Venue: The Round Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin. View directions
No. | Item |
Election of Chairperson Minutes: Cllr. Catherine Stocker Proposed Cllr. Donna Cooney. Seconded by Cllr. Terence Flanagan.
Election of Vice Chairperson Minutes: Cllr. Donna Cooney proposed Cllr. Deirdre Heney Cllr Rachael Batten seconded.
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting held on 15th June 2020. (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters |
Elaine Mulvenny (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: NCA to come back with additional ideas to use reallocated funds. Full list of projects to be circulated to Committee. |
Nomination to select Councillors representation on Oversight forum. Minutes: Order: Chair and Vicechair to act as representative on oversight forum until final Committee are agreed at September meeting.
City Farm St. Anne's Park - Difficulties with encroachment and unlawful behaviour (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: The Manager to discuss possibility of securing additional funding for security/fencing with Les Moore.
Covid Mobility - Vernon Ave Eoin Corrigan (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Report not agreed. Further consultation to be held with Businesses and Residents and comeback to Area Committee in October. Manager to email NCAC with update on bollards.
Deirdre Murphy (Survey report herewith) Minutes: Order: Survey to be completed, final report back to September meeting. Naming of square – Elaine Mulvenny to suggest three names with guidance of Heritage Officer. Elaine Mulvenny to email Councillors steps involved naming the square. |
Belcamp Lane / Newtown Court Pat Teehan (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: The Manager to report to the NCA with actions from Deputy Chief Executive recent engagement with Newtown Court.
Proposed disposal of five apartments in New Priory, Hole in the Wall Road, Dublin 13. (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed refer to City Council.
Housing Supply Report (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Derek Farrell to provide update on Millwood Court |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Report progress on boxing programme for 5 – 8 year olds. Manager to contact Sports Officer regarding excessive booklet circulation. More cycling resources required send information packs to schools.
Roads and Streets Matters (Report herewith) |
Minutes of TAG Meeting held on 30 th June, 2020 (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Cllr. D O’Farrell requested an update on Griffith Court- outstanding over a year. Full TAG report to be included on future agendas.
Items for following meeting Minutes: Clontarf Flood Defence Wall Update on Wooden Bridge Fairview CYMC Oversight Forum North Bull Island Edenmore Pitch and Putt Richmond Road |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell That this Area Committee requests that DCC explores every legal avenue to recover the lease formerly held by CYMC which was assigned a number of years ago without seeking the consent of the Council and is now held in the personal names of former Trustees of CYMC. Furthermore, we reiterate that the terms of the lease must continue to be upheld by Dublin City Council i.e. sporting and recreational community purposes only and for no other purpose whatsoever.
Minutes: That this Area Committee requests that DCC explores every legal avenue to recover the lease formerly held by CYMC which was assigned a number of years ago without seeking the consent of the Council and is now held in the personal names of former Trustees of CYMC. Furthermore, we reiterate that the terms of the lease must continue to be upheld by Dublin City Council i.e. sporting and recreational community purposes only and for no other purpose whatsoever.
Although the lease held by CYMC contains a covenant requiring the Council’s consent to assignment, this consent cannot be unreasonably withheld and the failure by the lessee to obtain this consent would not be grounds for forfeiture of the lease. The City Council’s Law Agent is in correspondence with Solicitors acting for the current lessees in relation to regularising the Deed of Assignment.
The current lessees have acknowledged the user clause and continue to adhere to it and to the other terms and conditions contained in the lease.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Oliver Hickey, Administrative Officer Tel: 222 3055 Email: oliver.hickey@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion Agreed and seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri. Oliver Hickey to be invited to next meeting. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Larry O'Toole That this committee agree that litter bins should be located at suitable locations in Stardust Memorial Park.
Minutes: That this committee agree that litter bins should be located at suitable locations in Stardust Memorial Park.
The bins in the Stardust Memorial Park were removed due to constant abuse; dumping and setting them on fire. As part of the current improvement works it is intended to reintroduce a couple of bins later in the summer when the park has settled down a little more and visitors have had a chance to adapt to new access arrangements. If the previous abuse continues the bins will be removed again.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee requests that at the beginning of each grass cutting season all contractors and all direct labour are provided with a hands-on, practical, walk through training in DCC standards and expectations with regard to green area preparation and litter management; grass cutting standards; boundary and verge treatments and post cutting etiquette.
