Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Email: gabrielle.malone@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 11th December, 2024 Additional documents: |
Questions to the Director of Services South Central Additional documents: |
Environment and Transportation Matters 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 17/12/2024in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 10/12/2024.
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South Central Area Matters 1. Presentation on the Masterplan for the Marrowbone Lane Depot Lands, Dublin 8. 2. Notification of Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001(as amended). Proposed Development of 108 Residential Dwellings the Site of Dublin City Council Road Maintenance Depot at Marrowbone Lane & Forbes Lane, Dublin 8. 3. Notification of Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended). Proposed Development of 171 Residential Dwellings the Site of Basin Street Flats, Dublin 8. 4. Notification of initiation of Pre-Part 8 Circulation of Layout under Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - School Street/Thomas Court Bawn, D8. For information purposes only. 5. Proposed Naming Scheme - Bailey Gibson Site, ABP – 307221-20 / SHD0009/20 6. Two nominations to Donore Avenue Regeneration Consultative Forum 7. One nomination to IRCF (Inchicore Regeneration Consultative Forum) 8. One nomination to South Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force 9. One nomination to National Children’s Hospital Resident Project Monitoring Committee. 10. Director of Services Report.
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Culture, Recreation & Economic Matters 1. Sports and Recreation Report for January 2025 South Central Area. Additional documents: |
Emergency Motions Additional documents: |
M045 Councillors Vincent Jackson and Ray Cunningham That this Committee ask the Parks Department to replace / amend the plaque at East Timor Park Ballyfermot to include the name of Tom Hyland who gave so much of his life to ensure the plight of the people of East Timor was never forgotten whilst under the brutal occupation of Indonesia from 1975 until 1998. Tom Hyland sadly passed away over the Christmas holidays in East Timor.
M046 Councillor Vincent Jackson That this Committee be given a full report on the constant failings of Christmas lights in Ballyfermot over the past Christmas. On a number of occasions trees were out, lights failed etc. On Christmas Eve one tree at Grange Cross failed, leaving all the Christmas period without lights. Going forward we need emergency numbers to contact the company responsible for erection of the lights.
M047 Councillor Vincent Jackson This Committee asks that Dublin City Council Parks Department talk to the Parks Department of SDCC about the possibility of providing a Dog run in Glenaulin Park / the Gaels Park the park which half was in DCC ownership until the late 1980`s is located on the boundary of City and County and is used extensively by our community.
M048 Councillor Vincent Jackson That this Committee agrees to allow the Our Lady’s Hall Mourne Road Drimnagh Dublin 12 Management Committee an opportunity to make a presentation to our February / March Area Committee in relation to the serious challenges in funding the centre with running costs etc.
M049 Councillor Daithí Doolan This Area Committee congratulates Dublin City Council park staff for organising and facilitating December's tree planting in Lansdowne Valley. It was hugely enjoyable and educational for all those who participated.
M050 Councillor Daithí Doolan That this Area Committee condemns in the strongest possible terms the vandalism carried out on December 21st of an empty council house in Drimnagh. The committee commends the residents who quickly removed the racist graffiti and thanks the Council staff who promptly redecorated the house on Monday morning.
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