Venue: The Round Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||||
Lord Mayor's Business Additional documents: Minutes:
· Brigit 2022 The Lord Mayor expressed her gratitude to members of Dublin City Council for their support with funding for the Brigit 2022 concert which was held last Tuesday featuring Felispeaks, Sibheal, Tolu Makay and Imelda May. Over 300 people attended with many more viewing the live stream.
· Ethics Declaration form Annual Ethics Declarations for Councillors are due by the end of February. Members will be emailed a link to the online form later this week.
· Women who have died violently since 1996 The Lord Mayor in recognition of the serious issue that is violence against women such as the most recent on Ashling Murphy and just over one year ago on Urantsetseq Tserendorj, invited all present at the meeting to stand with her and remember allthe women who sadly have lost their lives to violence or who have disappeared without trace between 1996 and today. A list from Women's Aid Femicide Watch was shown on the screen behind the Lord Mayor and the 244 names were read out into the Council record.
1.MarilynRynn 2.Joyce Quinn 3.MaryMolumby 4.Sandra Tobin 5.NoeleenCawley 6.Alison White 7.AnneMarieDuffin 8.Martina Halligan 9.Angela Collins 10.Patti Bainbridge 11.Patricia Murphy 12.Veronica Guerin 13.Margaret O Sullivan 14.Maura McKinney 15.Fiona Pender 16.Shirley Clince 17.Janet Mooney 18.Sophie Toscan du Plantier 19.Belinda Pereira 20.Geraldine Diver 21.Miriam O'Donohue 22.Ciara Breen 23.Mary Callinan 24.Sylvia Sheilds 25.Bernie Sherry 26.Kitty Gubbins 27.Mandy Wong 28.Elizabeth Troy 29.Catherine Doyle 30.Margaret Murphy 31.Sheila McDonagh 32.Gillian Thornton 33.Mary Cully 34.Mary Kelehan 35.Eileen Costello O'Shaughnessy 36.Mandy Smyth 37.Fiona Sinnott 38.Joan McCarthy 39.Georgina O'Donnell 40.Sinead Kelly 41.Deirdre Jacob 42.Chantal Bergeron 43.Theresa Doherty 44.Christina Hackett 45.Marie Dillon 46.Siobhan Hynes 47.Sheila Lynch 48.Catherine Hegarty 49.Layla Brennan 50.Marie Hennessy 51.Gertrude Dolan 52.Bente Carroll 53.Eileen Coyne 54.Bridget McFadden 55.Margaret Concannon 56.Raonaid Murray 57.Charlene McAulliffe 58.Catherine Mullins 59.Rachel Sandeman 60.Nancy Nolan 61.Jennifer Donnan 62.Maeve Byrne 63.Rachel Keily 64.Dearbhla Keating 65.Jean Reilly 66.Jennifer Wilkinson 67.Sandra Collins 68.Susan Prakash 69.Mary Whelan 70.Lui Quing 71.Teresa Joyce 72.Debbie Fox 73.Geraldine Kissane 74.Margaret Fahy 75.Linda Dunne 76.Bettina Poeschel 77.Lorraine O'Connor 78.Sr Philomena Lyons 79.Lisa Bell 80.Grainne Dillon 81.Joan Power 82.Rosie Collinson 83.Nichola Sweeney 84.Niamh Murphy 85.Nora Kiely 86.Carmel Coyne 87.Mook Ah Mooi 88.Christine Quinn 89.Sasha Pimosieje 90.Jean Scanlon 91.Marie Bridgeman 92.Cliona Magner 93.Natasha Gray 94.Lindita Kukaj 95.Georgina Eager 96.Xiang Yi Wang 97.Ann Flynn 98.Attracta Harron 99.Dolores McCrea 100.Joan Casey 101.Janet Chaney 102.Lorraine Crowley 103.Jamie Farrelly Maughan 104.Paiche Onyemaechi 105.Lynette McKeown 106.Mary Walsh 107.Elizabeth McCarthy 108.Rachel O'Reilly ... view the full minutes text for item 1.
