Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item |
Minutes of the NCAC Meeting dated 21st March, 2022 PDF 369 KB Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Minutes agreed.
Matters arising – Cllr. Cooney raised the issue of the 3G Mast for St. Anne’s & would like an update. Manager Derek Kelly confirmed that he has been engaging with our Telecoms Unit & they are producing an overview to be presented at the next meeting. Cllr. O’Muirí requested that the presentation encompass the issue of consent which forms part of the planning for these applications, what is the policy & how does DCC determine policy in this regard. The issue of disposals pertaining to land for such applications should also be covered in the presentation.
Cllr. Roe stated that certain areas in the NCA are really poorly served & there are difficulties with the roll out of fibre broadband & the engagement between DCC & the service providers giving rise to issues with the rollout, if the presentation could cover this issue also.
Cllr. O’Farrell requested that information be sent to the membership prior to the presentation being brought to the NCAC, given the imminent deadline (2nd May) for submissions on the 3G Mast for St. Anne’s & that members would find this information useful to have in advance to assist them making their submissions. Derek Kelly to follow up with the Telecom Unit on this.
Questions to the Area Manager 11th April, 2022 PDF 385 KB Attached herewith. Additional documents: |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Irish Rail - requested by Cllr. M. MacDonncha Short presentation by Irish Rail followed by questions.
Paul Wilcock, Programme Manager DART+ Coastal Kevin Brennan, Project Manager Laura Carolan, Environmental Impact Assessment Manager Clodagh O'Donovan, Railway Order Manager Niamh Horan, Corporate Communications Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The members thanked Irish Rail for their attendance and presentation. Presentation to be circulated to the members. Niamh Horan from Irish Rail will be happy to take further queries from the members and can be contacted by email at niamh.horan@irishrail.ie. Cllr. Roe requested that Niamh revert back to the committee with further updates as they unfold. |
Sculpture Dublin - Update report for St. Anne's Park PDF 381 KB Report herewith. Ruairí Ó Cuív, Public Art Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Cooney welcomed the report, however, she queried why the installation of the sculpture has been incorporated into the Part 8 for the car park extension, which is contentious locally. She would like the agreement of the committee not to include them together as one Part 8. Cllrs. Heney, O’Farrell & O’Muirí echoed these sentiments. Ruairi O’Cuív stated that the Sculpture does requires a part 8 because of the sheer size of the installation, but the decision to separate them or otherwise would lie with the Parks Department & he will relay the members opinions to Parks in this regard. |
Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report PDF 358 KB Report herewith for noting. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The report was welcomed by the members. |
Area Housing Report PDF 739 KB Report herewith. Connell McGlynn & Patrick Smith Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Lyons requested an update on the Oscar Traynor Road development. Cllr. MacDonncha also requested an update. He referred to the O’Devany Gardens project where the planning condition that was put in to prevent cuckoo funds buying up units has been changed by an Bord Pleanala as a result of a court case and what implications would this have on the Oscar Traynor Road development and could he have a report on the issue? Connell McGlynn will revert back to Cllr. Lyons & MacDonncha in relation to the Oscar Traynor Road and Derek Farrell will get information from town on the implications for the development re: O’Devany Gardens.
Cllr. Heney requested an update on the Respond development on Grace Park Road & what is the delay on the delivery of the project. Connell McGlynn to report back to the members on this.
Cllr. Roe stated that there should be an ongoing update on the Oscar Traynor road as part of the monthly Housing Report.
Cllr. Cooney requested information on housing funding streams. Manager Bernie Roe will forward a summary report on same to members.
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting held on 29th March, 2022. PDF 171 KB Reports attached herewith. Catalin Rosca/Sean Callaghan Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. O’Muirí was concerned regarding the few remaining items outstanding for the Richmond Road scheme.
1. Richmond Square update 2. Pedestrian Crossing 3. Traffic calming measures
Deirdre Murphy confirmed that the council is waiting for AIB to come back to the council with a valuation for the square. The Area Office is committed to pursuing the situation with Richmond Square to integrate it in the parking scheme. Area Manager Bernie Roe stated that there are negotiations ongoing in the background which are complex and challenging. She will summarise what is ongoing internally and feed it back to the members.
