{meta} Agenda for Community, As Gaeilge, Sport, Arts & Culture SPC on Monday 20th September, 2021, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: MS Teams


No. Item


Chairpersons Business (items to be approved from last meeting)

Approved Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 8th December 2020


Approved Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 25th January 2021


Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 28th January 2021


Miontuairiscí den chruinniúFochoiste Gaeilge – 12ú Feabhra 2021


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 15th February 2021

Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 25th March 2021


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 26th April 2021

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Cllr. McGrattan was appointed Deputy Chairperson for this meeting in case there was any issues with technology.


The Chairperson congratulated everyone involved in a very successful culture Night.  It was noted that it is Traveller Pride Week and hoped that all the events planned go well.


(Items to be approved from last meeting)

o   Approved Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 8th December 2020


o   Approved Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 25th January 2021



o   Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 28th January 2021


o   Miontuairiscí den chruinniúFochoiste Gaeilge – 12ú Feabhra 2021


o   Breviate of draft Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 15th February 2021

o   Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 25th March 2021


o   Breviate of draft Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 26th April 2021


Action: Approved.



Minutes of Meeting held of 17th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 639 KB

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Action: Approved


Matters arising: None



Presentation by the Dublin Mountains Partnership - Clodagh Duffy, Dublin Mountains Partnership Co-Ordinator & Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent.

To be circulated by e-mail.

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The brief overview included the following:

·         The management of a valuable resource

·         Origins of the Partnership

·         DMP Vision 2021-2025: Secure and enhance the resource

·         Key achievements of the Partnership 2008 – 2020

·         Access from the city

·         Volunteer rangers

·         Walking and bike trails

·         Recreational facilities

·         Sustainable access and visitor orientation

·         Next steps for the DMP up to 2021


It was noted that bilingual signage is in place but a check will be done to ensure compliance. The mythology of the area is an on-going project with Heritage Officers and Archaeologists. A need for toilets and rough shelters was also noted.  Dogs off their leads is a core piece of work for the volunteer rangers. CCF management is a 20 year structured programme.


Action: Presentation was welcomed and noted.  An annual report will issue to this SPC.



Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Donna Cooney: (Referred from the North Central Area Committee dated 17th May 2021)

“That North Central Area requests By-laws to protect sea swimmers and birds and marine life in Dublin Bay SPA from unregulated Ski Jets use, there have been some recent near accidents”




The Parks Service has become aware of the increase in sea swimming in recent times often taking place in areas that are neither designated bathing areas nor covered by the Beach Guarding Service. There are no current proposals to increase the number of life guards, upgrade the lifeguards stations or designate new bathing areas but these matters will be monitored during the bathing season and reviewed in the context of water safety.

The Jetty and slipway at Clontarf yacht Club is provided for the launching and berthing of crafts and is not a swimming area. In the absence of byelaws restricting the use of jetskis in Dublin Bay other than in the areas covered by the Dublin Port Co. it would seem that the slipway at the yacht club could be considered an appropriate site to launch such a craft and the Council could be considered as acting ultra vires by erecting the signage requested to ban jetskis from using this public facility.  Further legal advices will be sought on the use of the jetty and slipway.

It certainly would not be practical to attempt to provide facilities of lifeguards at every location where citizens choose to swim and the Council would always encourage those who wish to engage in sea swimming to do so where the Beach Guards are in attendance. 

The designation of new bathing areas is a statutory and consultative process outlined under the bathing water directive transposed into Irish Legislation in 2008.  There may well be a strong rationale to designate and service new areas for sea swimming and to which end the Parks Service will monitor the situation and engage with stakeholders in the coming months including Dublin Port, EPA, Irish Water, Water Safety and Water Quality Departments, Local leisure craft clubs and user groups.


Karl Mitchell

Acting Executive Manager /Director of Services 

Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie


Order:  Refer to Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC request that by laws for jet skies from other Dublin Local Authorities be brought as part of the discussion.


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Action: Members were informed that other Local Authorities have Bye laws for jet skis and that legal advice was sought regarding Bye laws for the regulation of jet skis and a framework will now be facilitated to proceed. Motion agreed.  Presentation on the Biosphere Partnership to be included at the next meeting, which will cover the wider issues raised in these Motions.



Motion in the name of Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland:-

“This SPC recognises the environmental and recreational bounty of Dublin Bay. This SPC also recognises the need to promote recreational water activities on and in Dublin Bay in a safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Therefore, this SPC calls for a Recreational Use of Dublin Bay Framework that i) promotes safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly recreational use of Dublin Bay, ii) protects recreational users of the Bay through the regulation of motorised crafts such as jet skies and the establishment of professional life guard facilities on the Bay's main beaches and iii) protects and respects the ecosystems, biodiversity and water quality of Dublin Bay”


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Action: Agreed. It was noted that additional stakeholders need to be involved in order to  facilitate this process and to ensure agreement.



