{meta} Issue - items at meetings - (2) Motion in the name of Cllr.

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 21/10/2024 - North Central Area Committee (Item 7)

(2) Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe

That this area committee asks that the Director of Services to revisit the entrance to Haverty Road, Dublin 3 from Marino Mart/Marino Park Avenue from a design perspective. Whilst the closure of the road to rat running is welcome and has been very successful, the means of doing so is very makeshift in appearance and residents would like a design solution implemented which adds to the appearance of the area and is more permanent in nature.

Additional documents:


That this area committee asks that the Director of Services to revisit the entrance to Haverty Road, Dublin 3 from Marino Mart/Marino Park Avenue from a design perspective. Whilst the closure of the road to rat running is welcome and has been very successful, the means of doing so is very makeshift in appearance and residents would like a design solution implemented which adds to the appearance of the area and is more permanent in nature.




The entrance to Haverty Road, Dublin 3 from Marino Mart / Marino Park Avenue is currently being assessed. As soon as a decision is made the Councillors will be informed.


Contact:         Will Mangan. 

Email:             william.mangan@dublincity.ie       


Order: Agreed