Regarding the pedestrian crossing, the footpath there is not wide enough to accommodate a crossing and so the idea has been abandoned. There are traffic bollards being installed at the Senior Citizen complex to aid with traffic calming.
Cllr. Cooney queried the speed survey issue again. She wants to know who got the contract, did they carry it out and where is the survey?
Lord Mayor Gilliland raised the issue of the lollipop person for Parkside Boulevard. She is not happy with the response. The provision of a temporary lollipop person is required as a matter of urgency as these children and their parents need to be protected in the interim period. Catalin Rosca to ask Carmel Curran for an update on this.
Cllr. Heney would like an update on the St. Brigid’s Road Neighbourhood Scheme. She raised the issue of the ramp for Clanree Road again and would like an update on that also. Catalin Rosca stated that regarding Clanree Road, that it doesn’t meet the criteria for speed ramps and the budget isn’t there to provide one. Supplementary road signage and markings will however, be installed to improve safety.
Catalin Rosca to revert back to the members on all of the above that was unanswered with further information.
Cllr. Stocker requested that TAG improve the TAG list by removing items that will not be done but that are sitting on the list for many years. She suggested that the relevant councillor be informed of their item being removed from the list. |
Gully cleaning report for noting PDF 333 KB Report herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker
That this area committee agrees that the outsourcing of parking enforcement to the DSPS has resulted in a lack of enforcement and a lack of accountability and asks that the manager arrange for the Dublin Street Parking Services to attend this committee to answer questions regarding enforcement of parking violations and on footpath/obstructive parking in the North Central area. As a councillor I have been promised follow up reports from the DSPS in response to a number of questions which are never forthcoming.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee agrees that the outsourcing of parking enforcement to the DSPS has resulted in a lack of enforcement and a lack of accountability and asks that the manager arrange for the Dublin Street Parking Services to attend this committee to answer questions regarding enforcement of parking violations and on footpath/obstructive parking in the North Central area. As a councillor I have been promised follow up reports from the DSPS in response to a number of questions which are never forthcoming.
The Parking Enforcement Division does not agree with the statement “the outsourcing of parking enforcement to the DSPS has resulted in a lack of enforcement and a lack of accountability” The parking issues brought to the attention of the Parking Enforcement Division in the North Central Area are on the whole addressed, within the bounds of the legislation and guidance from the Parking Enforcement staff. If there are still on-going issues that are persistent I would ask the councillor to bring them to my attention so as I may review them and respond accordingly. Similarly, with regard to follow up reports, it is necessary to provide follow up reports where the information required to respond to a question or motion isn’t readily available in the timeframe required to respond. The Parking Enforcement Office endeavours to follow up with councillors, but on occasion, this can fail to happen. Again I would ask the Councillor to contact me directly with any outstanding due follow up reports and I will have them addressed immediately. Any issues that the elected representatives have with the service provided by DSPS in the North Central Area can be brought to my attention. It would not serve any purpose in having DSPS attend the Area Committee meeting.
Contact: Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer. Tel: 222 2017. Email: dermot.stevenson@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Motion was seconded by Cllr. D. O’Farrell. Manager Derek Kelly to request Parking Enforcement & the DSPS to present an information session to the NCAC. |
Motion in the name of Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland
That this North Central Area Committee recognises the importance of inclusion in our community but recognises that when it comes to our libraries that some people have reading and other associated language/literacy difficulties and may not be able to fully access the wide range of reading materials offered by the. Therefore the North Central Area Committee agrees that our local libraries invest in reader pens which read text aloud so as to support those that may have dyslexia or other reading difficulties and those for whom English is not their first language.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee recognises the importance of inclusion in our community but recognises that when it comes to our libraries that some people have reading and other associated language/literacy difficulties and may not be able to fully access the wide range of reading materials offered by them. Therefore the North Central Area Committee agrees that our local libraries invest in reader pens which read text aloud so as to support those that may have dyslexia or other reading difficulties and those for whom English is not their first language.
