Venue: The Round Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin. View directions
No. | Item | |||
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee Meeting Monday 20th July. (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: A query was raised why items for following meeting Edenmore Pitch and Putt Course and Wooden Bridge were not on current Agenda. Cllr. Daryl Barron proposed separate meeting for week commencing Monday 28th September with Les Moore, Fergus O’Carroll and Councillors from the ward. Les Moore and Fergus O’Carroll to come back with a suitable date. |
Questions to the Area Manager (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Area Matters |
"Update on Oscar Traynor Road Housing Land Initiative Project Dave Dinnigan (powerpoint / report to follow) Minutes: Order: Any questions the Councillors may have are to be sent to the NCAC by Friday 25th September and will be collectively sent to Dave Dinnigan Housing Department. Presentation to be circulated to NCA. |
Clontarf Flood Defence Wall Gerard O’Connell/David Dunne (Power point to follow) Minutes: Order: Presentation noted. Agreement was sought on a) “Agree concept that a flood Defence wall is needed” b) “it should be a certain height”. It was agreed to take this proposal back to the Clontarf Consultative group. Item to be referred to November North Central Area Committee. |
Oversight Forum North Bull Island - Councillor Nominations Minutes: Order: As agreed at previous meeting Cllr. Cooney and Cllr. Heney, Cllr. O’Toole proposed Cllr Michael MacDonncha and seconded by Cllr Daryl Barron. Cllr Daryl Barron proposed himself and was seconded by Cllr. Damian O’Farrell. It was agreed these would be the nominations but all Councillors to sit in on meetings. All Councillors to be advised of Notice of meeting by Chairperson Les Moore. |
Deirdre Murphy (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Traffic Department to assess report and make recommendations. Special meeting to follow with Councillors. Elaine Mulvenny will circulate report at meeting i.e. legal status of laneway 15 -17 Richmond Road. |
Disposal of Fee Simple 68, Croydon Park Avenue, Marino, Dublin 3. (Report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Report to City Council. |
Disposals at New Priory (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Report to City Council.
Housing Supply Report (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Report for an ESB proposed exchange of lands at Cara Park, Belcamp, Dublin 17. (Report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Report to City Council.
(Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
(Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Extinguishment of Public Right of Way- Laneway at 5, 7 & 9 Marino Park Avenue, Dublin 3 (Report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Choice Based Lettings - for Darndale (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted.
Roads and Streets Matters |
Minutes of TAG Meeting held on the 25th August, 2020 (Report herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Items for following meeting Minutes: Covid Mobility Team – What they are doing in NCA Fold 30 KPH NCA – Update |
Motions |
Motion in the name of Councillor Jane Horgan Jones That this area committee resolves to support the aims of the newly formed Casino Park Residents Committee and asks DCC management to respond to the following issues brought to our attention relating to their local area and set out below.
1/ To seek a plot of land from the OPW and DCC to facilitate a play area for the children and residents of our estate We previously had a small playground on a small part of the park land area that belonged to DCC. This area has recently being handed over to the OPW in 2018. Back in 2018, the small playground we had was removed from this area without and discussions and consultations with the residents which we were extremely upset over and we want this play area restored. This playground was actually donated to the residents by the local youth project a number of years back and did not belong to DCC or the OPW but we do recognise the playground was on their land. In 2018, when the playground was removed in 2018 we contacted DCC as there were questions around who owned the land. DCC clarified they owned it previously but it was being handed over to the OPW. DCC confirmed to the residents that there were plans to upgrade the land being drafted by the OPW and it was hoped that they would look at enhancing this parkland area (that was previously our playground) also. We were informed that when the handover was finalised that the OPW and DCC had agreed to meet with the community to see if they can compliment the planned upgrade works on their side of the boundary wall that was previously our play area. Its important to note that this piece of land which was previously our play area is on the outside of the trees that surround the Casino Marino monument and therefore it is not maintained or used by the OPW what so ever. It is now a waste ground that the OPW don't use which is a further insult to our community given that we so desperately want and need a play area for our children and residents.
2/ Fix and Restore the original bench that was built as part of our estate when it opened In the middle of our estate at the top of the hill we had a bench for years that all the residents used. This has been broken for a number of years and would like to please get this bench fixed and restored. The base of the bench is concrete and still intact and in perfect working order. We just need the wooden lathes replaced on the seat and back area. This would only be a very small job but it would mean a great deal to our community. The bench has always been the central heart of our estate for many years.