Minutes: The North Central Area Committee requests that at the beginning of each grass cutting season all contractors and all direct labour are provided with a hands-on, practical, walk through training in DCC standards and expectations with regard to green area preparation and litter management; grass cutting standards; boundary and verge treatments and post cutting etiquette.
The performance standards in relations to grass, litter and arisings; the reporting mechanisms and dispute resolution process are clearly laid out in the legal contract documentation. DCCs contracts manager will meet with the representatives of each contractor at the beginning of the contract period.
Council Staff involved in grass cutting are provided with adequate training and supervision in this regard.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion Agreed. Cllr. Roe requested a breakdown areas covered by contractors and direct labour. Refer to Working Group |
Motion in the name of Councillor Jane Horgan Jones, Councillor Catherine Stocker & Councillor Donna Cooney That this Area Committee resolves to have a full report completed by Waste Management/Public Domain in relation to the following issue and provided to Councillors in advance of the September Council Meeting:
- The laneway between Dunluce Road and Furry Park Road has become a dumping ground for green waste from gardens, resulting in a huge build up of these materials and vegetation that is completely overtaking the laneway to the extent that bollards which used to divide the laneway have become completely obliterated by the vegetation. - As a result of this dumping, further dumping of large household items frequently takes place in the laneway. - Previous questions on this subject to DCC have resulted in answers saying it is impossible to access the laneway with equipment that could be used to clear the embankment of vegetation that has developed here. However, it appears that the entrance to the laneway beside 25 Dunluce Road must be sufficiently wide to accommodate at least some sort of machinery that could be usefully used to clear this growth before it takes over the laneway completely. Vehicles frequently enter and exit the laneway in this way to access the back gardens of houses that back onto the lane and do work there. - This report should examine all options for completely clearing this laneway of the significant vegetation that has developed here, including invasive species of weeds and large trees, which was never supposed to be present in a laneway that was frequently used by locals up until this issue developed. - This report should further set out a plan and timeline for restoring this laneway to its intended condition and a management plan going forward from that to ensure the same situation does not develop again, via an early intervention system so that large machinery is never required again to clear any sort of green waste that is dumped here.
Minutes: That this Area Committee resolves to have a full report completed by Waste Management/Public Domain in relation to the following issue and provided to Councillors in advance of the September Council Meeting:
- The laneway between Dunluce Road and Furry Park Road has become a dumping ground for green waste from gardens, resulting in a huge build up of these materials and vegetation that is completely overtaking the laneway to the extent that bollards which used to divide the laneway have become completely obliterated by the vegetation. - As a result of this dumping, further dumping of large household items frequently takes place in the laneway. - Previous questions on this subject to DCC have resulted in answers saying it is impossible to access the laneway with equipment that could be used to clear the embankment of vegetation that has developed here. However, it appears that the entrance to the laneway beside 25 Dunluce Road must be sufficiently wide to accommodate at least some sort of machinery that could be usefully used to clear this growth before it takes over the laneway completely. Vehicles frequently enter and exit the laneway in this way to access the back gardens of houses that back onto the lane and do work there. - This report should examine all options for completely clearing this laneway of the significant vegetation that has developed here, including invasive species of weeds and large trees, which was never supposed to be present in a laneway that was frequently used by locals up until this issue developed. - This report should further set out a plan and timeline for restoring this laneway to its intended condition and a management plan going forward from that to ensure the same situation does not develop again, via an early intervention system so that large machinery is never required again to clear any sort of green waste that is dumped here.
The Litter Warden inspected the location and will continue to monitor the area on an ongoing basis. No dumping signs have been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible.
Contact: Dympna McCann, Senior Staff Officer – 2228868. Email: Dympna.mccann@dublincity.ie
With the easing of Covid restrictions on our work practices we will to able to tackle the cleaning of the above mentioned laneway in the coming weeks. The laneway was inspected on the 15th July and it was found to have two skip bags dumped which will be removed. It was also noted that there is a skip in the laneway impeding the access for Dublin City Council Staff. It is aimed to clean this laneway in the coming weeks if there is adequate access and subject to the easing of staffing restrictions.