Dublin City Libraries have purchased five C-pens which will be available for loan from five branch libraries from the end of April. We plan to purchase additional C-Pens over the coming months to be made available in all branches citywide.
Contact: Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian Tel: 222 4816 Email: brendan.teeling@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Brendan Teeling confirmed that the two libraries on the north side that have the C Pens currently are Coolock & Donaghmede. He will revert back to Cllr. Batten on whether or not it would be feasible to purchase an updated licence for Dragon software.
Motion in the name of Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland
That this North Central Area Committee recognises the initial work done by the local public realm and parks team to the green area at Magenta Crescent (at the junction with the Swords Road) but also recognises that further work is required to complete the enhancement. The North Central Area Committee therefore requests that the local community be consulted with a view to completing this enhancement in a way that serves the needs of the community.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee recognises the initial work done by the local public realm and parks team to the green area at Magenta Crescent (at the junction with the Swords Rd) but also recognises that further work is required to complete the enhancement. The North Central Area Committee therefore requests that the local community be consulted with a view to completing this enhancement in a way that serves the needs of the community
In January 2020, the Local Area Manager and the elected representatives walked the length of Santry village from the Community Centre at the corner of Swords Rd and Coolock Lane and down as far as Shanrath Rd. Several suggestions were made as to how Dublin City Council could improve the Public Realm in the village following on from a number of Strategic Housing Developments that were proposed for the area. The Local Area Office then met with the Santry Forum and the Business association to present the improvements that they hoped to undertake. These Fora were appreciative of the suggestions. The following are some of the improvements that were made following on from this walkabout:
Ø The Central Median on the Swords Rd at the junction with Coolock lane was power hosed and weeded, a broken tree was replaced and the planters were re-planted. (This power hosing was carried out in February 2020 and was repeated recently. Ø The green space beside the Santry Community Centre was populated with wildflowers and climbers. Ø We placed a new ‘Welcome to Santry’ sign on this same green space. Ø The green space fronting onto Magenta Crescent had a wall that had one entry in the middle. We were informed that people stepped over this wall to follow a desire line into Magenta Crescent. There were some dying trees at the Swords Rd side which were removed and new trees planted. The wall was opened at either end of the desire line and a footpath joining both sides. The other opening in the middle was closed off. Perennials were planted around the Name Stone. Ø The long planter along the Swords Rd on front of Magenta Hall was weeded, cleaned, cleared and was populated with Wildflower. Ø We placed Big Belly bins at the Swiss Cottage apartments and at the Comet shops.
There is further work to be done in the village such as possibly planters, hanging baskets, street art on utility boxes and repair or removal of unnecessary street furniture. There is also a pedestrian crossing at the Comet shops approved by the Traffic Advisory Group. Works were stalled due to Covid but we hope to take up were we left off with some further works. With regards to Magenta Crescent we will arrange to meet with some of the residents to look at some further works such as planting around the name stone or providing plants for the residents to do so if they wish. The grass will be cut as part of the grass ... view the full minutes text for item 5c |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee recognizes the immense importance to the Darndale area of Elsa Community Services CLG, a social enterprise that offers a range of free and below cost security services to many in the area, as well as being a good local employer; notes with concern a recent decision by the council not to renew a commercial contract with ELSA which to date had allowed them to provide such valuable local services in the Darndale area and calls on management to meet with the board of Elsa as soon as possible to ensure the future viability of the not-for-profit company.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee recognizes the immense importance to the Darndale area of Elsa Community Services CLG, a social enterprise that offers a range of free and below cost security services to many in the area, as well as being a good local employer; notes with concern a recent decision by the council not to renew a commercial contract with ELSA which to date had allowed them to provide such valuable local services in the Darndale area and calls on management to meet with the board of Elsa as soon as possible to ensure the future viability of the not-for-profit company.