Motion 691 in the name of Cllr Dermot Lacey (Referred from the Special Council Meeting June 2021 re pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan)

“Recognizing the immense value, problems and potential of Dublin Bay the City Council agrees to insert in the Development Plan an Objective to establish an Integrated Working Group with all relevant Stakeholders to devise a single agreed Plan for Dublin Bay that can be implemented over the time of the Development Plan to incrementally improve the Bay covering water quality, flood protection measures, recreational opportunities and protection of the UNESCO Bio-Sphere. 

Planning Reason

Dublin Bay is one of the great assets of the City and County yet is governed by a plethora of agencies and sometimes disconnected policies. As the lead Local Authority Dublin City Council should take a leadership role in protecting and enhancing this wonderful natural asset.”


Chief Executive’s Response

Dublin Bay and its hinterland is a UNESCO Biosphere. The Biosphere an international designation which places Dublin as an exemplar for sustainable development and which is unique to a capital city. It is internationally recognised for its biological diversity and is managed by the Dublin Bay Biosphere Partnership which is made up of Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council, DLR County Council, and Dublin Port Company and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. The Biosphere brings together the bodies with responsibilities for the Bay into a forum for its management and has developed strategies for conservation, business and tourism. Policy support for same will be set out in the Draft Plan.


Chief Executive’s Recommendation

Agree to include a policy ensure a co-ordinated approach to the management of Dublin Bay with other State and semi-State agencies through the Dublin Bay Biosphere Partnership in line with its management plan for the sustainable development of Dublin Bay.


Council Meeting Decision

The report and recommendation of the Chief Executive was AGREED and that the Motion will be referred to the Arts, Culture, Leisure & Recreation SPC.


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Action: Agreed


Motion in the name of Cllr Deirdre Heney (Referred from the North Central Area Committee dated 19th July 2021)

“That the manager, in relation to the park situated next to Pinebrook estate Artane, which was handed over to Dublin Corporation in 1982 by Powers Supermarket, and which is home to an historical burial ground and church ruin, begin the process of naming this much loved and historical place and if a detailed report can be made on the plans for same.”




If adopted, this motion should be referred to the Arts, Culture, Leisure & Recreation SPC for consideration. Having considered the motion the SPC may refer the matter to the Commemorations & Naming Committee, who will consider the proposal under the Council’s Policy for Commemorative Naming of Infrastructure and the Provision of Monuments, Memorials and Plaques.


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Action: Agreed.



Update report on Dublin City Council Culture Company - Iseult Byrne, CEO pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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The Culture Company has been awarded a European Museum of the Year Award and the annual review has been launched. Highlights of their work include the Cultural Impact Study 2021, ACCESS Culture for all, Tea & Chats and the Culture Near You/Dublin City Cultural Audit and Map.  The Irish language is consistently used and promoted.


Action: Noted.  A detailed presentation to the next SPC.  A report will be prepared regarding the use of the Irish language in all programmes/events etc.



Young People's Access to the Arts in Dublin City - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 770 KB

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Funding for the North Central Area was particularly welcomed.  Members thanked Ray and his team for making access to the arts possible. A discussion took place around the difficulty of accessing some spaces for arts and asked if we could look at underused venues.


Action: Noted.



Draft Report on the Dublin Lunar New Year Festival - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 669 KB

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This festival was formerly known as the Chinese New Year Festival.  Due to the huge interest, the name was changed to ensure an inclusive festival for all the citizens of Dublin.


Action: Noted.



Management Update pdf icon PDF 1023 KB

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The following issues were raised:


·         Creative Climate: project will be rolled out in January to other areas

·         D8 cultural Quarter; Funding sources are being explored

·         Several on street art installations are in place

·         Dublin City Sports & Wellbeing Partnership was commended particularly for their work with women and young children

·         Details of EU funding are detailed in the report

·         Library locker service to be expanded

·         Halloween events will not include any fireworks

·         Covid Recovery Group

·         Use of Meeting House Square to be used as a venue like it was on Culture Night – structure of the building makes it very expensive to use as a space

·         Rathmines Town Hall was suggested as a performance arts space


Action: Feasibility study on a temporary performing arts venue in the city including the venues located on DCC land to be carried out.   Dates for Covid Recovery Group meeting to be circulated.



Approved Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 15th February 2021 pdf icon PDF 636 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 25th March 2021 pdf icon PDF 764 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Approved Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 19th April 2021 pdf icon PDF 635 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Approved Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 26th April 2021 pdf icon PDF 676 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 27th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 767 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 29th July 2021 pdf icon PDF 676 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership meeting dated 16th August 2021 pdf icon PDF 651 KB

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Action: Agreed.


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group (ACAG) meeting dated 30th August 2021 pdf icon PDF 443 KB

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Action: Agreed.



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No issues raised.