No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Minutes of the NCAC Meeting dated 16th May, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager - 20th June, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Community Grants Scheme Report attached. Paul O’Halloran Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of 118 Chanel Road, Artane, Dublin 5 Report & map attached herewith. Nicola Finegan
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the front of 5 Streamville Close, Donaghmede, Dublin 13. Report & map attached herewith. Nicola Finegan
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Report and map attached herewith. Michelle Robinson/Aisling Browne Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Dublin City Child Care Committee - Carol Dillon - requested by Cllr. Cooney Presentations attached. Carol Dillon Dublin City Childcare Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The members thanked Ms. Carol Dillon for her informative presentation and asked that they be regularly updated by her on any developments going forward. Ms. Dillon to relay to Pobal the request for the need for a breakdown of fees by area across the 5 Dublin City areas. Contact details for the Dublin City Child Care Committee were circulated to the members. Cllr. Roe summed up by stating that it is a pity that the DCCC report is targeted predominantly at the private sector with only a passing reference to the possibility of public provision. She stated that the members would welcome a properly managed public service childcare system provided at national and secondary level, similar to other EU countries.
Child care protection in Dublin City Council is managed by Ms. Mary Quinn, the Safe Guarding Officer for children and adults at risk, based in the HR Department and the Strategy and Change Unit. |
Sports & well-being report Report for noting herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Cooney stated that she has difficulty accessing forms online for Dublin City the Sport for Young People Club Small Grant Scheme on the new Hub or at https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/sports-and-leisure/dublin-city-sport-wellbeing-partnership. She would like a member of the Sports and Wellbeing Partnership to contact her in this regard. Cllr. Lyons was unhappy with the reply to his question in relation to who our sports officers are and what they are doing in the area on the ground. He wants clarity on same and asked for it to be addressed at the July meeting. |
Arts Officer Report Report attached herewith. Ray Yeates/Liz Coman/Kelly Hickey Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The members all welcomed the report and congratulated the Arts team for their fantastic work and the impact that it is having in the North Central Area and commended everyone involved from the various DCC sections. The members also thanked Cllr. Butler & Cllr. O’Toole for their valuable inputs into the recent events in Faoin Spéir Rockfield Park and the “Made in Darndale Festival” respectively.
On a separate note, Cllr. Stocker requested that the Arts Officer do all that he can to support the Richmond Road artists as they face eviction. This was also supported by Cllr. O’Farrell. |
North Central Area Management Report Report attached herewith. Bernie Roe/Derek Farrell Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. The members thanked Area Management & staff for the report & commended them for their hard work & responsiveness to the North Central Committee.
However, Cllr. O’Farrell was critical of central departments & the lack of timely information being conveyed, specifically from the Parks Department, in relation to the forthcoming concerts in Fairview Park. He is keen that this lack of communication is addressed forthwith. Cllr. O’Muirí echoed Cllr. O’Farrell’s sentiments & was unhappy that the briefing he requested on the Fairview Park concerts was not accommodated. He wants more engagement & communication with the members in this regard from central departments, so that councillors can be more adequately equipped to support the council fully & bring the members collective inputs to bear on the promotion of positive council initiatives in the public arena. Manager Bernie Roe said that she will engage with central departments to effect improvements in this regard.
In relation to consultation with residents for Fairview Park, Fergus O’Carroll said that to his knowledge, the residents were met with last week, with a positive outcome. Councillors collectively agreed that this level of engagement, at a late stage, is inadequate. Chairperson Cllr Roe suggested that the NCAC write to the Parks Events Management Department & the head of Parks, conveying their dissatisfaction with the process. Fergus O’Carroll explained that the Parks Events Section had agreed an information leaflet/map & details of the concerts & areas where these were to be delivered to. Regrettably, MCD’s contractors did not meet their contractual obligations & failed to deliver the majority of the leaflets. Members stated that it is not good enough to leave communications to MCD concert managers. Cllr. Stocker suggested that in future, the An Post postal service be commissioned to deliver leaflets, instead of private contractors. Director of Services Derek Kelly will address all of these issues with the Head of Parks.
Cllr. Cooney asked if there would be complimentary tickets for residents/media for the concerts in Fairview Park.
