Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fiona O'Brien
No. | Item |
Presentation on South Campshires Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation on Portobello Plaza Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the South East Area Committee meeting held on 14th November 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Cllr. Freehill who deputised for Cllr. Lacey and attended the Eirgrid Community Consultation meeting held on 22nd November 2022 asked that her suggestion which follows be put on this month’s breviate: That Eirgrid present to all Strategic Policy Committees and Local Area Committees of Dublin City Council to ensure that everyone knows of the Eirgrid plan to lay 50km of cables that will be five inch diameter throughout the city. Ease of access to the cables will help determine the route. Currently they are looking at draft routes and hope to start consultation in the first quarter of 2023 and plan to have final routes agreed by September 2023. Order: Agreed.
Environment & Transportation Department Matters 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 29th November 2022.
2. Interim Report on Belmont Avenue traffic.
Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 29th November 2022. Order: Noted.
ii. Interim Report on Belmont Avenue traffic. Order: Noted. |
Planning & Development Department Matters i. Report on a proposal to grant a new licence of the Harold’s Cross Park Tea Room.
ii. Report on a proposal to grant a new lease of the Kiosk Unit in Drury Street Carpark to Restaurant Investment Ltd.
iii. Report on proposed surrender of lease of no. 14 Stephen’s Green.
iv. Office of City Recovery Public Domain Report November 2022 Minutes: Report on a proposal to grant a new licence of the Harold’s Cross Park Tea Room. Order: Agreed to recommend to City Council.
Report on a proposal to grant a new lease of the Kiosk Unit in Drury Street Carpark to Restaurant Investment Ltd. Order: Agreed to recommend to City Council.
Report on proposed surrender of existing lease and the grant of a new lease of 14 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Order: Agreed to recommend to City Council.
Office of City Recovery Public Domain Report November 2022 Order: Noted.
Housing & Community Services Matters i. Housing Allocations Quarterly Report October 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Housing Allocations Quarterly Report October 2022 Order: Noted. |
South East Area Matters 1. Report of the Director of Services, South City.
2. Nomination of a Councillor to be on the panel to select a sculptor for Dartmouth Square.
3. Nomination of two Councillors to be on the South City Partnership.
4. Nomination of a Councillor to replace Cllr. Kevin Donoghue on the South Inner City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
Additional documents: Minutes: i. Report of the Director of Services, South City. Order: Noted.
ii. Nomination of a Councillor to be on the panel to select a sculptor for Dartmouth Square. Order: Cllr. Mannix Flynn selected.
iii. Nomination of two Councillors to be on the South City Partnership. Order: Councillors Tara Deacy and Hazel Chu selected.
iv. Nomination of a Councillor to replace Cllr. Kevin O’Donoghue, on the South East Inner City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. Order: Deferred to January meeting of the South East Area Committee.
Motions Motion 1 from Councillor Tara Deacy That this committee agrees to request that the Dog Warden for the area be present in Bushy Park for four Saturday mornings in the coming weeks. Every Saturday morning hundreds of children play various sports and use the park recreationally. Hundreds of people also attend the markets and enjoy the green space during this time. However the number of dogs being let off their lead at this time has increased hugely, whilst I do understand their need to run around it is unfair on all the other patrons of this green space and can cause distress and anxiety particularly for young children. It needs to be addressed.
Motion 2 from Councillor Mary Freehill The Rathmines Town Hall is a very important landmark Listed Building in Rathmines and deserved to be conserved and protected. While it’s in the ownership of Dublin City Council, currently it’s on a long lease to CDETB (City of Dublin Education & Training Board). The clock needs to be conserved and the fabric of the building needs to be protected. It is agreed that this committee co-operates in any way possible to ensure that the ETB can help them attain a grant under The community Heritage Scheme to carry out a Community Management Plan Assessment of the Building.
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill There is an alarming number of roads in Kimmage Rathmines Ward that no longer have DCC street signs displayed at road entrances on walls or houses. These signs are particularly lacking in the Crumlin end of the ward area. That DCC carry out an audit of street signs as a first step towards replacing these signs.
Motion 4 from Councillor Mary Freehill With regard to the Gulistan housing development this committee agrees that the stone building on the site will be conserved and roofed. To facilitate community needs It is essential that it remains in the ownership of DCC to address the acute shortage of local public buildings. While it is agreed to make this a community use building it is recognised that it may need to be leased for day use e.g. coffee bar to cover running cost of the building.
Motion 5 from Councillor Mary Freehill You will see details below regarding the very dangerous traffic situation on Terenure Road West and wish to table the following motion to December meeting please: Due to the very dangerous traffic situation on Terenure Road West that the Traffic Dept. urgently arrange to have the yellow traffic boxes to rejoining roads repainted. The problem is particularly severe on Glenavy Park and this road should be treated as a priority please.
“I am a resident in Glenavy Park in Terenure. Of late, myself and my neighbours in Glenavy Park are finding it increasingly difficult to drive into and out of our street onto Terenure Road West, particularly in the mornings and afternoons. The reason for this is because the traffic is sitting in the yellow box at the entrance to ... view the full agenda text for item 8. Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 from Councillor Tara Deacy That this committee agrees to request that the Dog Warden for the area be present in Bushy Park for four Saturday mornings in the coming weeks. Every Saturday morning hundreds of children play various sports and use the park recreationally. Hundreds of people also attend the markets and enjoy the green space during this time. However the number of dogs being let off their lead at this time has increased hugely, whilst I do understand their need to run around it is unfair on all the other patrons of this green space and can cause distress and anxiety particularly for young children. It needs to be addressed. Order: Motion agreed and report not accepted.
Motion 2 from Councillor Mary Freehill The Rathmines Town Hall is a very important landmark Listed Building in Rathmines and deserved to be conserved and protected. While it’s in the ownership of Dublin City Council, currently it’s on a long lease to CDETB (City of Dublin Education & Training Board). The clock needs to be conserved and the fabric of the building needs to be protected. It is agreed that this committee co-operates in any way possible to ensure that the ETB can help them attain a grant under The community Heritage Scheme to carry out a Community Management Plan Assessment of the Building. Order: Agreed.
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill There is an alarming number of roads in Kimmage Rathmines Ward that no longer have DCC street signs displayed at road entrances on walls or houses. These signs are particularly lacking in the Crumlin end of the ward area. That DCC carry out an audit of street signs as a first step towards replacing these signs. Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 4 from Councillor Mary Freehill With regard to the Gulistan housing development this committee agrees that the stone building on the site will be conserved and roofed. To facilitate community needs It is essential that it remains in the ownership of DCC to address the acute shortage of local public buildings. While it is agreed to make this a community use building it is recognised that it may need to be leased for day use e.g. coffee bar to cover running cost of the building. Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 5 from Councillor Mary Freehill You will see details below regarding the very dangerous traffic situation on Terenure Road West and wish to table the following motion to December meeting please: Due to the very dangerous traffic situation on Terenure Road West that the Traffic Dept. urgently arrange to have the yellow traffic boxes to rejoining roads repainted. The problem is particularly severe on Glenavy Park and this road should be treated as a priority please.
“I am a resident in Glenavy Park in Terenure. Of late, myself and my neighbours in Glenavy Park are finding it increasingly difficult to drive into and out of our street onto Terenure Road West, particularly in the mornings and afternoons. The ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 12th December 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |