Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the December NCAC dated 12th December, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed subject to amendment to Item 4e Area Managers Reports, Public Domain – “Letter be sent to Transport SPC from NCAC re gritting of footpaths & NC to be used as a pilot scheme for grit to be given to residents groups (Clontarf Residents Association) to do the footpaths”.
Questions to the Area Managers dated 16th January, 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 20th December 2022 Reports attached herewith. Gerry McEntagart/Catalin Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Gully Report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Report and map attached herewith – Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed – Recommend to City Council. |
Leases & Licences - Proposed grant of a further Lease of Unit 1, Darndale Belcamp Village Centre, Dublin 17 Report & map attached herewith. Margaret Mooney Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Community Wealth Building Presentation John Heneghan, CLES (Centre of Local Economic Strategies based in the UK) Kathy Quinn, ACM Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Cooney requested that the chair write to ACE Richard Shakespeare & the Architects Department requesting the map of DCC community assets. |
Richmond Road - Verbal Update Deirdre Murphy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. O’Muirí requested that the chair write to AIB looking for their full engagement regarding the transfer of “the Square”, Richmond Road to DCC. |
Arts Officer Report Verbal report – Ray Yeates, Arts Officer Additional documents: |
Report on Dublin City Council Sports Plan 2023-2028. Report attached herewith. Donncha O’Dulaing/Don Daly Additional documents: |
Sports & Wellbeing Partnership report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: |
· Public Domain · IOG Update · Community · Housing Additional documents:
Housing Supply Report Report attached herewith. Additional documents: |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
That the North Central Area Committee supports an increase in greening our local area, in particular local carriageways. The North Central Area Committee agree that the stretch of tree lined central medians along the Malahide Road between the junction with Griffith Avenue and the Darndale roundabout be prioritised for enhanced greening, similar to the approached used along the median at Drumcondra Station/Dorset Street.
Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee supports an increase in greening our local area, in particular local carriageways. The North Central Area Committee agree that the stretch of tree lined central medians along the Malahide Road between the junction with Griffith Avenue and the Darndale roundabout be prioritised for enhanced greening, similar to the approach used along the median at Drumcondra Station/Dorset Street.
The Parks and Biodiversity Service is more than supportive of such initiatives but such a project on a major road will require the input of a number of departments and to be led by the Environment and Transportation Department. The current Bus Connects proposals for the Malahide Road which will impact on medians, verges and junctions currently with the Bord are due for a decision in April.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
We will refer the matter to the Bus Connects NTA team for comment and will advise of the outcome in due course.
Contact: Niall Bolger, A/ Senior Executive ITS Officer, BusConnects Liaison Team. Email: niall.bolger@dublincity.ie
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to request a report / update on the forthcoming traffic calming plan / scheme for Marino please, particularly in respect of the ongoing C2CC works and the amount of traffic diverting through the Marino Scheme.
Will Mangan Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to request a report / update on the forthcoming traffic calming plan / scheme for Marino please, particularly in respect of the ongoing C2CC works and the amount of traffic diverting through the Marino Scheme.
Clontarf to City Centre Scheme;
The Clontarf to City Centre Scheme with the assistance of our Traffic colleagues is finalising a plan with the intention to install road markings at the entrances to the Marino estate. Proposed markings include 30kph markings on the roadway to increase awareness for motorists entering the estate.
It is intended to meet with the local resident group members in the coming weeks to review the proposal.
Contact: Joe Mernagh, Senior Resident Engineer, Active Travel Programme Office. Email: joseph.mernagh@dublincity.ie
The Marino Neighbourhood Transport Scheme is aimed at addressing long-standing transport issues on Haverty Road and surrounding roads. The scheme is targeted at these roads in Marino due to the limited funding available from the Capital Works Budget.
The Haverty Road Filtered Permeability Trial was installed on the 28th August 2022 for a 6 month trial period. A before and after evaluation of the trial is currently being carried out to assess the effectiveness of the trial. The results will indicate if the trial should be made permanent, amended or removed, and if additional traffic calming measures should be considered for implementation on the surrounding roads.
A report summarising the analysis will be compiled and presented to councillors prior to the March 2022 North Central Area Committee meeting. We will seek feedback from councillors on the report and councillors will be given the opportunity to advise whether to implement the trial on a permanent basis.
A permanent scheme would likely involve the installation of permanent infrastructure such as traffic islands, planting and other traffic calming measures as required. We will be in a position to tender for the development of a detailed design in Q1 2023 if there is support from councillors for a permanent scheme.
A permanent scheme would likely require the allocation of all funds available to the 2023 North Central Area Neighbourhood Transport Scheme Programme. Therefore, due to limited funding, it is unlikely that we would be in a position to implement another scheme in other areas/roads in 2023.
Contact: Andrew Geoghegan Neighbourhood Transport Engineer (North City) Email: andrew.geoghegan@dublincity.ie
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this North Central Area Committee requests that an update be given on the proposed plan for the Causeway on North Bull Island and proposed interpretative centre owing to the fact that some local residents have expressed concerns to me about the possible obtrusive nature of the proposals and their impact on the natural beauty of North Bull Island.
Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees and requests that an update be given on the proposed plan for the Causeway on North Bull Island and proposed interpretative centre owing to the fact that some local residents have expressed concerns to me about the possible obtrusive nature of the proposals and their impact on the natural beauty of North Bull Island.
The proposed Interpretive Centre will replace the existing ‘Visitor and Interpretive Centre’ which uses fossil fuel energy, is located within the sensitive dune system and is not fit for purpose. The new centre (subject to planning approval) will be located and designed so as not to have any environmental impacts. It will provide universal access for people with disabilities and the elderly/infirm who would not otherwise be able to appreciate the species, habitats and ecosystems which make the nature reserve and the bay (a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve) such an important resource for Dublin particularly in a Climate and Biodiversity crisis.
In terms of visual impact, the illustrations will demonstrate that the careful consideration and detailing of the building and the use of natural materials will mean that it will have minimal impact on views. The existing ‘Visitor and Interpretive Centre’ which is a two storey structure will be demolished.
Contact: Leslie Moore, Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services, Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Department Tel: 222 5049 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
REMINDER Items for following meetings must be sent by email & be inclusive of ALL detailsinvolved to fiona.moore@dublincity.ie by Friday 20th January.
Also can ALL councillors please ensure that when they are submitting their motions and questions that they send them to both Catherine.cahill@dublincity.ie AND Northcentral@dublincity.ie. Additional documents: |