2/ We would like to request some flower planters for our area for 2 reasons: A/ We are ... view the full agenda text for item 6a Minutes:
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That this area committee recommend that the Council does not take any lands or roads into their control where they have made a recommendation to an bord pleanala to refuse or amend an application and such recommendation are disregarded.
<I22> <AI23> |
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That this area committee write to the Minister for Local Government and ask that he commences legislation to revoke the SHD as a matter of emergency and there is no regard to the executive of the council’s concerns which bring into question constitutional separation of power of a body interfacing in the democratic rights of the local government.
Minutes: That this area committee write to the Minister for Local Government and ask that he commences legislation to revoke the SHD as a matter of emergency and there is no regard to the executive of the council’s concerns which bring into question constitutional separation of power of a body interfacing in the democratic rights of the local government.
This motion can be discussed at the Area Committee Meeting.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Coilín O’Reilly, Director of Services, North City – 2228870.
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That the Area Manager in light of the recent an bord pleanala’s decision in Santry and the progress of the Oscar Traynor lands that a local Area Plan for the santry area as a priority.
Minutes: That the Area Manager in light of the recent an bord pleanala’s decision in Santry and the progress of the Oscar Traynor lands that a local Area Plan for the santry area as a priority.
The requirement for a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Santry has been the subject of several motions by the elected members of the North Central Area Committee (NCAC), most recently at the 9 December 2019 Meeting.
The Chief Executive’s response to the December 2019 Motion set down the policy context within which a LAP for Santry could be prepared. This issue was further addressed in correspondence between Councillor Batten and Deputy Chief Executive on 15 June 2020.
As referenced in the above correspondence, Section of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 (the Development Plan) sets down policy concerning the preparation of area-specific plans. This section sets out a hierarchy of plans ranging from statutory LAPs to non-statutory schematic masterplans and local environmental improvement plans. The Development Plan contains a list of thirty-one areas/villages, and the objective to prepare up to three local plans from this list, for each City Council administrative area. These local plans are to be delivered within the lifetime of the Development Plan subject to resources and priorities. This approach was agreed collectively by all the elected members of DCC upon the adoption of the Development Plan.
Table F of Section contains a “Schedule of Proposed Statutory Local Area Plans / Strategic Development Zones to Deliver the Core Strategy”. Table F does not include Santry. In the absence of this policy requirement, a LAP cannot be initiated for the Santry area.
The Report of the Assistance Chief Executive (the Report) entitled “Local Planning Work Programme in accordance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022" dated 24 November 2017 set out, inter alia, the prioritisation for preparation of future LAPs. Since the Report, the Planning and Property Department has prepared and the elected members have adopted LAPs for Park West/Cherry Orchard, Ballymun, and Clongriffin/Belmayne.
Turning to the issue of housing development in the Santry area, it is noted that there has been significant private and public sector activity in the area. This is to be welcomed as activity in the development sector is a good barometer of the overall health of the wider economy. Furthermore, an increase in housing, both public and private, is needed to address the deficit of housing supply in the area.
The Oscar Traynor Road (OTR) site is one of Dublin City Council's two Housing Land Initiative sites. The Development Plan designates the STR site as Strategic Development and Regeneration Area (SDRA) 17. Under SDRA 17, the overall vision for this site is to create a new residential quarter, which provides for 853 units in a range of and mix of typologies and tenures together with supporting retail and community uses. The OTR site will be developed as an attractive tree-lined environment, which integrates ... view the full minutes text for item 6d |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee recognises the significant housing development that will be realised on the Lawrence Lands on the Oscar Traynor Rd. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the significant entrance/egress constraints on this site and the imperative to support sustainable traffic and public transport planning and safe sustainable pedestrian and cycling permeability so as to appropriately accommodate future residents on the site and for residents in the surrounding local areas. To realise such sustainable infrastructure, the North Central Area Committee, demands that a comprehensive traffic, transport, cycling and pedestrian mobility plan be designed and implemented ahead of any residents occupying the future development. That such a plan include a survey of vehicles accessing Clonshough Industrial Estate so as to establish the viability of opening access to the estate from the R139 and a new right turn filter lane into the estate from the east side, a viability study of installing a pedestrian/cycle bridge across the main Swords Rd from the Lawrence Lands to Oakpark, identifying deficits in local bus routes and ascertaining the viability of widening the Oscar Traynor Rd or using parallel green space to accommodate a cycle lane.
Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the significant housing development that will be realised on the Lawrence Lands on the Oscar Traynor Rd. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the significant entrance/egress constraints on this site and the imperative to support sustainable traffic and public transport planning and safe sustainable pedestrian and cycling permeability so as to appropriately accommodate future residents on the site and for residents in the surrounding local areas. To realise such sustainable infrastructure, the North Central Area Committee, demands that a comprehensive traffic, transport, cycling and pedestrian mobility plan be designed and implemented ahead of any residents occupying the future development. That such a plan include a survey of vehicles accessing Clonshough Industrial Estate so as to establish the viability of opening access to the estate from the R139 and a new right turn filter lane into the estate from the east side, a viability study of installing a pedestrian/cycle bridge across the main Swords Rd from the Lawrence Lands to Oakpark, identifying deficits in local bus routes and ascertaining the viability of widening the Oscar Traynor Rd or using parallel green space to accommodate a cycle lane.
The development of the Oscar Traynor Road lands will be underpinned by a robust integrated mobility strategy and transport assessment. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will also be required to be prepared for the site. There is currently an Options Study underway looking at improved connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists between the site and Santry Village. The site will be served by Spine A of the Bus Connects project.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Edel Kelly, Senior Transportation Officer, Transportation Planning Division. Email: edel.kelly@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor. Manager to refer this to Dave Dinnigan. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee recognises the approval of the planning application 307011-20 for the construction of 324 no.apartments an aparthotel and several commercial units in 4 blocks ranging from 7 - 12 storeys contrary to the recommendation of the North Central Area Committee. The North Central Area Committee seeks legal expertise to support a judicial review of the process leading to this decision.
Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the approval of the planning application 307011-20 for the construction of 324 no.apartments an aparthotel and several commercial units in 4 blocks ranging from 7 - 12 storeys contrary to the recommendation of the North Central Area Committee. The North Central Area Committee seeks legal expertise to support a judicial review of the process leading to this decision.
“Dublin City Council calls on the Chief Executive to seek legal advice on the recent An Bórd Pleanála decision to approve a 12 storey block in Santry Dublin 9 against the City Council Recommendation, with a view to taking Judicial Review that there was an error in law by the inspector not concerning the health and Safety regulations and with specific reference to the risk of fire safety concerns of our local fire services not being able to provide proper safe service in an event of a fire.”
The Chief Executive agreed to seek legal advice on whether there are reasonable grounds to support a Judical Review of the process leading to the Decision by An Bord Pleanala. Motion 6 can be included in this request.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer Tel: 222 3813 Email: john.ohara@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell That this local area committee supports Dublin City Council’s ‘Marino 100’ Centenary works programme and would appreciate an update please.
Minutes: That this local area committee supports Dublin City Council’s ‘Marino 100’ Centenary works programme and would appreciate an update please.
The North central Area office would have signalled support going back over the last two to three or so years in the lead up to the centenary. Dublin City Council Roads Maintenance had invested in path works with the support of discretionary funding from North Central Area, while public domain improvements can always be added. It was/would be our aim to carry out whatever upgrades were possible and /or affordable in order to have the environmental fabric in good condition in advance of the actual centenary year.
A meeting with the group concerned in organising a programme I think would be valuable and we can arrange for the group be contacted in that regard.
Contact will be made over the next fortnight and from present indications a zoom meeting can be set up in conjunction with the group.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Elaine Mulvenny, Senior Executive Officer, North Central Area 086 8064399 Email: Elaine.mulvenny@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell That this local area committee requests a St Anne’s Park Management plan be established. This plan should set out the vision and the strategic objectives for the future of the park along with conservation objectives. This plan should be developed in consultation with Councillors and the local communities.
Minutes: That this local area committee requests a St Anne’s Park Management plan be established. This plan should set out the vision and the strategic objectives for the future of the park along with conservation objectives. This plan should be developed in consultation with Councillors and the local communities.
There is a management plan for the park which was drawn up in 2008. This needs to be updated to reflect sustainability issues, landscape conservation, bio-diversity, pollinator initiatives etc. A presentation will be made to the Area Committee in the coming months on the issues prior to the first draft of the plan being finalised.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could the Manager and relevant officials accompany the councillor and any other North Central Councillors on a site visit to Grace Park Wood to meet residents representatives to example concerns and issues residents have with non compliance with planning permission and completion of their estate, which includes traffic safety concern, before Dublin City Council takes the estate in charge.
