Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Email: gabrielle.malone@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 20th July 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Questions to the Director of Services South Central Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Replies to Questions and the Director of Services report circulated.
Environment and Transportation Matters 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 23/08/22 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/08/22.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 23/08/22 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/08/22. Order: 1. Report noted. 2. Report noted.
South Central Area Matters 1. Presentation from the Active Travel Programme Office – Delivering the walk – wheel – cycle network for all the people. 2. Presentation on “Activation and Animation of the Grand Canal” A joint initiative of the City Council and Waterways Ireland. 3. Director of Services Report.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Presentation from the Active Travel Programme Office – Delivering the walk – wheel – cycle network for all the people. 2. Presentation on “Activation and Animation of the Grand Canal” A joint initiative of the City Council and Waterways Ireland. 3. Director of Services Report. Order: 1. Presentation Noted. 2. Presentation Noted. 3. Report Noted.
Culture, Recreation & Economic Matters 1. Sports and Recreation Report for September 2022 South Central Area. Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Sports and Recreation Report for September 2022 South Central Area. Order: Report noted.
Planning & Property Development Matters 1. With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of 80 The Coombe to Solas After School Project, CLG.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1. With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of 80 The Coombe to Solas Afterschool Project, CLG. Order: Agreed. Recommend to Council.
Emergency Motions Additional documents: |
September 2022 Motions DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 21st September 2022
M190 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud Following the destruction on the 22nd of July for the 5th time of the biodiversity area maintained by Drimnagh Environmental Group on Errigal Green, this Committee ask Parks department to express with actions its commitment to support the volunteers and the work they do to make that area a better place for us all. We are asking that Richard Shakespeare meets personally with the group to discuss the situation and to move communication forward in a constructive and positive manner. We are asking a full disclosure specifically for the Drimnagh area of the schedule of work, payments to third party bodies with regard to all work that has to do with nature maintenance ( parks, trees, green public spaces etc) the map of quantified work for each green area in Drimnagh for DCC staff and private contractor.
M191 Councillor Daithí Doolan That this Area Committee notes with deep concern the serious increase in robbed cars and so called 'joy riding' in Cherry Orchard since July. This behaviour is wrong, it terrorises the whole community and undermines all the good work done by the community. This Committee calls on the Chief Superintendent to draft & implement a specific policing plan to tackle 'joy riding' in Cherry Orchard. This Committee urges the Assistant Garda Commissioner to release extra personnel and resources to Ballyfermot Garda Station to ensure that this plan is fully implemented.
M192 Councillor Daithí Doolan This Area Committee calls on DCC to install new and more effective traffic calming as a matter of urgency on Cherry Orchard Avenue to curtail so called 'joy riding' in the area.
M193 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee commend the Open Days hosted by DCC HR Department that directly engaged on the ground with local communities to inform local residents of career opportunities in Dublin City Council and encourage them to apply. This initiative ought to be hosted in DSC with focus on most needed position.
M194 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee express frustration at the significant delay of the refurbishment process for Donore Community Centre and note that many of the groups are unable, for various reasons, to avail of “slots” at another Centre. We again request that details be sought and serious consideration be given to renting a unit at The Barley House and Brickfield Lane for meantime use.
Additional documents: Minutes: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 21st September 2022
M190 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud Following the destruction on the 22nd of July for the 5th time of the biodiversity area maintained by Drimnagh Environmental Group on Errigal Green, this Committee ask Parks department to express with actions its commitment to support the volunteers and the work they do to make that area a better place for us all. We are asking that Richard Shakespeare meets personally with the group to discuss the situation and to move communication forward in a constructive and positive manner. We are asking a full disclosure specifically for the Drimnagh area of the schedule of work, payments to third party bodies with regard to all work that has to do with nature maintenance ( parks, trees, green public spaces etc) the map of quantified work for each green area in Drimnagh for DCC staff and private contractor. Order: Report to Councillor.
M191 Councillor Daithí Doolan That this Area Committee notes with deep concern the serious increase in robbed cars and so called 'joy riding' in Cherry Orchard since July. This behaviour is wrong, it terrorises the whole community and undermines all the good work done by the community. This Committee calls on the Chief Superintendent to draft & implement a specific policing plan to tackle 'joy riding' in Cherry Orchard. This Committee urges the Assistant Garda Commissioner to release extra personnel and resources to Ballyfermot Garda Station to ensure that this plan is fully implemented. Order: Agreed to write to An Garda Síochána and the Minister for Justice.
M192 Councillor Daithí Doolan This Area Committee calls on DCC to install new and more effective traffic calming as a matter of urgency in Cherry Orchard to curtail so called 'joy riding' in the area. Order: Agreed.
M193 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee commend the Open Days hosted by DCC HR Department that directly engaged on the ground with local communities to inform local residents of career opportunities in Dublin City Council and encourage them to apply. This initiative ought to be hosted in DSC with focus on most needed position. Order: Report to Councillor.
M194 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee express frustration at the significant delay of the refurbishment process for Donore Community Centre and note that many of the groups are unable, for various reasons, to avail of “slots” at another Centre. We again request that details be sought and serious consideration be given to renting a unit at The Barley House and Brickfield Lane for meantime use. Order: Report to Councillor.
Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud Chairperson 21st September, 2022