I will arrange to meet with ELSA in the coming weeks to listen to their case and have already received some documentation from them with regard to the security that they provide in Darndale Village Centre. I will not however be able to over-rule the decision made corporately to employ a security firm to guard all DCC facilities.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager, Artane/Whitehall LEA Tel: 222 8546 Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Managers Kelly & Farrell to meet with the board of ELSA to see what assistance they can proffer. Manager Derek Farrell to look into procurement procedures and revert back to the Lord Mayor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the lands to the rear and south end of the CYMC, 80, Philipsburgh Ave which were granted by way of Indenture of Lease dated 2nd May 1988 by DCC to the Trustees of CYMC for a term of 99 years from 25th March 1988 shall remain true to the covenant in the lease that the lessee in possession will use the lands for sporting and recreational community purposes only and for no other purposes whatsoever. A further covenant of the lease provides that the lessee may not assign, sublet or part with possession of the lands or any part thereof without the prior written consent of DCC and that this consent shall not be forthcoming without the agreement of Dublin City Council members.
Furthermore this Area Committee requests DCC’s property management section to write to the applicant Brock McClure to reiterate same and to invite the applicant to engage with the local area councillors in respect of any future application.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the lands to the rear and south end of the CYMC, 80, Philipsburgh Ave which were granted by way of Indenture of Lease dated 2nd May 1988 by DCC to the Trustees of CYMC for a term of 99 years from 25th March 1988 shall remain true to the covenant in the lease that the lessee in possession will use the lands for sporting and recreational community purposes only and for no other purposes whatsoever. A further covenant of the lease provides that the lessee may not assign, sublet or part with possession of the lands or any part thereof without the prior written consent of DCC and that this consent shall not be forthcoming without the agreement of Dublin City Council members.
Furthermore this Area Committee requests DCC’s property management section to write to the applicant Brock McClure to reiterate same and to invite the applicant to engage with the local area councillors in respect of any future application.
As outlined in the briefing document recently provided to the Elected Members there is no question of the Council permitting the leased area to be used for any purpose other than for sporting and recreational community purposes during the lease term which runs to 24th March 2087.
The grant of consent to any assignment, subletting or parting with possession is an executive function but the Elected Members will be informed of any application for same. For the avoidance of doubt, any party to whom this lease is ever assigned is bound to abide by all of the terms and conditions and the strict user covenant contained therein.
Development Department Property Section manages the lease on the Council owned land only and it is not appropriate that it correspond with an applicant for planning permission on privately owned property. However, Property Management has written to the solicitors acting for the current leaseholders of the adjoining Council owned land to remind them of their clients’ obligations under the lease.
Contact: Oliver Hickey, Administrative Officer Tel: 222 3055 Email: oliver.hickey@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed (seconded by Cllr. O’Muirí) subject to the following amendment being inserted into the motion as proposed by Cllr. O’Muirí with Cllr. O’ Farrell’s agreement.
“This Area Committee requests that the grant of consent to any assignment, subletting or parting of this lease shall not be forthcoming without the agreement of the North Central Area Committee”. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee are concerned about the lack of crèche spaces in the area, due to closures and increasing population and the worry this is causing to parents; That Dublin City Council take a proactive approach to helping to solve this by looking for possible buildings that could be repurposed into crèches and in planning applications looking to increase crèche sizes in any large housing development, also in adopting a policy not to favour the change of use away from crèches to other uses, also in promoting and possibly facilitating education facilities that provide FETAC courses so there are enough trained staff.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee are concerned about the lack of crèche spaces in the area, due to closures and increasing population and the worry this is causing to parents; That Dublin City Council take a proactive approach to helping to solve this by looking for possible buildings that could be repurposed into crèches and in planning applications looking to increase crèche sizes in any large housing development, also in adopting a policy not to favour the change of use away from crèches to other uses, also in promoting and possibly facilitating education facilities that provide FETAC courses so there are enough trained staff”
The Planning Authority is very conscious of the need to ensure that adequate child care facilities are provided in all new developments including in new residential schemes, in accordance with Policy SN17 of the City Development Plan and Appendix 13 - Guidelines for Childcare Facilities.
