{meta} Agenda for North Central Area Committee on Monday 15th May, 2023, 2.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Fiona Moore  Catherine Cahill


No. Item


Minutes of the North Central Area Committee Meeting dated 17th April, 2023. pdf icon PDF 559 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.


Questions to the Area Managers pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Road & Traffic Matters

Additional documents:


Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 25th April, 2023. pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.


Gully Report for noting pdf icon PDF 717 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Matters

Additional documents:


Extinguishments - proposed extinguishment of the public right of way over a laneway located at 63 - 65 Foxhill Avenue, Ayrfield, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 pdf icon PDF 326 KB

Report & map attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Disposals - proposed disposal of the Council's freehold interest at Unit 64, Grange Close, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13 pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Report & map attached herewith – Margaret Mooney

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.



Disposals - proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 66 Brian Road, Marino, Dublin 3.

Report & map attached herewith.  Margaret Mooney

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Update on the proposed Greendale Neighbourhood Centre pdf icon PDF 913 KB

Report attached herewith - Deirdre Murphy

Additional documents:


Order: Noted. 


Discretionary budget pdf icon PDF 362 KB

Report attached herewith -Mick Carroll/Derek Farrell

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Sport & wellbeing report for noting pdf icon PDF 670 KB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Arts Officer Report

Verbal update – Ray Yeates

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Managers Reports pdf icon PDF 651 KB

Reports attached herewith -Mick Carroll/Derek Farrell


Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.





Housing Supply Report for noting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland


That this North Central Area Committee recognises the need for local physical indoor spaces to allow for community groups to meet and for recreational/educational activities to be facilitated. Such groups and local activities very much promote social engagement and contribute to mental and physical well-being. It is also recognised that such groups lack the financial capacity to rent spaces on commercial terms and need to be supported by the provision of community spaces as successfully demonstrated by The Junction and The Community Hub in Clongriffin. Therefore, given the commitment under the North Central Discretionary Fund to undertake an audit of community needs in the Kilmore area, the North Central Area Committee agrees that the planned residential developments at Cromcastle Court (DCC) and at the Cromcastle Underpass (LDA) should include dedicated community spaces that will be made available to local groups for local community activities and local needs. 


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee recognises the need for local physical indoor spaces to allow for community groups to meet and for recreational/educational activities to be facilitated. Such groups and local activities very much promote social engagement and contribute to mental and physical well-being. It is also recognised that such groups lack the financial capacity to rent spaces on commercial terms and need to be supported by the provision of community spaces as successfully demonstrated by The Junction and The Community Hub in Clongriffin. Therefore, given the commitment under the North Central Discretionary Fund to undertake an audit of community needs in the Kilmore area, the North Central Area Committee agrees that the planned residential developments at Cromcastle Court (DCC) and at the Cromcastle Underpass (LDA) should include dedicated community spaces that will be made available to local groups for local community activities and local needs. 





Cromcastle Court

The regeneration of Cromcastle Court will be completed over two phases. Phase 1 is for the redevelopment of the southern end of the site facing onto Kilbarron Road and the adjacent Old Coal Yard site.


Under CUO22 of the Dublin City Development Plan, the provision of 5% dedicated community, arts and cultural space will be delivered over the regeneration of the complete site. Included in the scheme proposals for Phase 1 is the provision of a community space. The integrated design team will be exploring the options for fulfilling the remaining 5% requirements over the coming months, which will be delivered as part of our Phase 2 plans.


Contact:         Alice Simington, SEO Housing Regeneration

Tel:                  222 3695

Email:             alice.simington@dublincity.ie



Cromcastle Underpass

Dublin City Council in collaboration with the LDA are developing the site at Cromcastle Underpass. An application is currently being prepared to be submitted to DCC planning for the delivery of circa 146 homes. Under CUO22 of the Dublin City Development Plan, the provision of 5% dedicated community, arts and cultural space will be delivered within the development. The scheme proposal is currently under design review to incorporate feedback from a public engagement process last February. It is anticipated that revised scheme design will be made available to local elected members and members of the public in the coming weeks, when further details of the designated 5% community space will be offered.


Contact:         Laura O’Gorman, Housing (Cromcastle Underpass)

Tel:                 222 3519

Email:             laura.ogorman@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney


That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the manger give a detailed update on the status of the ‘car park’ outside DC Motors on Richmond Road, Dublin 3, a publicly owned piece of land, currently being blocked off by unused cars, as well as a chain and traffic cone tied between two cars, see map & photo attached.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the manger give a detailed update on the status of the ‘car park’ outside DC Motors on Richmond Road, Dublin 3, a publicly owned piece of land, currently being blocked off by unused cars, as well as a chain and traffic cone tied between two cars, see map & photo attached.





