Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Lord Mayor's Business Additional documents: Minutes: Birth The Lord Mayor congratulated Councillor Michael Pigeon & his wife Kate on the recent birth of their baby Ned.
Special Meeting of Dublin City Council The Lord Mayor informed members that a Special Meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday 11th November, 2024 at 6.15pm to discuss the Dublin City Taskforce Report.
Congratulations The Lord Mayor extended congratulations to Shelbourne FC Womens team who won their FAI Cup Final on the 20th October and the Shelbourne FC Men’s Team who became the League of Ireland Premier Division Champions.
A Safe City The Lord Mayor informed members that on Saturday night last, he joined with members of An Garda Síochána including Superintendents Dermot McKenna and Cormac Brennan and walked through the city from Grafton Street and Pearse Street, through Temple Bar and to Capel Street. He ended the evening at Dublin by Night Fest on Capel Street which was organised in partnership with Dublin Town, Dublin City Council, Fáilte Ireland and the Department of Tourism. Dublin by Night Fest was a two-day celebration of the night-time economy and purple flag status. A total of nearly 40,000 people attended across both nights. Friday night was based in Central Plaza / South William Street / Drury Street and Saturday night in Capel Street. Over the two nights there were 66 business stalls and upwards of 70 paid artists and performers including up and coming Dublin bands, city centre buskers, samba band and samba dancers, trad band and Irish dancers, brass band, live interactive art workshops and top Dublin drag artists – supporting Dublin based arts and culture was a priority of the event. He thanked all involved in organising this family friendly event which was a real celebration of Dublin.
Neurodiverse Friendly / Autism-Friendly City Next week is Equality and Inclusion Week. The Lord Mayor advised that further announcements will be made to further embed the initiative into DCC to see 3 year plan delivered on.
Taskforce on Integration The Lord Mayor advised the members that he chaired the first meeting of the Taskforce for Integration which was held last Wednesday.
Halloween at the Mansion House Halloween at the Mansion House ran from Wednesday 30th October to Saturday 2nd November with almost 1,000 people coming through the Mansion House for “A Paranormal Investigation”. This was aimed at teenagers with 68 spooky tours through the house including 10 of them reserved for children with neurodiverse needs. The Pumpkin Patch in the Lord Mayor’s Garden which was aimed at younger children welcomed 735 people. He thanked Neil, Natasha, Hazel and all involved in the event.
Ceisteanna fé Bhuan Ordú Úimhir 18 Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Christy Burke and seconded by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll that Dublin City Council approves the Dublin Chief Executive answering the questions lodged. The motion having been put and carried, written answers to the questions lodged for the City Council meeting were issued. The Questions and Answers are set out in Appendix A to these minutes. |
Correspondence was received from the following Local Authorities; · Roscommon County Council · Westmeath County Council · Fingal County Council Additional documents:
Minutes: · Roscommon County Council · Westmeath County council · Fingal County Council
It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Conor Reddy that Dublin City Council notes the contents of all correspondence listed. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Minutes of the City Council meeting held on
7th October 2024 having been |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Keith Connolly and seconded by Councillor Janet Horner that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 232/2024 formally ratifies the establishment of an Audit Committee, approves the councillor membership, as agreed on the 2nd July 2024 and that the above nominees be appointed as external members of the Dublin City Audit Committee. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and Seconded by Councillor Fiona Connelly that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 235/2024 and hereby approves the borrowing requirement as set out therein, subject to the sanction of the Minister of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Mannix Flynn that Dublin City Council Council hereby approves the SPC membership 2024-2029 and the nominations included therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Anthony Connaghan that we, the Lord Mayor and Members of Dublin City Council, being the Roads Authority for the City of Dublin and being of the opinion that the public right of way between 233-235 Glasnevin Avenue and 10-11 Beneavin Park Dublin 11 as shown on the attached Map SM 2022-0027 is no longer required for public use, extinguish the public right of way in accordance with Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993. The Motion was put and carried. An updated version of the report is attached to this minutes in Appendix B.
The following councillors wished for their objections and abstentions to be noted;
· Cllr. Mannix Flynn – Abstain · Cllr. Patrick Kinsella – Abstain · Deputy Lord Mayor Donna Cooney – Against · Cllr. Feljin Jose – Against · Cllr. Ray Cunningham – Against · Cllr. Michael Pidgeon – Against · Cllr. Hazel Chu –Against · Cllr. Claire Byrne – Against
The Lord Mayor vacated the Chair to Councillor Ray McAdam at 7.15 p.m. and returned to the chamber at 7.17 p.m.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Patrick Kinsella and seconded by Councillor Claire Byrne that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 211/2024. The Motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron that Report no. 218/2024 be adjourned to the December Council meeting. The motion was put and carried. |
Report No. 215/2024 of the A/Executive Manager (M. Robinson) - With reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Séamas McGrattan and seconded by Councillor John Stephens that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.215/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried. |
Granting of Licenses and Leases: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.219/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.220/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.222/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.224/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.225/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Disposal of Property: Additional documents: |
Report No. 221/2024 of the A/Executive Manager (M. Igoe) - Disposal of a plot to the rear of 25c Cambridge Avenue, Dublin 4. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Daryl Barron and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.221/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 223/2024 of the A/Executive Manager (M. Igoe) - Disposal of former walkway adjacent 73a Belcamp Avenue, Coolock, Dublin 17. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Daryl Barron and seconded by Councillor Janice Boylan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No.223/2024 and hereby assents to the proposal set out therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 217/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 228/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 234/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor John Stephens and seconded by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 231/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 226/2024 of the A/Head of Finance (V. Leonov) - Monthly Local Fund Statement. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Séamas McGrattan and seconded by Councillor Conor Reddy that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 226/2024. The motion was put and carried. |
Report No. 227/2024 of the Chief Executive (R. Shakespeare) - Monthly Management Report. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Cat O’Driscoll that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 227/2024. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Anthony Connaghan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 212/2023. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Daithí Doolan and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 214/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Conor Reddy and seconded by Councillor Anthony Connaghan that Dublin City Council adopts the contents of Report No. 229/2024. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Conor Reddy that Dublin City Council adopts the contents of Report No. 230/2024. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: The following Topical Issues was proposed for debate: “DCC says free Enoch Burke now.”
In accordance with Standing Orders the topical issue was put to a vote and did note achieve the requisite two thirds support to be debated. Full details of the vote can be found in Appendix C to these minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion No. 1
It was proposed by Councillor Ray Cunningham and seconded by Councillor Mannix Flynn.
That this City Council supports expanding the area served by Dublin Bikes and requests a report on how to do so from the relevant SPC.
The motion was put and carried.
Emergency Motion(s) Additional documents: Minutes: Emergency Motion No. 1 in the name of Cllr. Daithí Doolan Dublin City Council notes with deep concern the ongoing annual shortfall of €9m in funding to City Council from the Department of Health for the provision of the ambulance service,
Dublin City Council calls on an tArd Mheara to write to the Minister for Health before our Budget meeting demanding that the Department resolve this funding crisis as a matter of urgency and commits to covering the cost in the future.
It was agreed that this motion be taken without debate. The Lord Mayor also agreed to write to the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly TD.