Contact: Mick Boyle, Senior Staff Officer, Waste Management Services Tel: 2224240 Email: mick.boyle@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Manager to meet Councillors on site with Public Domain. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney That the manager give a report on what efforts he has made and what measures have been put in place to address the continuing litter (take-away packaging etc) and overflowing along the Clontarf sea front and promenade and if he will make a full statement on the matter to include (a) efforts to have food providers/takeaways etc take responsibility for their own food packaging strewn along the promenade; (b) provide more frequency emptying bins, particularly on warm summer days and (c) to more frequently clear away glass litter and general debris from the bathing shelters.
Minutes: That the manager give a report on what efforts he has made and what measures have been put in place to address the continuing litter (take-away packaging etc) and overflowing along the Clontarf sea front and promenade and if he will make a full statement on the matter to include (a) efforts to have food providers/takeaways etc take responsibility for their own food packaging strewn along the promenade; (b) provide more frequency emptying bins, particularly on warm summer days and (c) to more frequently clear away glass litter and general debris from the bathing shelters.
(a) The Litter Warden inspects this location on a regular basis and has found it to be good condition. However, he will deliver copies of the bye-laws to the businesses in question to remind them of their responsibilities.
Contact: Dympna McCann, Environmental Liaison Officer – 2228868. Email: Dympna.mccann@dublincity.ie
(b) Waste Management Services do and will continue to empty the litter bins here more often over the summer months. In addition, we have eight extra blue barrel bins at this location over the summer months.
Contact: Mick Boyle, Senior Staff Officer – 2224240. Email: mick.boyle@dublincity.ie
(c) The shelters on the prom are inspected and cleaned on a regular basis; as often as resources allow. Broken glass is dealt with as a matter of urgency when it is reported.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney That Dublin North Central Area Committee support the designation of the south side of North Bull wall as an EU bathing area.
Minutes: That Dublin North Central Area Committee support the designation of the south side of North Bull wall as an EU bathing area. Designation to be achieved by 2023 and seconded by Cllr. Naoise O’Muiri.
Under European and Irish law, local authorities must identify official bathing areas in their area every year so that they can be monitored for safety, water quality and their level of use. This includes monitoring designated bathing waters to meet stringent microbiological water quality standards. To help with this process, Dublin City Council (DCC) asks the public to tell them if they think they should maintain existing designated bathing waters designations or give a new official bathing area designation to areas that are commonly used for swimming, but not identified at the moment. This is undertaken through a public consultation process.
This year DCC undertook a public consultation process from 19th May to 22nd June (2020). During this period, 44 submissions were received for the designation of the North Bull Wall as a bathing water. This compares to two submissions received in 2019 and one received in 2018.
Dublin City Council’s Water Pollution Control Section commits to review the applications for designation of the North Bull Wall bathing as per the requests from members of the public. The assessment will follow previous procedures and will be carried out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s guidance document “A framework to assist Local Authorities in the assessment of submissions for the identification of new bathing waters” and the requirements set out in the Bathing Water Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 79 which transpose Directive 2006/8/EC). Other considerations taken into account in the assessment include the historic water quality data and local knowledge of complex pressures associated with the bathing water located at the mouth of the River Liffey.
The 2020 assessment of the North Bull Wall for Designation concluded that DCC cannot designate North Bull Wall as an EU identified bathing area in light of consistent issues with poor water quality. Instead, it was deemed appropriate to continue to categorise the North Bull Wall as an “other monitored water”. We attach for noting the assessment of the North Bull Wall which was undertaken following public consultation in 2019. We are in the process of compiling the full report for 2020, and this will be made available to the Councillors in August. Please note that there must be 4 consecutive years of acceptable bathing water results for designation.
Dublin City Council manages six bathing waters in total, two of which are designated under the Bathing Water Regulations S.I. 79 of 2008 and four of which are categorised as “other monitored waters”.