Ceisteanna fé Bhuan Ordú Úimhir 18 Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Lord
Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor
JoeCostello that Dublin City Council approves the Dublin
Chief Executive answering the questions lodged. The motion having been put and
carried, written answers to the 128 questions lodged for the City Council meeting were
issued. The Questions and |
Correspondence was received from the following Local Authorities; • Cork City Council • Waterford City & County Council • Sligo County Council • Galway County Council Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Joe Costello that Dublin City Council notes the contents of all correspondence listed. Themotion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Draft Development Plan Meeting held on 8th -11th November 2021 as amended and the minutes of the City Council meeting held on 10th January 2022 having been printed, certified by the Meetings Administrator, circulated to the Members and taken as read, were signed by the Lord Mayor. |
Co-Option of a new Member of Dublin City Council following the death of Councillor Anthony Flynn. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor informed Members that Group Leaders had recommended that the filling of the vacancy left by the passing of Cllr. Anthony Flynn be deferred to the March Council Meeting. Thedeferral was agreed by Council. |
To fill one outstanding vacancy on the Inter Local Authority Special Committee on Fire & Ambulance Services and Emergency Management. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dermot Lacey and seconded by Councillor Michael Pigeon that Dublin City Council nominate Lord Mayor Alison Gilliand to become a member of the Inter Local Authority Special Committee on Fire & Ambulance Services and Emergency Management. Noting she is already a member as Lord Mayor, she will become a permanent member at the end of her term. Themotion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord Mayor Joe Costello that Dublin City Council notes the contents
of Report No. 58/2022 and hereby approves the Community Grants as
set out therein. The |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that this report will be deferred to the March council meeting. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord MayorJoe Costello that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 41/2022. Themotion was put and carried. |
Report No. 43/2021 of the Executive Manager (F. D'Arcy) - With reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 in 10 premises. Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Granting of Licenses and Leases: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Disposal of Property: Additional documents: |
Report No. 48/2022 of the Executive Manager (P. Clegg) - With reference to the proposed disposal of the plot to the rear of No. 9 Croydon Green, Marino, Dublin 3. Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Report No. 49/2022 of the Executive Manager (P. Clegg) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of multiple plots to the rear of properties Eugene Street, Dublin 8. Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord MayorJoe Costello that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 54/2022. Themotion was put and carried |
Report No. 59/2022 of Chief Executive (O. Keegan) - Annual Service Delivery Plan 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord |
Additional documents: Minutes: It
was proposed by Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy
Lord Mayor
It was agreed that the Major Walking and Cycling Projects report will now be listed on the Agenda for discussion every 3 months and any new initiatives will be highlighted to Members as part of the Monthly Management Report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Report No. 56/2022 of the Head of Finance (K. Quinn) - Monthly Local Fund Statement. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Report No. 55/2022 of the Chief Executive (O. Keegan) - Monthly Management Report. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Climate Action, Environment & Energy Strategic Policy Committee Breviates: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Mayor |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by
Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Deputy Lord
Concern was raised by Councillor Mannix Flynn regarding security on council issued IT equipment. The Manager confirmed that all relevant stakeholders had been informed and that an investigation was underway. Once the investigation is concluded a report will issue to all the Elected Members.
Additional documents: Minutes: The following Topical Issues were proposed: 1. Blood Sunday 1972- justice still sought 2. Specific Planning Policy Requirements
In accordance with Standing Orders the first topical issue was put to a vote and achieved the requisite two thirds support to be debated. Full details of the vote can be found in Appendix B to these minutes.
Topical issue no. 2 was withdrawn by proposer Councillor Dermot Lacey at the meeting due to the importance of the first topical issue.
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion No. 1 as amended in the name of Councillor John Lyons
Noting the recent refusal by central government to provide funding from the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund for the white water rafting facility proposal at George’s Dock, this council believes that work on progressing the project should cease immediately and a new process initiated that will consider a variety of alternative proposals for this key city centre site.
It was proposed by Councillor Lyons and seconded by Larry O’Toole to amend the motions as follows to include the following “To assist this endeavour, consideration should be given to establishing a George's Dock working-group which could engage in public consultation with a view to reaching an agreed alternative use that is accessible, family-orientated and ultimately a welcome addition to the city for Dubliners and visitors alike to enjoy.”
It was proposed by
the Manager that the matter be referred to the Docklands Oversight
and Consultative Group for discussion and follow up.
Emergency Motion(s) Additional documents: Minutes: No Emergency Motions were accepted for debate. |