{meta} Agenda for Community, Gaeilge, Sport, Arts & Culture SPC on Monday 9th July, 2018, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Paula Ebbs 


No. Item


Draft Minutes of meeting held on 14th May 2018 pdf icon PDF 196 KB

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Chairpersons Business


The Chair requested the following be read into the record: “An issue arose at the last meeting under A.O.B. A request has been lodged from a third party to remove an item from the webcast from the 14th of May SPC meeting. The item was raised under A.O.B. by Gerry Kerr regarding the Sackville Place and Cathedral Street Part 8 vote. Gerry has consented to its removal. We are seeking the Committee’s approval to proceed with the removal.”


Action: Agreed to removal of this item from the webcast. The minutes of 14th May to reflect this decision.


Action:  Agreed, subject to agreed amendment, removal of an item from the webcast raised under A.O.B. by Gerry Kerr.


Presentation on Markets in Parks - Leslie Moore, City Parks Superintendent

Presentation to follow

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Leslie gave an overview of how markets operate in Dublin City Council parks. A discussion took place around the future of market guidelines and strategies.

Action: Presentation welcomed and noted by members. Circulate presentation to members. The Dublin City Markets Action Plan which was presented to the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC meeting held on 5th September 2017 to be circulated to members.


Motion submitted in the name of Cllr John Lyons

“Recognizing the LGBTQ community’s decades-long struggle to achieve full equality in Ireland, often times in the face of brutal state and non-state oppression, discrimination and violence, this City Council SPC agrees to commission a public monument/piece of art to acknowledge the proud history of struggle for full equality waged for more than four decades by Dublin’s LGBTQ community.

To bring this motion to life, a consultative forum with relevant internal and external stakeholders will be established.”

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“Recognizing the LGBTQ community’s decades-long struggle to achieve full equality in Ireland, often times in the face of brutal state and non-state oppression, discrimination and violence, this City Council SPC agrees to commission a public monument/piece of art to acknowledge the proud history of struggle for full equality waged for more than four decades by Dublin’s LGBTQ community.

To bring this motion to life, a consultative forum with relevant internal and external stakeholders will be established.”


The motion was agreed. A discussion took place regarding appropriate recognition for the struggle for full equality by Dublin’s LGBTQ community. The City Arts Officer suggested that any proposals should go through the Arts and Culture Advisory Group in the first instance and be referred to the Commemorations Sub-Committee for comment. Public consultation and consultation with families is also essential in developing the proposals. Translating this process into a brief for Artists will be challenging as will budgetary considerations.


Action: Proposals on how to progress this motion to the September SPC.  Proposal should also be submitted to the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group/Commemorative Naming Committee and consultation with families is also essential to develop the proposals.



Update Report on the new over 60's Discount Scheme - Jim Beggan, Senior Executive Officer pdf icon PDF 208 KB

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Action: Report noted. Management will again meet with Limelight to finalise an exit strategy. No new Passport for Leisure applications to be accepted. All existing membership will be honoured to end date.


Update Report on the George Bernard Shaw House - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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Action: Noted. A tour of the property and a brief presentation in the George Bernard Shaw House is being arranged for the 23rd of July 2018 and local residents and thespians to be invited.


Verbal update on the New City Library at Parnell Square - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting)

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Management informed members that the design work is almost complete and the planning submission will be sent to An Bord Pleanála in September. Members raised issues in relation to the funding of this project. It is proposed to hold a briefing for Area Committee and SPC members before submission goes to An Bord Pleanála.

Action: Noted. The financial report to be circulated to members. Report on the New City Library at Parnell Square to be listed on Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC agenda on an ongoing basis.


Verbal update on the Artists Workspaces - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer

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Five different vacant sites have been identified as being potentially suitable sites for Artists Workspaces and approved by the Artists Workspaces Sub-Group of the SPC. After a further review by Planning and Development two sites will be recommended for feasibility studies and the studies will be funded by the Arts Council Dublin City Council and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. 

Action: Noted


Report on the Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 239 KB

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Action: Noted


Management Update


Cllr. Greg Kelly took over as Chairperson.

Cllr. Lyons referred to a motion that was passed by members on the 14th of November 2016 in relation to the Open Libraries Initiative and staff less libraries. Cllr. Lyons stated his opposition to this initiative as did many members of this SPC and library staff.  He referred to a section “My Open Library” in the new Public Library Strategy 2018-2022 which offers extended opening hours to library members on a self service basis.

The Acting City Librarian stated that while DCC welcomes the publication of the national strategy, we currently have no plans to roll out staff less libraries, notwithstanding the fact that we are committed to using technology to provide wider access. Dublin City Council has run many competitions to hire library staff in the past year.

Action: Circulate Draft Dublin City Library Development Plan in advance of the September SPC


Cllr. O Farrell raised the issue of lifeguards on Dollymount Beach.

Action: City Parks Superintendent to issue a report on lifeguards directly to Councillor O’Farrell.


Members raised operational issues and issues relating to water quality and deposits on the dunes at Dollymount Beach. The City Parks Superintendent responded to the issues raised.

Action: City Parks Superintendent to provide a comprehensive report on Bull Island/Dollymount to the September SPC


Cllr. Freehill discussed the Good Citizens Awards and requested that they proceed.

Action: Meeting to be held in the coming weeks with the existing committee members to discuss how to progress the Awards Scheme. 


Cllr. Freehill also requested the architects report on the Terenure Library to be brought to the next SPC in September.

Action: Architects report on the Terenure Library to be brought to the September SPC meeting.


Concerns were raised regarding the neglect of the Grand Canal Docks and members requested a presentation from Waterways Ireland at a future SPC.

Action: Assistant Chief Executive to write to Waterways Ireland requesting a presentation to a future SPC to discuss both the Grand Canal Dock and the Royal Canal


Cllr. Feeney commended Dublin City Council for organising the tour of the UNESCO Dublin Bay biosphere and the Tall Ships Regatta event.


Approved Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 29th March 2018 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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Action: Agreed


Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting held 5th April 2018 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

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Action: Agreed


Approved Minutes of Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Advisory Board meeting held 11th April 2018 pdf icon PDF 538 KB

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Action: Agreed


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 30th May 2018 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

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Action: Agreed


Breviate of draft Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting held 30th May 2018 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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Action: Agreed


Breviate of draft Minutes of Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Advisory Board meeting held 28th June 2018 pdf icon PDF 590 KB

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Action: Agreed



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Cllr. O’Farrell requested a presentation/report on the issue of Waste Management.


Action: Follow up with Parks and Waste Management


Cllr. Mannix Flynn asked how Dublin City Council is going to brand their logo on Arts institutions in its administrative area. Assistant Chief Executive has had discussions with his colleagues on this and a report will be issued.


Action: Report on branding to be brought to a future SPC meeting.