Note: By Video Conference
No. | Item |
Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2020 PDF 500 KB |
Finglas Area Office Report, Aidan Maher, Area Manager PDF 686 KB |
Proposed grant of a car park licence to the Apartment owner, Prospect Hill, Finglas Road, Dublin 11. |
Nomination (1) to the Selection Panel for the Sculpture Dublin - Kildonan Park Commission. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Keith Connolly That this committee calls on the Traffic Advisory group to prioritise the request for traffic calming measures on Kildonan Avenue. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly To ask the Manager to look at purchasing the remaining apartment block at Hampton Woods Drive with a view to housing people on the Dublin City Council waiting list. I think this is in the best interests of the area rather than someone come in to buy them all for rental.
Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan That the Manager instigates a pilot scheme to provide affordable homes on smaller DCC sites in the North West Area.
Public Domain Report, Catherine Brophy Walsh, Public Domain Officer PDF 719 KB |
Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting PDF 49 KB |