{meta} Your Council

Democratic Services

Council Committees and Meetings

Welcome to Dublin City Council. This section allows you to access papers and decisions from council meetings, including agendas, reports and minutes.

Agendas are the documents that give those attending meetings prior notice of what is being discussed. Agendas also give all the relevant details of when and where the meetings take place and who attends. Normally they have reports attached.

Reports are documents that have been prepared for a meeting to consider a particular course of action or to provide an update. They set out the reasons for any recommended course of action. Information will include legal advice, financial implications and other relevant issues.

Minutes are the formal record of what was decided at the meeting. They also tell you who was present.

Your Elected Councillors

There are 63 democratically-elected public representatives on the council. The role of these councillors is to lay down the policy framework within which the city operates. Among their responsibilities (called ‘reserved functions’) are to:

In this section, you can learn more about your public representatives, what they do and how you can contact them.