Dublin City Council’s existing designated bathing waters are: · Dollymount Strand, and; · Sandymount Strand
Dublin City Council’s four “other monitored waters” are: · Merrion Strand; · North Bull Wall; · Shelly Banks, and; · Half Moon.
DCC take samples at all six locations regardless of designation 20 times during the official bathing season and approximately fortnightly thereafter. Results of ... view the full minutes text for item 8f |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney That this area committee is given a full report of the recent vandalism to the Tree of Life sculpture and that CCTV is placed to protect this well loved work of art as the councillor is not confident that this is a once of occurrence.
Minutes: That this area committee is given a full report of the recent vandalism to the Tree of Life sculpture and that CCTV is placed to protect this well loved work of art as the councillor is not confident that this is a once of occurrence.
Thankfully the majority of the damage was superficial and is cleaning off quite well.
CCTV at this location is not considered appropriate at this time as it would involve significant logistical issues and therefore cost. The situation will be monitored.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney That a report is given on plans for school streets and safe cycling and walking routes to schools in the North Central area and any other COVID-19 measures around schools to facilitate safe physical distancing and cleaner air quality.
Minutes: That a report is given on plans for school streets and safe cycling and walking routes to schools in the North Central area and any other COVID-19 measures around schools to facilitate safe physical distancing and cleaner air quality.
The Covid Mobility Team are engaging with An Taisce Green-Schools programme who have disseminated a nationwide survey inviting schools to communicate any concerns they may have plus potential solutions in relation to pupils travelling to school when schools resume in September. Feedback from the survey is due to be circulated to local authorities next week and will be used to inform a ‘Return to School’ mobility strategy. Green-Schools are also compiling a ‘front of school ideas’ pack for all schools.
School Streets BETA Project The street outside a school entrance can often experience high levels of congestion when parents drop their children off to school by private motor vehicle. This can cause school gate congestion, illegal parking on pavements, parking on double yellow lines, rat-running traffic, overcrowding on pavements, poor visibility for parents and children, u-turning traffic, road safety risks and cars idling outside school gates harming young lungs. As part of the ‘Open Streets’ series of BETA Projects, we'd like to explore the idea of School Streets – creating temporary pedestrian and bicycle, car-free, zones outside the school during school times, and a safe environment for children.
More can be read about #SchoolStreetsBETA on social media using that hashtag, and you can read more at http://dccbeta.ie/project/article/school-streets.
(You can also read more about the Open Streets initiative at http://dccbeta.ie/project/article/open-streets or see #OpenStreetsBETA on social media.) Following a public call-out for potential trial locations, 19 suggestions have been received to date. We will pick a suitable trial location, using the specific criteria for this project which can be read at the above link. When/if primary schools reopen, we intend to carry out an initial BETA Project to learn more about the School Streets general concept.
As usual under the ‘BETA ethos’ this trial will be clearly signposting seeking feedback, and it will be possible to follow the trial on social media, and the report at the end of the trial will be fully public.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Shane Waring, Coordinator, Dublin City Council BETA Email: shane.waring@dublincity.ie
Contact: Antonia Martin, Communication & Promotion Officer, Covid Mobility Team. Email: covidmobility@dublincity.ie
Order: Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney That picnic benches and the option of a coffee dock is provided on the Clontarf promenade and Fairview Park creative measures to support local cafes, restaurants and business whilst maintaining physical distancing, with additional separation of waste bins etc. and public domain enhancement.
Minutes: That picnic benches and the option of a coffee dock is provided on the Clontarf promenade and Fairview Park creative measures to support local cafes, restaurants and business whilst maintaining physical distancing, with additional separation of waste bins etc. and public domain enhancement.
Parks have not received any requests from local business for such a provision and it is not clear how it could be licenced or managed.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The North Central Area Office are agreeable to working with any business who wishes to develop this concept and Dublin City Council’s Parks Department. It will be difficult for a business to manage a public area associated with their business from a distance and this issue will need to be resolved before progression. The option for business to apply for use of space in the public domain, outside of Parks, remains through the COVID Mobility process.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: The interested Business owner to contact Manager for further discussion. |