She also raised the issue of staffing in the area office once again & would like an updated list of staff contacts. She further stated that she was concerned about the lack of consultation in relation to decisions taken. Specifically she referenced the request for toilets in the area which were sought after for several years, with the expectation that they would be delivered, only to be told in a report that they wouldn’t be, without any consultation.
Cllr. Lyons requested a comparison exercise to be carried out between staffing levels from 2014 to current levels to contextualise the provision of staff in the area. He also welcomed the IOG report & commended council staff for their dedication to this project in Darndale.
Director of Services Derek Kelly and local area manager Bernie Roe both stated that they were working hard with HR to address the staffing issues in the North Central Area.
Cllr. MacDonncha raised the issue of a persistent dumping problem on the Grange Park side of Kilbarrack Dart Station, which defaces the area. He is concerned that the ... view the full minutes text for item 3i |
Area Housing Report & Housing Allocations quarterly report Reports attached herewith. Connell McGlynn/Pat Smith Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr Batten queried the progression of the development on Thatch Road/Church site. She also requested an update on the Collins Avenue Depot site.
Derek Farrell stated that extra work has been done by Cluid on the Thatch Road/Church site, but they are awaiting further information from Transport Infrastructure Ireland to progress further. An invite to information meeting scheduled for the Collins Avenue Depot site has been sent to all councillors. |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting held on 31st May, 2022. Reports attached herewith. Sean Callaghan/Catalin Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. Cllr. Cooney queried dangerous parking on the Seafield Avenue going onto Mount Prospect Road. It’s very dangerous & she wonders if there is anything that DCC can do other than contacting the Gardaí regularly. Gerry McEntagart stated that this is an issue for the Gardaí & parking enforcement, but that he will have a look at the area and revert back to her. |
Report for noting attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That this area committee agrees that more children’s play areas are needed and should be provided on Clontarf promenade which is used by large numbers of people, that these play features could have a maritime/battle of Clontarf theme by the sea and could also be multi-functional as flood barriers, also that we provide table tennis tables and games tables.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee agrees that more children’s play areas are needed and should be provided on Clontarf promenade which is used by large numbers of people, that these play features could have a maritime/battle of Clontarf theme by the sea and could also be multi-functional as flood barriers, also that we provide table tennis tables and games tables.
Clontarf has been identified as an area of deficit of play facilities and the prom would seem to be an ideal location to deliver same. The Parks Service is more than supportive of the approach to integrate play facilities or playful landscapes within the proposed flood defences and will raise the issue in the context of the design of these flood defences.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Contact No: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That should this committee agree, that we will request a new parks management plan be provided in consultation with area councillors and the public for St. Anne’s park and include the linear Clontarf promenade park lands also.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That should this committee agree, that we will request a new parks management plan be provided in consultation with area councillors and the public for St. Anne’s park and include the linear Clontarf promenade park lands also.
The Parks Service has developed a new management plan for St. Anne’s upon which the Green Flag award is based. This is a ‘live’ document now in its 5th year which is updated annually to reflect new objectives and plantings etc. This document is also supported by the pollinator plan which captures all of the amazing work being carried out in St Anne’s to support our native pollinators for which St. Anne’s has achieved ‘Highly Commended’ in the National Pollinator Awards for the last 2 years.
A Management Plan for the prom can be developed once the flood defences are designed and installed.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Contact No: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Cllr. Cooney would like the plan for the prom to be done in conjunction with the flood defence design rather than after the design is completed. Manager Bernie Roe will liaise with Fergus O’Carroll in relation to Cllrs. Cooney & Heney’s concerns in relation to the St. Anne’s management plan. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker
That this area committee agrees that the manager should immediately seek contracts for provision of stand-alone toilets in public areas around the North Central area including Fairview Park, St Annes Park, Clontarf Promenade, Maypark.