Policy SN17 - to facilitate the provision in suitable locations of sustainable, fit-for-purpose childcare facilities in residential, employment, and educational settings, taking into account the existing provision of childcare facilities and emerging demographic trends in an area.
For all new residential schemes, one new childcare facility per 75 dwellings is required unless there are significant reasons to the contrary. In considering all new applications, regard is had to both the existing geographical distribution of childcare facilities and the existing and or emerging demographic profile of the area.
A positive approach is also given to the expansion of existing crèches subject to meeting the requirements of Appendix 13 of the Development plan including the need to provide suitable drop off and collection points for children and providing outdoor play space. Any change of use of an established crèche would need to be justified based on lack of demand in a particular area.
Contact: Mary Conway, Deputy Dublin City Planning Officer Tel: 222 3319 Email: mary.conway@dublincity.ie
The Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 identifies that the provision of good quality and fit-for-purpose neighbourhood-based and local childcare services are central to providing for sustainable communities. Policy QHSN53 and Section 15.8.4 of the Draft Development Plan require that as part of proposals for new residential and mixed-use developments, an analysis of demographic and geographic need is undertaken by the applicant in consultation with the Dublin City Council Childcare Committee, in order to ensure that the provision of appropriately designed and sized fit-for-purpose affordable childcare facilities is in keeping with areas of population and employment growth. Section 15.8.2 of the Draft Plan also requires that re-development proposals on sites containing a pre-existing community use such as a childcare facility should ensure that this use in terms of floor / ground space is no less than that on-site prior to redevelopment, and if possible, should represent increased provision.
The government’s Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2001) and Circular on Childcare Facilities (2016) provide a policy framework to guide local authorities on the provision of childcare facilities in suitable locations including residential areas, employment nodes, ... view the full minutes text for item 5f |
Emergency Motion in the name of Councillors Catherine Stocker & Patricia Roe Additional documents: Minutes: That
this area committee agrees that the manager should take all
possible steps to buy/acquire the building housing Richmond Road
Studios (1A Convent Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3). This is an urgent
matter requiring immediate action. Richmond Road studios provides
workspaces to 21 creatives but over 150 others have availed of
studio space over the past 20 years. This is a vital artistic
space, run on an essentially collective basis, in a part of the
city with an identified under resourcing of arts
infrastructure and funding. This issue arises suddenly as a
result of a legal letter issued on the 24th March on behalf of the
receiver telling the occupants they were occupying the building
without consent and were obliged to vacate the premises within 14
days. The 14 days have elapsed and the current tenants are at
immediate risk of eviction. This is on foot of a High Court order
from September 2021 of which the artists and studio managers
at Richmond Road Studios were not made aware. Given the existing
long waiting lists for artistic studios and the lack of provision
thereof it is imperative that we do all we can to preserve this
facility - and in the event that that is not possible - to provide
alternative studio space to these artists. Reply:
For discussion at meeting.
Order: Agreed. The membership were keen to assist the artists in every way possible. Ray Yeates is meeting with the artists and will continue to lend assistance where possible and to look for alternative accommodation for them.
Cllr. Stocker sought agreement from the members to proceed with the motion with the intention of Dublin City Council purchasing this building regardless of any complications. She stated that showing this intent on behalf of the members is important.
Manager Derek Kelly cautioned that it would appear that the building itself is not up to any standard for Dublin City Council to take it on. The cost factor could run into millions to acquire and repair, without any grant or funding stream being available. He also reminded councillors that acquisitions are an executive function of the council and not the elected members.
Cllr. Roe on behalf of the members suggested that the motion be forwarded to the relevant department notwithstanding the advice of Manager Kelly.
AOB Hybrid/zoom/in person meetings – for discussion at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Hybrid/zoom/in person meetings – for discussion at the meeting.
After much discussion the members agreed to trial hybrid in City Hall for alternate meetings starting in June. |