant Thorton Additional documents: Minutes: Juliet Passmore, Economist, Dublin City Council and Andrew Webb, Chief Economist, Dublin City Council provided a presentation on the current edition of the Dublin Economic Monitor, published this morning, which was circulated in advance of the meeting; and the future vision of the DEM. The DEM tender closed and was evaluated in July, with the appointment of Grant Thornton as the preferred bidder. The new vision & focus for future DEM editions will be presented. There will also be insights into the DEM stats in the current edition, as they are quite stark & will give context for the current climate.
Comments, Feedback & questions: Cllr Ring highlighted he was glad to see plans and great to see varying agencies to give input, with great in-house and external articles. Aidan Sweeney noted the importance of ensuring the DEM is a key reference point.
Any other Business Additional documents: Minutes: San Jose Twinning Cllr Freehill requested that the SPC reach out to San Jose during these difficult times as Dublin is twinned with San Jose. The Chair agreed to reach out to San Jose. Cllr Freehill – submission on recovery funds – need to have a meeting in early October – have it physically. Cllr O’Connor noted this meeting was taking place virtually meeting, due to regulations would change today & right direction. Preferred option would always be physical but we need to be aware of government guidelines. The Chair thanked the team for all the work in preparing for meeting.
Next SPC Meeting: 10th November 2020 (3.30pm – 5.30pm) Council Chamber, City Hall Action items for Progression:
Additional documents: Minutes: Notion of Motion – Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor Cllr Freehill gave an overview of her motion following discussion under Agenda item 7 above. it was agreed by the Chair that this motion would be discussed as part of the work programme of the SPC Working Group on EU Affairs & International Relations. .
Next SPC Meeting: 10th November 2020 (3.30pm - 5.30pm) Additional documents: Minutes: Next Meeting It was noted the Venue is currently noted as City Hall but will be dependent on government guidelines and social distancing requirements at time. We will keep members advised in advance of meeting on physical / remote venue