Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Chairpersons Business Additional documents: Minutes: Housekeeping rules for MS Teams were agreed. It was noted that the meeting would be recorded. Cllr. Micheál Mac Donncha was nominated as Deputy Chairperson for the meeting in the event of any technical difficulties. The Chair welcomed Cllr. Patricia Roe to the committee.
Minutes of Meeting held of 21st September 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed.
Matters arising: None.
Additional documents: Minutes: Sr. Bernadette and Denise Ni Dhuibir gave an overview of the music programme run by the centre. A discussion took place around the positive effects and results of this programme including economic value, positive mental well-being and presenting positive images of the community. Several Councillors thanked Sr. Bernadette and the staff for their achievements in this area and the difference it has made to the lives of young people and the community. Sr. Bernadette thanked the Councillors for the support and funding received to date and also offered to meet with other communities with the assistance of DCC so similar programmes could be established in other areas.
Action: Circulate presentation including videos to members.
Additional documents: Minutes: Simon Clarke gave an overview of the Winter Lights programme 2020 including strategy and sustainability. The Festivals aim is to promote the message that Dublin is open for Christmas. There is 17 locations this year including 4 new locations. The flagship location is Smithfield which is dedicated to those who worked throughout the Covid crisis. The use of the Irish language was queried. All promotions for the festival are issued equally in Irish and English.
Action: The possibility of a site location map to be added to the website to be followed up with Dublin.ie
Additional documents: Minutes: Sara Brady gave an overview of the rejuvenation and upgrade of the Stardust Memorial Park. This work has been on-going since last year. Improvements include wild flowering throughout the park, construction of a labyrinth, rose garden, butterfly bank, new seating, and new outdoor gym equipment. She also thanked those who had been involved in the upgrade works to the park. Several Councillors thanked the Parks team for their work on this outstanding and appropriate memorial. It was queried if the walking trail could be linked to Edenmore Park. It was suggested that the RTE Nationwide programme be contacted in relation to doing a piece on the project prior to the 40th anniversary.
Action: Noted.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Danny Byrne:- (Referred from the City Council meeting 3rd February 2020} “That this Council include adults with Intellectual Disabilities in the very successful ‘passports for leisure’ program. To recognise the fact that inactivity is a major factor causing ill health in people with disabilities, and that this would be an investment in them and their future.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Management informed members that the Passport for Leisure Scheme has not been in existence for the last 3 years but all agreed with the sentiment of the motion. This scheme has been replaced by an over 60’s discount rate that can be used in all DCC facilities regardless of peoples abilities. A number of Cllrs requested that a report on motions prior to SPC meetings would be useful.
Action: Details of discount scheme to be circulated to committee, which would include hours available for over 60’s. Report to next meeting to include all services provided by Sports Officers. Reports on procedures on Motions to be referred to the next meeting of the CPG
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Pat Dunne:- (Referred from the South East Area Committee 9th November 2020)
“In recognition of the historical importance of the late politician, doctor and author, Dr Noel Brown and his connection with Dublin South East this area committee seeks to have him remembered with a statute or memorial in the area”
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: It was agreed to refer this motion to the Commemorations and Naming Committee.
Motion submitted in the names of Cllr Nial Ring and Cllr Cieran Perry: (Referred from the Central Area Committee 10th November 2020)
“This committee agrees that the Royal Canal Bridge at Russell Street, currently named Clonliffe Bridge/Russell Street Bridge, be officially re-named as "Bloody Sunday Bridge" in commemoration of the events at Croke Park on 21st November 2020 when 14 innocent civilians were killed by RIC/Auxiliaries/Black and Tans.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: It was agreed to refer this motion to the Commemorations and Naming Committee.
Verbal update on an exhibition of the work and achievements of women councillors and women officials on DCC over the centuries - Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: A Historian has been commissioned and work is underway and will be available in the first quarter of 2021. A physical and online exhibition and a series of discussions will take place if Covid restrictions allow. It was suggested that the Historian link in with the new Women’s Committee in DCC. With regard to the retirement of the City Archivist it was suggested that a letter of thanks issue from this committee. Members expressed concern in relation to the recruitment of a new City Archivist. Management noted the concerns of members and informed members this is a specialist post and cannot be advertised until the position becomes officially vacant. The chair commented that filling of posts is an Executive function and closed the discussion.
Action: Notice of exhibition programme to be circulated to Councillors
Vacancy to replace Cllr Deirdre Conroy on the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Action: It was agreed that Cllr. Patricia Roe would fill this vacancy.
Additional documents: Minutes: · All DCC facilities will open under Level 3 guidelines on the 1st December and will continue to amend accordingly. · Thanks was expressed to the NCA Director of Services and team for establishing the 5 week Bronze Programme in the area. · It was noted that the HLG audio description of exhibitions on line has been greatly welcomed. · It was noted that the Dublin Theatre Festival has been selected for the Climate Action Commission. · The sacrifices experienced by people working in the Arts was noted as they have suffered immensely throughout this crisis. · 2021 Budgets are very similar to that of 2020. · Artists Workspaces Commission is at the feasibility phase. Details are provided in the Arts Office section of the Management Update report at every meeting.
Action: · Request to circulate the most recent annual playground inspection report to the committee. · Covid Recovery Group to be discussed at the next SPC meeting. City parks Superintendent will respond directly to members regarding the following: Parks Programme 2020, removal of mature trees in East Wall and the replacement |
Proposed dates for 2021. Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: All dates were agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: Noted
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 14th July 2020 Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 1st October 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Miontuairiscí den chruinniú - Fochoiste Gaeilge - Dé hAoine, 6ú Samhain 2020, 2.00 p.m. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: · Vacancy on the Temple Bar Cultural Trust– It was agreed that Cllr. Claire Byrne would fill this vacancy. · February SPC meeting - deadline dates for motions for meeting will be issued. Reports for motions may be included if deemed necessary by the CPG.
Date of next meeting: Monday 15th February 2021 at 9.30 a.m. Location TBC