Note: To be held by Video Conference
No. | Item |
Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2020 PDF 377 KB Additional documents: |
Questions to the Area Manager PDF 160 KB Additional documents: |
Finglas Matters Additional documents: |
Finglas Area Office Report, Aidan Maher, Area Manager PDF 613 KB Additional documents: |
Motion in the names of Cllrs Anthony Connaghan, Caroline Conroy, Noeleen Reilly, Keith Connolly, Briege MacOscar and Mary Callaghan That this Area Committee requests an immediate formal variation to the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 to rezone significantly underutilised lands between McKee Avenue and Jamestown Road to the South of the Industrial Zone in North Finglas from Z6 to Z10, acknowledging the urgent need to zone adequate land for housing and mixed uses to meet the demands of the City and to rejuvenate and revitalise key district centres by supporting a more efficient land usage on lands offering diminished employment opportunities Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan That the Area Manager investigates the possibility of providing a small scale Senior Citizen complex which would include a community room for local use on the area outside the allotments in Prospect Hill. Additional documents: |
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Ballymun Matters Additional documents: |
Ballymun Area Office Report, Martina Kelly, Administrative Officer PDF 630 KB Additional documents: |
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Area Wide Matters Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Caroline Conroy In light of the current ongoing
problem of littering in all parks in Dublin North
West Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Caroline Conroy To ask the Manager to carry out a survey of teenagers in the DNW area to investigate what they would like and what would be of benefit to them in public areas/parks so that they feel included in the community. Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Caroline Conroy To ask the Manager to put in place wider footpaths and wider cycle lanes in the localities which are segregated from cars for the upcoming return to school in September. Social distancing is likely to be in place for a very long time, resulting in a reduced use of public transport and an increase in car use. This will have a negative effect on our communities due to increased traffic congestion and poor air quality. One way to combat this is to encourage more people to walk and cycle to school and work safely. Additional documents: |
Nomination for North Dublin Development Coalition CLG (NORDECO) (2 members, 1 position to be filled). Additional documents: |
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Community Grants NWA 2020 PDF 419 KB Additional documents: |
Traffic Service Requests, Status Report PDF 675 KB Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting PDF 60 KB Additional documents: |
Public Domain Report, Catherine Brophy Walsh, Public Domain Officer PDF 672 KB Additional documents: |
Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report PDF 358 KB Additional documents: |