The ‘car park’ outside DC Motors is the area referred to as the laneway/square

Richmond Road and is in the ownership of the A.I.B.  DCC Valuer’s are in ongoing correspondence with AIB with a view to exploring the feasibility of acquiring this plot of ground.        



Contact:      Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer

Tel:              222 8845

Email:         deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie





Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney


That this North Central Area Committee agree that the NCA manager, public domain executive, active transport office, traffic engineers meet with the CRA, CBA and local councillors to agree a plan for place making and greening on Vernon Avenue at the seafront end to create a village where people will be able to shop, eat, relax and linger, as the interim designed cycleway is to go out to consultation in early summer it is essential that the village place making, traffic calming measures, greening , nature based flood prevention is integrated in any design for active transport.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee agree that the NCA manager, public domain executive, active transport office, traffic engineers meet with the CRA, CBA and local councillors to agree a plan for place making and greening on Vernon Avenue at the seafront end to create a village where people will be able to shop, eat, relax and linger, as the interim designed cycleway is to go out to consultation in early summer it is essential that the village place making, traffic calming measures, greening , nature based flood prevention is integrated in any design for active transport.




The Active Travel Programme Office will work with other departments as required but is not in a position to take a lead role in addressing the matters raised.


Update on the Active Travel Network


The Active Travel Programme Office are currently finalising the preliminary design of the walking and cycling scheme that will travel along Gracefield Road, Brookwood Avenue, Sybill Hill and a section of Vernon Avenue. 


The scheme extents are from Gracefield Road (just after the Artane roundabout) as far as Vernon Avenue (just after the junction with Seafield Road).  The seafront end of Vernon Avenue forms part of the East Coast Trail. Works on this segment will be expedited in collaboration with the flood defence proposals.


The design team are currently engaging with various stakeholders including Traffic and Parks Departments. The multi-disciplinary design team comprises engineers, architects, planners and landscape officer. Opportunities for greening and landscaping in the design will be incorporated where feasible.


A full presentation of the scheme is proposed to be made to the Elected Members in the North Central Area in the next month which will be before the scheme goes to Public Consultation.




Contact:         Gráinne O’Brien, Senior Engineer

Email:             ActiveTravelOffice@dublincity.ie




Order:  Noted.  Feasibility of implementing this motion to be explored further.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney


That this North Central Area Committee agrees to request that the active transport office executive, traffic engineers, public domain executives, in consultation with resident associations and local councillors create a safe neighbourhood, with protected active transport, place making, greening and calming from through traffic on Richmond Road and Grace park road, as they are both on the NTA Greater Dublin Cycle network maps and have huge issues with traffic, that could be solved using the substantial active transport infrastructure budget and resources from the active transport office, that as both roads are routes to a number of schools and as they have large residential development in the planning process adding 1000’s of extra residential units, that unless alternative save active travel options are provided rapidly, this situation will become increasingly worse with even more dangerous driving.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee agrees to request that the active transport office executive, traffic engineers, public domain executives, in consultation with resident associations and local councillors create a safe neighbourhood, with protected active transport, place making, greening and calming from through traffic on Richmond Road and Grace park road, as they are both on the NTA Greater Dublin Cycle network maps and have huge issues with traffic, that could be solved using the substantial active transport infrastructure budget and resources from the active transport office, that as both roads are routes to a number of schools and as they have large residential development in the planning process adding 1000’s of extra residential units, that unless alternative save active travel options are provided rapidly, this situation will become increasingly worse with even more dangerous driving.





Richmond Road and Grace Park Road are not on the Dublin City Active Travel Network and are therefore not listed on our current programme of NTA approved projects. There are currently over 310km of walking & cycling routes included on the Active Travel Network and our multi -disciplinary teams are currently actively working on developing designs and implementing over thirty schemes.


Richmond Road and Grace Park Road are indicated as a secondary routes in the 2021 GDA Cycle Network Plan. They will be considered for inclusion in the review of the Dublin City Active Travel Network which is expected to be undertaken in two to three years. Inclusion of additional roads and streets is dependent on substantial progress of the current network of 310km.


In the meantime, The Active Travel Programme Office will work with other departments as required but is not in a position to take a lead role in addressing the matters raised.


Contact:         Christopher K Manzira, Deputy Director for the Active Travel    



Email:             ActiveTravelOffice@dublincity.ie




Order:  Agreed.