Minutes: Could the Manager and relevant officials accompany the councillor and any other North Central Councillors on a site visit to Grace Park Wood to meet residents representatives to example concerns and issues residents have with non compliance with planning permission and completion of their estate, which includes traffic safety concern, before Dublin City Council takes the estate in charge.
The panning enforcement section has an active enforcement file in respect of non compliance with the plans and specifications attached to the planning permission granted for this development, An enforcement notice is currently being drafted and will be served shortly on the developer which requires compliance with the elements of the development that have not been complied with or have been omitted to date. A copy of the said notice will be sent to any party who has made a complaint in respect of alleged breaches of the permission granted. The notice will clearly identify the issues that have come to the attention of Dublin City Council and the required remedies. Given the ongoing enforcement action that may ultimately lead to legal proceedings being initiated in respect of this case it would not be appropriate to meet residents at this time. Consideration of taking the estate in charge cannot be made until the permission has been complied with in full.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: John Downey, A/Planning Enforcement Manager Tel: 222 3465 Email: john.downey@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could the Manager report of measures to protect cycle lanes and pavements from parking cars throughout the North Central Area, in particular non bollard protected parts of cycleway through Fairview, Alflie Byrne, Howth and Malahide road.
Minutes: Could the Manager report of measures to protect cycle lanes and pavements from parking cars throughout the North Central Area, in particular non bollard protected parts of cycleway through Fairview, Alflie Byrne, Howth and Malahide road.
Dublin Street Parking Services will be instructed to increase their enforcement against illegal parking on pavements along the cycle ways through Fairview, Alfie Byrne, Howth and Malahide Roads.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Hugh Fahey, Administrative Officer, Parking Policy and Enforcement. Tel: 222 3847 Email: hugh.fahey@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could the manager request the provision of more covered bins, big belly like bins and trial covered recycling bins on Clontarf Promenade and on Dollymount beach as the sea gulls are removing takeaway packaging and creating a mess. Minutes: Could the manager request the provision of more covered bins, big belly like bins and trial covered recycling bins on Clontarf Promenade and on Dollymount beach as the sea gulls are removing takeaway packaging and creating a mess.
Waste Management Services will work in cooperation with the North Central Area office to identify solutions to the problems identified. Our maintenance team are examining whether the openings can be made larger in the existing bins – some may have restrictions on the openings.
Waste Management Services previously examined the promenade as a location for the installation of Solar Compactor bins when first rolling out the units but a decision was taken not to proceed on the basis of concerns regarding the potential for flooding. We will re-examine this generally and in the context of the locations proposed within the correspondence.
Waste Management Services are examining the suggestion regarding covers/restricted openings for the barrels as this may present an opportunity to trial a solution that could be both beneficial and easy to implement.
It should be noted that there was an increase in complaints relating to the frequency of servicing and maintaining of bins during the period of reduced service delivery associated with Covid 19 restrictions. As Waste Management Services have now fully resumed scheduled services it is expected that the increased level of resources operating will address some of these issues.
Waste Management Services will be trialling segregated bins in the city centre this year and following the assessment of the success of this trial will be able to give consideration to the feasibility of extending the provision of segregated bins to other locations in the city.
Contact: Simon Brock, Administrative Officer. Tel: 2224237. Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
As the end of the bathing season is approaching the 40 number temporary bins placed on the beach will be soon removed. Investigations will be carried out of the winter months to ascertain if a seagull proof cover can be added to these bins for next season.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor. Cllr. Donna Cooney to be kept updated re: bins. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could the manager request the provision of more covered bins, big belly like bins and trial covered recycling bins on Clontarf Promenade and on Dollymount beach as the sea gulls are removing takeaway packaging and creating a mess.
Minutes: Could the manager arrange a meeting and or write to Irish rail to discuss ongoing issues with the broken lifts and lack of refurbishment and maintenance at Clontarf road dart station.
Irish rail will be contacted and invited to a future meeting of the North Central Area Committee.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Elaine Mulvenny, Local Area Manager, 222 8688 Email: elaine.mulvenny@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Múiri That the DCC Flood Defence Section would meet with a representative group from Watermill Lawn to discuss their concerns in relation to local flood risk arising from the Santry river.
Minutes: That the DCC Flood Defence Section would meet with a representative group from Watermill Lawn to discuss their concerns in relation to local flood risk arising from the Santry river.
A virtual meeting took place yesterday 10th September with 2 representatives from the Watermill Lawn group, a follow up meeting is due over the next two weeks.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Gerard O’Connell, Senior Engineer, Flood Projects & Water Framework Directive Division Email: gerry.oconnell@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor. |