Councillors and city residents have been requesting toilets for some years now. The decision taken to provide these alongside coffee kiosks has not worked out and is resulting in a lack of provision of basic toilet facilities. This is very challenging for people with young children, people with bladder issues and women experiencing periods and less than ideal for everyone. Rather than pursuing a delivery model which is not working the area committee agrees that it would be better to install stand-alone public toilets such as those seen in parks areas of Fingal (photo attached)
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee agrees that the manager should immediately seek contracts for provision of stand-alone toilets in public areas around the North Central area including Fairview Park, St Anne’s Park, Clontarf Promenade, Maypark. Councillors and city residents have been requesting toilets for some years now. The decision taken to provide these alongside coffee kiosks has not worked out and is resulting in a lack of provision of basic toilet facilities. This is very challenging for people with young children, people with bladder issues and women experiencing periods and less than ideal for everyone. Rather than pursuing a delivery model which is not working the area committee agrees that it would be better to install stand-alone public toilets such as those seen in parks areas of Fingal (photo attached)
Waste Management are currently exploring the provision of permanent public toilet facilities. Clontarf Promenade is not planned in the short term, toilet facilities available by DCC for public use in the North Central Area are listed below:
Contact: Richard Whelan, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services Email: richard.whelan@dublincity.ie
The Parks Service has serious reservations with regard to proposals for standalone toilets in Public Parks as the experience has been that such facilities come under serious and repeated attack such as the toilets in Fr. Collins Park and indeed as have certain toilets recently installed by Fingal County Council. Furthermore patrons expect such facilities to be inspected and cleaned constantly during the day. For these reasons the combined coffee kiosk and public toilet initiative was introduced as this was seen as addressing these concerns.
With regard to the specific parks referred to above St. Anne’s Park already has public toilets both within the Red Stables Courtyard and just outside. Also a part 8 planning report has been submitted to the Planning Department proposing further toilet blocks in the Park.
A recent tender allowed for a coffee kiosk at the pavilion which provided public access to one of the toilets while the supplier was in attendance. Unfortunately the supplier gave up the licence as footfall has dropped off dramatically once the road works commenced through Fairview. The Parks Service has begun discussions with the next tenderer and it is hoped that a new coffee kiosk will be in place in the coming weeks and public access to the toilet will be restored. The proposals for the Tea Rooms in the park will provide more permanent public toilet facilities.
The Parks ... view the full minutes text for item 5c |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muirí, Cllr Donna Cooney, Cllr Deirdre Heney, Cllr Jane Horgan Jones, Cllr Damian O'Farrell & Cllr Catherine Stocker
That this Area Committee requests that Dublin City Council initiates a Variation of the 2016-2022 Development Plan as follows:-
The Variation involves the rezoning of two holes of the pitch-and-putt course at C.Y.M.S.(Pitch & Putt), 80 Philipsburgh Avenue, Dublin 3 from Z1 to Z9. The zoning change is required
in order to correct a zoning anomaly and to reflect that this site
is a long-established recreational amenity (pitch and putt club). A
Z9 zoning is necessary to protect and improve existing recreational
amenity, particularly age inclusive amenity and in the context of
the need to take into account the 15 minute city policy. The Z9
zoning will also preserve SUDS. Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee requests that Dublin City Council initiates a Variation of the 2016-2022 Development Plan as follows:-
The Variation involves the rezoning of two holes of the pitch-and-putt course at C.Y.M.S.(Pitch & Putt), 80 Philipsburgh Avenue, Dublin 3 from Z1 to Z9. The zoning change is required
in order to correct a zoning anomaly and to reflect that this site
is a long-established recreational amenity (pitch and putt club). A
Z9 zoning is necessary to protect and improve existing recreational
amenity, particularly age inclusive amenity and in the context of
the need to take into account the 15 minute city policy. The Z9
zoning will also preserve SUDS. Reply:
It is noted that a motion (Reference MOT 01819) has been received from Cllr Damian O' Farrell supported by Cllr Deirdre Heney, Cllr Jane Horgan-Jones, Cllr Catherine Stocker, Cllr Donna Cooney and Cllr Naoise O’Muirí with respect to this site.
This motion will be addressed in the CE report to be issued to elected members on the 24th of June and discussed at the Special Council Meetings scheduled for the 5-7th of July.
It is considered that the most appropriate way in which to address this proposed zoning is through the draft Development Plan which is due to be adopted in November.
Contact: John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer Tel: 222 3813 Email: john.ohara@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. There can be further discussion by councillors at the meeting on 5th July.
AOB Additional documents: |