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No. | Item | ||||
Presentation on the Dublin City Council Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2029 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
i. Notification Part 8 St Andrews Court ii. Notification Pre-Part 8 Layout Pearse House Phase 1 iii. Notification Pre-Part 8 Layout Glover Court Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted |
Minutes of South East Area Committee Meeting held on 8th July 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed |
Environment and Transportation Department Matters i. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting Held on 28th August 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
Planning and Development i. Disposal Fee Simple 65 Keeper Road ii. Disposal Fee Simple Eamonn Ceannt Park Depot for ESB Substation Additional documents:
i. Disposal Fee Simple 65 Keeper Road Order: Agreed to Recommend to City Council.
ii. Disposal Fee Simple Eamon Ceannt Park Depot for ESB Substation Order: Agreed to Recommend to City Council. |
South East Area Matters i. Nomination of 2 Councillors from the LEA of the South East Inner City to the South Inner City Drugs & Alcohol Task Force. (SICDATF) ii. Nomination of 2 Councillors to the Aviva Stadium Community Committee iii. Report of the Executive Manager iv. Draft Chief Executives Report on Portobello Harbour Park Development – Part VIII v. Report on naming and numbering proposal for a development at 146-156 Harold's Cross Road, Dublin 6W
Additional documents:
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey This Committee requests the Manager to examine the issues raised in the email submitted with this Motion seeking to develop a fairer and more transparent parking/no parking regime at this location on Beach Road, Sandymount.
Details I wonder if you could take up this issue with DCC.
There is a section on the Beach Road in Sandymount, opposite the entrance to the beach and Sean Moore Park where unsuspecting visitors are being unfairly clamped. I feel very sorry for visitors with young kids having their day trip end with having to call the clampers and facing a hefty fine.
The reason they are being clamped is apparently one is not allowed to park where there is a continuous line in the centre of the road coming up to a junction. See beside the red line on the attached. I never knew this. Did you?
There is a double yellow line on the bend (Marked) but does not continue down alone where parking is not permitted. There is no sign that highlights that parking is not permitted at any time.
It seems very unfair to catch people out without warning. Most of the people who park here are people visiting.
There are a number of solutions.
· The double yellow line could continue to the area where parking is not permitted.
· A sign (s) could be installed telling people that parking is prohibited.
· The centre line could be reduced (it seems unnecessary long) which would create much needed parking and the double yellow line could continue parallel to a shorter centre line.
While these are being considered the clampers could be asked to avoid this stretch of road
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey and James Geoghegan Recognizing the urgent need to ensure the safety of all but particularly children this Committee requests an urgent and speedy response to the issues raised in the email submitted with this Motion relating to access/parking and related matters at the Montessori School at Dodder Walk, Milltown.
Details I want to raise a major safety concern with the area outside the entrance to Minerva Montessori on Dodder Walk/ Milltown Road/ Dartry Road. I (and every other parent that I have spoken to) find it to be an incredibly dangerous and hostile environment to drop off and collect children each day. I have talked to the Montessori owner (Name Redacted), about our concerns. She agrees with us and is supportive of my proposal below. I am aware that there is a plan for this area as part of the Dodder Greenway scheme but I don't think we can wait any longer to make it safe.
These are my main concerns (please see photos attached):
· There are two entrances to the Montessori (door and big gate beside it). The door leads directly on to a car parking space and the gate leads on to double yellow lines (where cars regularly park). I can't think of any other school/Montessori ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 09.09.24 Additional documents: Minutes: Q.1 Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager if he will have the road surface in the area of Seafort Avenue/ Dromard Terrace examined with a view to repair and improvement of the road surface.
Reply: The Area Roads Engineer will carry out an inspection at the aforementioned locations. Any defects identified will be added to the work list for repairs and if deemed necessary these roads will be included on a list of projects for consideration in next year’s programme of works.
Q.2 Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager if he will give a detailed response to the issues raised in the email submitted with this question that was also subject to a direct request to DCC in July of this year.
Details I got in touch with DCC last week. The stretch of road on Seafort Avenue that runs from Beach Road to Dromard Terrace is one-way, with entry from Beach Road. There's parking on one side, it's quite narrow as you can imagine. The signage at the point of entry on Beach Road shows all drivers that there is a 3.5 tonne vehicle limit. It's never respected, in the last 30 minutes I've seen 6 huge trucks drive by, and just now while typing, 2 cement trucks.
My ask to DCC below, was to implement a solution - whether it's a camera and fines, or reversing the current entry - so entry is from Seafort Avenue/ Dromard Terrace and making it a cul-de-sac to reduce the rat-run (there's a huge turning circle in the making, at the Beach Road end of this road). I don't know what your thoughts are on the feasibility of either of these options, whether DCC ever does any of the above, or what we can do to prevent the current issue.
The related problem is that people enter from the end with the no-entry sign, but human nature being what it is, they drive at huge speed to presumably avoid detection/ blockage and it creates a dangerous situation, it's really a matter of time before someone is seriously injured, as of course we're less inclined to look for vehicles approaching from that end.
I also separately lodged an enquiry to see when we are due resurfacing, as it's a concrete road, so all the noise and weight from the above makes getting any peace very difficult. I don't know if you have any background on the DCC approach to the above and road resurfacing, but any Intel would be super helpful.
Reply: Tag meets with the Garda Síochána at our monthly Tag meeting, I will raise the issue with the Garda for enforcement. It is to be noted that there is a 3.5 tonne limit and 5 axle ban 24 hours travelling south from Beach Road to the two way Marine Drive.
Reply: The Transport Advisory Group (TAG) area engineer has assessed the traffic situation on the stretch of Seafort Avenue that runs from Beach Road to Dromard ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |