Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held of 29th June 2020 Additional documents: Minutes:
Matters arising: Establishment of Irish Language sub-committee – Members proposed and agreed are Julian de Spainn, Cllr. Michael MacDonncha, Cllr. Deirdre Heney and Cllr Hazel de Nortuin. The Terms of Reference has been drafted and will be agreed at the CPG.
Additional documents: Minutes: An overview of the Partnership Framework Agreement between Dublin City Council and the Arts Council was presented to members. The purpose of this presentation is to make visible the scale of the investment in the Arts in Dublin by both organisations.
The importance of identifying areas of deficit and the development of these areas was discussed. Further research is also recommended to make more clearly the Arts support across the DCC Sections and Departments. Council committees will receive regular updates.
Action: Presentation was welcomed and noted. The list of 20 + DCC owned arts properties to be circulated to members with further information. An update of the audit of spaces was requested.
Presentation on Greening The City - Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent Presentation will be ciculated in the next few days. Additional documents: Minutes: The City Parks Superintendent presented an overview of the work done as part of the Greening Strategy with a focus on the areas along the canals. 11 DCC Parks have received green flag awards. Examples of the greening strategy work done in the Liberties, Stoneybatter, the NEIC and city centre areas were presented to the meeting. A query was raised regarding EU Funding. Management informed members the process to engage consultants to facilitate analysis and access EU Programme funding has begun. Terms of Reference to be agreed.
Action: Les Moore to contact members in relation to issues raised regarding their individual areas.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Nial Ring:- "This committee recognises the efforts of the Tom Clarke memorial committee to have a statue of him erected in a prominent location in Dublin and further acknowledges that the committee has been in contact with DCC in relation to this project many times over the past 5 years. This committee fully supports the provision/location of a suitable site in the city for a statue of Tom Clarke and requests that DCC revisit and appraise the locations previously suggested but put on hold due to other developments in the areas suggested i.e Parnell Square, Parnell Street, O'Connell St."
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Motion agreed. To be referred to Commemorations & Naming Committee.
Additional documents: Minutes: Dublin City Libraries & Archives have begun to develop an online exhibition to mark the contribution made to the City by its women councillors, women officials and by the nine women who have held the office of Lord Mayor of Dublin. A series of talks from the historians in residence will accompany the exhibition. It was suggested that a series of talks or workshops could be held alongside the exhibition to discuss a comparison of feminism from the 1970’s to the current times. Action: Report noted. Brendan Teeling will provide an update at the next meeting.
Report on Grass Cutting Contracts - Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report noted.
Review of the Arts Grants Interim Report - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The changes implemented to the Arts Grants were welcomed by the committee. The importance of contributions from all relevant DCC departments for EU funding was noted.
Action: Report noted.
Vacancy to replace Cllr Deirdre Conroy on the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: No nominations were received.
Action: This item will be included on the agenda of the next meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy City Librarian gave a brief presentation on the library services during lockdown, and also the services made available during the phased re-opening. With Level 3 restrictions services will revert to Call and Collect with continued emphasis on digital and online services. A discussion took place on the possibility of alternative events for Halloween throughout the Level 3 restriction phase. There will be an emphasis on keeping services open and to facilitate safe places for staff and the public. A discussion took place on illegal fireworks. . It was queried if the Irish language was used when hosting Culture Club, Tea & Chats etc.
Action: Report noted. The Chair to write to Senior Gardai expressing concerns regarding illegal fireworks. The CEO of DCC Culture Company to contact Julian De Spainn directly regarding the use of the Irish language..
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee held 14th July 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: · Outdoor party in DCC flat complex – this is an issue for the Area Committees and the Joint Policing Forum · The Story of Coffee will take place in St. James Church in October. · It was noted that the arts plays a vital role in social inclusion. · Review of the Development Plan – to look at the use of land for sporting activities in Dublin
Action: The Chair suggested a presentation on the importance of Arts in the community at a future meeting
Date of next meeting: Monday 30th November 2020 at 9.30 a.m. Location TBC